Should dog fighting be legal?

i personally say yes but they shouldn't have to fight to their death. it should be stopped before one of the dogs die and let judges decide who won. horse racing is legal and they treat those horses horribly to make them run faster but most folks don't care. bear and deer hunting are both legal and most people only do those to stuff their bodies or cut their heads off to show off as trophies. it's legal to kidnap animals out of their natural habitats and put them on display in zoo's, circuses and aquariums for our own pleasure and humor. those animals don't want to be forced to perform for humans. that's why some of them snap and kill their trainers. oh but that's ok apparently but dog fighting is the worst thing you can possibly do. fuck the hypocrisy.

no, it's animal cruelty 23
no, and neither should any of the other things you mentioned 26
yes, but it should be regulated like horse racing 1
yes, it would be hypocrisy to not make it legal 3
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Comments ( 19 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Absolutely, but the owner of the losing dog should be put to death by letting the winning dog tear him/her to pieces.

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    • This is why I find you so interesting. I read a great comment of yours today that I loved and in that comment you said this...

      "Whenever some notorious rapist is caught, exactly 100 percent of the conversations or Internet comment sections about the subject will say, 'I hope he gets raped in prison!'
      Because that would “even the score”, right? But even five seconds' consideration demonstrates how monstrous that idea is: “rape is awesome, as long as it's targeted toward people who deserve it!” No, the cruel reality is that if that guy gets raped, the score isn't: Rapist 1, Society 1. It's: Rape 2, Society 0 ... "

      But then you just toss it out the window with a comment like this advocating that the dog trainers suffer like the dogs which invalidates everything you just said by using the same monstrous logic you just condemned.

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      • thegypsysailor

        A very valid point.
        However men fight dogs for pleasure, but men who rape have a sickness that generally has little or nothing to do with sex, or pleasure.
        Apples and oranges, IMO.

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    • LittleGirlMeatHookSodomized

      That's quite ridiculous

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      • thegypsysailor

        But fair.

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    • Ellenna

      Good suggestion

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  • Terry...

    Dog fighting should NOT be legal. It is another form of animal abuse no matter how you look at it. How would you like to be forced into fighting someone to the death? That is how it is usually done. Even if it isn't to the death, some dogs are maimed for life.
    It is cruel cruel cruel!

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  • Maybeso

    Of coarse it should be legal its a traditional sport and these sports should still be legal

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    • Terry...

      Just because something is tradition doesn't mean it should be still done. It used to be tradition to burn heretics or "witches" on the stake. Should we continue that?

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      • Maybeso

        Maybe not but if we could burn the jews that would be great

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  • TheWrinklySailor


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  • TheHighFlyer

    You are thinking backwards in my opinion. If you you really believe that the other things you mentioned are just as inhumane, why not argue to ban thise things as well? I see no logic in saying, "well we are treating these animals inhumanly, so the correct response to that would be lest make even more inhumane things legal". I do not agree with that at all.

    I do not personally believe that there is a correlation between hunting and dog fighting. While I do not hunt myself, hunting goats and pigs here in Hawaii is very common, and done mostly for food. On a hunt the animals are put down swiftly. They are not made to suffer by ripping each other to shreds.

    In fact, here in Hawaii, dog fighting is illegal, but it is legal to kill and eat your own dog as long as you kill the dog humanly. The most common method is a bullet to the head. I also don't do this personally, but the idea behind those laws is that shooting a dog in the head is far more humane than having two dogs tear each other to shreds.

    But like I said, if there is something that you personally think is inhumane, why not fight to make those things illegal rather than fight to make all inhumane things legal.

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  • anti-hero

    With all the forms of entertainment available today....

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    id happily pay tensa thousands to see dawgs rip certain political and religious leaders to shreds

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  • BigHotPerv

    Not only is your logic horribly flawed but you should research your facts after making them up. Most everything you list in comparison to dogfighting is just as illegal.

    The hypocrisy here is that people like you think they're somehow above the law, outside the jurisdiction of mankind and most laughably, better than those "others" that are breaking the law as well.

    If Joe jumped off a bridge, I suppose you would too?

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  • Mag

    I agree that dog fighting is wrong. But I have a bit to say about the other things you mentioned.

    I heard that many zoo animals today were either captive bred or are unable to survive in the wild. And there are many endangered species that can't boost their population enough on their own because of what humans have done, over hunting or habitat loss or whatever, and need breeding programs to recover. That's not to say these breeding programs are flawless, the continued breeding of white tigers is proof of that. I'm not going to get into it right now, but look it up if you want to know what makes it so terrible.
    Also, some animals do much better in captivity that others. Like a cat does just fine in captivity as long as its treated right. But orcas do terrible in captivity, they're too large and intelligent to ever be kept humanely.

    On the subject of hunting, sometimes animal populations get too high. This can unbalance and damage the ecosystem. Hunting is a way to keep the population in check. Granted if humans never showed up in the first place, then the ecosystem could probably sort itself out, but doing nothing to fix our mistake isn't going to help.

    Circuses are shit though, good call on that one. We don't need animals for a cool performance. A dog or something is fine, but keep the elephants and tigers out of it. Same with racing. I don't know much about it, but my cousin worked for a horse sanctuary and she said many of their horses were former racers. She that it was disgusting the condition many of them arrived it. She also said that a lot of them were still very young because they're tossed out when they reach a certain age. Maybe racing would be okay if they were treated with the love and respect they deserve, but again, I don't know much about racing or horses in general so I could be very wrong.

    this turned out a lot longer than i intended lol

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  • Winter34

    The fact that anyone would take advantage of any living creature who weaker than they are says a lot. I think they should put the fuckers who own those dogs in the ring. Fucking Wimps! Be a man and do your own fighting.

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  • snarkygirl

    No. Having animals in zoos is one thing ( circuses are not good) because a lot of them have better lives in the zoo than in the wild. People who like to watch violence for real are priced of shit.

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  • BlackyHancock

    Yeah well I saw those 2 dogs Holly Holm and Ronda Rousey fightin it out other night. So yeah shud belegal.

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