Should a 3 year old begin transitioning from
Male to female? What are your thoughts? I find this completely wrong because of their undeveloped mind.
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Male to female? What are your thoughts? I find this completely wrong because of their undeveloped mind.
I cant take anyone serious who says yes. I have tried to have conversations about it in politics servers but its just such a batshit crazy concept to me and they sound like theyre in a cult. To me its just as bad if not worse as somebody arguing for legalizing p3dophilia
Altering a child's state of mind or body by indulging or enforcing them to grow up with the idea they're the opposite sex is child grooming/abuse.
No, what the hell? Puberty delaying medication at a tween's choice, maybe, but full blown transition at just 3 years old? Is this actually a thing that's happening?
I don't know if they're on medication but apparently the boy said they were a girl at two years old and their parents changed their name, dresses them in "girl" clothes and calls them she/her also tells them their body will become a full girl when they're older and refers to him as her daughter.
I'm strongly thinking it's the mom doing it though because she has 4 boys and "always wanted a girl" and the 3 year old changes what they identify as on and off. Sometimes he thinks he's a boy and sometimes he wants to be a girl.
Well.. Decades ago it was quite common to dress both boys and girls in dresses at young ages (and older than 3).
I don't think clothing has much to do about anything at age 3.
Your "apparently" also means that you started a thread without any real facts.
I would object to any medical processes or procedures at 3 (they might be appropriate as a child starts puberty on a case by case basis - with multiple experts agreeing).
You said in your reply to me that this was what was happening, now you're saying it's what you *think* is happening. Unreliable narration?
Please present facts.
No, it's not. Can't you, bare minimum, google it before getting mad?'re a smart person. You can definitely do this.
Thanks for being so condescending and passive-aggressive. It really helped me out!
I genuinely meant what I said, because I've enjoyed responses I've seen from you. When I use sarcasm, it is never passive aggressive. It's openly aggressive.
It was more exasperation that even smart people just jump straight in without clarifying, but whatever.
Not my problem if you're gonna choose to remain mad and uninformed.
The idea was to get informed. "Is this really happening?" I didn't ask because I knew whether or not it was happening.
I may be uninformed, but I am not actually angry. Perhaps I should've phrased my original response differently.
I appreciate the open aggression, your response just came off like that.
I think charli takes everything literally so even an extra question mark will make them think you're annoyed lol
OP is clearly not the person to be getting informed from.
I never accused you of being angry...your response implied you thought I was.
All I was saying was I wasn't being passive aggressive. I wasn't being aggressive, either.
Here are a couple of cases of it:
Google has cases of that on it. Why can't you at least Google it?
I'm so sorry, I didn't realise that "and read and understand the articles" wasn't implied in what I said.
Neither of those advocate non reversible or even reversible hormonal treatment for toddlers. Neither of them advocate forcing it on a child, either.
Robot fail.
Ofcourse its normal. 3 years old, well done , tge sooner the better. Why is everyone on here so old fashioned and stuffy?
Some fricken crazies out there folks, defo.
coming from a trans guy hell no, it's a damn baby it probably can't even count to 10 how the hell it gonna make decisions about it's gender. it sounds like the mother is fucked in the head and coercing her child to be "trans" just for attention
I do not think three years is enough to make these decisions. I watched a video in psyche class explaining the different phases of Child psychological development. 3 is way too early. Children don't even start self awareness stage until age 4.
Parents should be allowed to remove their baby's genitals and any other part as they see fit as long as the baby talked to a therapist first. If you disagree you should be imprisoned.
Most likley California. They do some stupid ass shot over there. I'm not caught up on Canada, why them?
They've passed laws if you dont call your own child by their pronoun you face penalties such as losing custody, fines, and prison.
I mean I'm kinda ok with that. Going through the wrong gender in your youth is horrible. If it helps for that to not happen then so be it
How does this new non gender thing fit into all this? I heard someone talking about being genderless on a politics server. I kind of feel like thats some stuff someone put in their head. I understand the argument the trans people make that before trans was a thing people didnt use to come out as trans even tho they actually felt it (as in before 2010 when it wasnt really even known about). But I genuinely can not believe there was this many boys and girls in schools who wanted to be called they and them all along. This is stuff that was put in their heads. No one even knew to feel that way until it was trendy feel that way.
Just to clarify im talking about people who are cool with their gender but say if its a guy he doesnt want you to say the word he even if he dresses like a guy and acts like a guy. That stuff is just silly to me and I worry that the younger generation is getting indoctrinated into that.
They can dress how they want to/use whatever pronouns they want, but I wouldn't bother with the transitioning shit until later - puberty blockers may be provided throughout their teen years should they desire it.
The Mom always wanted a daughter but has four sons so one of her sons is now her daughter even though he mostly says he's a boy and only sometimes says he wants to be a girl
So that's fucked, if it's the case, but you understand that's not what "transitioning" is, right?
GnRH agonists, used to block puberty, aren't administered until later, and I support it.
As for how a three-year-old behaves and identifies, let them do what they want.
I enjoy sharing this opinion on Tiktok.
right! and if these people did some actual research, they would know that nowhere in the united states is it legal for a minor to get bottom surgery.
additionally, even in the off chance that a child does transition and changes their mind, there is medication that can help you detransition, so there’s really no reason why they shouldn’t be able to identify with whatever makes them comfortable.
The TikTok thing was a jab at OP by the way; they're who was complaining about being banned for transphobic comments.
Changing their mind is statistically very unlikely and as you said, we're prepared to handle that too. The people who constantly ask "what if" about puberty blockers never ask "what if" we force a child to identify as a gender that they clearly don't want to identify as. They never ask about those consequences. There are far more negative consequences of doing that than there are of using puberty blockers.
These people are so weirdly fixated on the whole thing.