Should breastfeeding in public be illegal or legal?
Illegal | 27 | |
Legal | 108 |
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Illegal | 27 | |
Legal | 108 |
My mom breastfed me and no one ever had an issue about her doing so in public, it's just a boob. I don't think I should have to cover my breasts to be considerate of others.
If the measure of decency is a body part that frequently gets sucked, then I should be able to publicly get blow jobs.
It's just a penis. I don't think I should have to cover my dick to be considerate of others.
Why should this be an issue in the first place. We might just say, people should not eat in public and have them forced into a toilet stall to consume food.
Definitely legal. How unfair for a woman to have to go in private just to feed her child. If she covers the breast, what's the problem?
If I was sitting near you breastfeeding a child and you didn't like it, you'd be welcome to move somewhere else.
Legal, as long as the woman covers her breasts. If you have an issue with a woman discreetly breastfeeding her baby and not exposing her breasts, then you just need to look away and get over it. It's a lot better than taking a baby to an unsanitary public restroom, or just letting it cry extremely loudly and annoy everyone because it's hungry.
I have a feeling that the more a society is ashamed to show flesh, the more sexually perverted that society is.
Let's make it illegal for men to go topless too. And dear god, outlaw speedos. That leaves nothing to the imagination and is just asking for an orgy to breakout on every beach or swimming hole.
Illegal unless they make being topless legal for everyone else (who aren't mothers/aren't currently breastfeeding). Exposing one's breasts to feed a baby is public nudity so why should they be exempt from the law when someone who never produced a baby can't? Unless they make it for all, it has to be banned.
So the baby should be left to starve? Or, like dinz mentioned, forced into a public toilet to do so? Cos they're so sanitary, let's put a baby with a developing immune system in there...
Most mothers feed their baby discreetly, so what's the problem?
Also, people disagreeing with your opinion doesn't mean they hate you. It's a part of his thing called a "discussion".
Honestly I agree. It is silly being topless in public for females is illegal - breasts aren't a sexual organ. They're for breastfeeding. This isn't all that radical of an idea, there are states in 'murica which allow being topless in public if you're female. Jeez Louise.
Breasts are indeed sexual organs. I fully understand their function in feeding babies, but you can't deny the sexuality of the female breast. Just by saying it isn't a sex organ doesn't mean that every man in the world is suddenly going to stop dreaming about them.
That's like saying a foot is a sexual organ because some people have a foot fetish.
A sexual organ is not about whether or not people like it, it's about whether its function is actually for reproduction. Breasts are for caring for your offspring, not the act of producing that offspring itself.
I think virtually every man thinks of breasts sexually, and a very large percentage of women do, too.
If you don't believe me, take your top off at a restaurant and see if anyone reacts.
I take it you've never been to Europe where topless beaches are the norm.
That doesn't matter - it's irrelevant. It does not fit the definition of what a sexual organ is, which I'll paste right now if you want.
sex organ
noun [C]
› a part of the body involved in the production of babies
And of course they're going to react because it's illegal here. Unusual. Not allowed. Also, who actually removes their clothes in doors anyway? That would be odd in itself - male or female.
And before you call me a "Mother Hater" or something else that's complete perposterous, I'll have ya'll know that no, I don't hate mothers and their babies. I do however hate all the biased and perefial treatment that parents get. This balant favoritism is quite sickening and rage-inducing. I don't care if you give birth to the next Einstein or Hitler: just because you may have gave birth just like every other mammal on this planet does not mean you should recieve pampering and catering as if you done something worthwhile and miraculous. Newsflash: You didn't. If I could, I would leave this pro-natalist and family-obsessed planet.
Go ahead and hate on me, haters.
"I do however hate all the biased and perefial treatment that parents get. This balant favoritism is quite sickening and rage-inducing."
The preferential treatment you're talking about has nothing to do with parents. It's for the wellbeing of the baby. I understand what you're saying and all, but this is not about you or the parent - it's for the children's sake. Of course some parents will take advantage of that, but we shouldn't jeopardize the parents' rights because some people abuse those rights.
You should read this too.
I grew up around women breastfeeding where ever they wanted. While I'm a female, it still made me uncomfortable. I think it should be done in private.
You should read this article.
Is it okay if I take a huge sausage shit right here? I'll cover it up, you won't even know it's happening.
Sure, many things are natural, but it does not mean we should be able to do it in public. Urinating is natural, defecating is natural, intercourse is natural, etc. That does not mean we should do it in front of everyone. Breastfeeding is a not a spectator sport.
You missed the entire point of the article.
Your example is stupid. Bathrooms exist as a coverup for public defecation and urination. They even have portable toilets in many places. The sheet is an attempt to prevent prudes from freaking out over seeing a boob but even that offends you? That is so strange. Oh my god, you're wearing pants! You have a naked body under those pants....outlaw pants. It's offensive....see, it's a ridiculous argument.
Also, breast milk doesn't spread disease you fool. It spreads nutrition and happiness. Quick! outlaw it.
So sorry you are offended by boobs, but that isn't my problem.
I too have boobs. But what's indecent is indecent. There's no way around that.
Why did you share that ridiculous article? At least think for yourself.
Difference in opinion. I see nothing indecent about boobs. Maybe think about what that word means. Who told you boobs were indecent? Why did they get to make that decision for you? Why do you think that?
Again, you missed the point. It isn't my problem that you are offended by boobs.
But it's not like they're right up in your face... you can look elsewhere and forget about it.
Why not? I'm not attacking you, I genuinely don't understand why you think your comfort level, that you have the power to control, supercedes the physiological need of an infant to consume food.
Parents shouldn't be exempt from the law. If public nudity is illegal, then breastfeeding shouldn't be allowed in public. You can feed your child in private.
I also don't want to see people masturbating in public, even if it is a "physiological" need. Again, do it in private.
Masturbation is a sexual need. It is not on the same level as satiating hunger.
Breastfeeding is hardly public nudity. If mothers were stripping their tops right off, I would totally agree with you, but for the most part, the only way you'd be aware they were doing it is a) if you were staring right at it or b) they were wearing a breastfeeding cover, in which case there is nothing to see.
did it occur to anybody that you can also you use. A breast pump to get milk in a bottle then feed the baby. With it later ?.
I think it should be legal unless you're in a place where the owner doesn't give permission.
Of course it should be legal, although it is pretty awkward when someone does it at a restaurant