Should government censor the internet?

So in my Philosophy class we are doing debates and our debate is on whether the Government should be able to monitor/censor what goes on, on the internet. I'm on the affirmative side (we didn't get to pick what side we were on) and none of the people on my debate team believe in censorship, they are dead set against it so I'm kind of going into this debate by myself and I'm not much of a public speaker. So short story long I would like you guys to tell me if you are for or against censorship on the internet and PLEASE write your reason, so maybe I can get idea's to what I could say aswell as what the negative side may say.
Oh and if your against censorship that means ALL censorship even child porn, cyberbully, terrist, etc. And I may try to counter you for practice, nothing personal just have a really good mark in this class and don't want to lose it.

Sorry for the ramble I can never say what I want in a short amount of word, not one of my strengths. :)

Yes, Government should censor the internet 15
No, Government shouldn't censor the internet 156
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Comments ( 60 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I believe that the distribution of child porn should stay illegal, bar none. I believe that people who distribute child porn on the internet SHOULD be censored and imprisoned. I believe that people that go onto the internet to harass others should face legal consequences (under the worst circumstances, not in circumstances in which a person could easily avoid by ignoring them or clicking that magical little X at the top right hand corner of their screen).

    Aside from that, the internet should be an exchange of free ideas, whether they be hateful or pleasant. Barring the law of the area, the internet should not be censored.

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    • charli.m

      You always say what I want to say, only you say it much better :)

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    • Legion

      Couldn't have said it better myself.

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  • Imsupernormal

    NO! Government should NOT censor anything at all!

    Freedom of speech should be ABSOLUTE!!!

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    • They shouldn't censor anything? Not child porn, or catching terrorist, non of that? You know if they never censored anything there would be a lot more perv (child porn) and a lot more deaths (terrorism) as well as if there was censorship maybe there wouldn't be so many deaths from cyberbullying. Is freedom of speech worth what it would cost?

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      • stupidassholeguy

        Dude, hardly anyone commits suicide from cyberbullying. Also, do you belive in freedom of speech? That is one of America's most important laws of all time. Everyone worldwide desirves freedom of speech, censoring the Internet would be agenst that. I'm with I'msupernormal on this. No speech, Not America

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        • Well first of all yes people do commit suicide someone who would've been in a graduating class commited suicide in grade 11 to cyberbullying. Second I'm not from America and third I do believe in freedom of speech, this was for a debat that I did not get to pick my side for, he was trying to get us to see the other side of things, and though I still do not agree with censorship see some of it's benefits. I personally am inbetween, I kind of agree with what NeuroNeptunian said. Oh and I think freedom of speech is bullshit, we can't say whatever we want right now. I mean even IIN is censored, freedom of speech is a nice idea but I don't think we fully have freedom of speech.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    I think we should censor the government!

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


    Look how well it worked for China... you have a people who pretty much have a government dictating to them what they will think and feel.

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  • Darkoil

    No the internet should not be governed or policed by an outside entity apart from in the cases where sharing that 'information' is already illegal. Now the governing body should be the person who owns the server and they should ultimately decide what they want posting on their small corner of the net. The policing should be carried out just like in real life, if they find inappropriate images on the net then they can follow the electonic trail back to the original source and to any recipients of the said images at which point justice can be served. What I am against is the monitoring of joe publics actions on the net without given cause, it's illegal to follow me around in real life and such should be the case on the internet.

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    • The government most likley watches us in real life a lot more then we know of. Why do we feel like we can say whatever we want on this tiny screen with absolutley no consiquences, if the government could look at what we are doing maybe people wouldn't be so cruel. A lot of what people say online they normally would not say in real life, so actually there is no freedom of speech is more just putting your thoughts into a keypad, no speaking is involved.

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      • Darkoil

        There are consequences though, if I start threatening people on the internet then I can get arrested for malicious communication. Forget about being cruel, if a person cannot handle being on a website they should not go on it in the first place. The government in the UK doubtfully spy on joe public but near where I live there is a USA base where I believe they monitor the publics communications looking for key words or phrases and then if they find anything of interest then they will pass on the information to the UK authorities.

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  • dappled

    Censor no, police yes. The internet is an extension of real life and real life rules should (and do) apply here.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Fuck they censor everything else. The internet is a source for truth.

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    • It is true that people like to make child pornography and upload it to the Internet. Sad but true

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Even if the internet wasn't around. The people that look for that stuff would find it anyway

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        • We need stop them. Meet me at the Thames bridge at midnight... Dressed in black.

          We must stop them noopiepoe

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          • Terence_the_viking

            Sorry at midnight i Change into eopeipoon maybe he can help you.

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    • why is it for truth? Who said when we baught our computers 'you can say whatever you like!'? Why do we feel like we have 'freedom of speech' on the internet, when we aren't even speaking we're typing. Plus doesn't IIN censor aswell? They take are post read them and decide whether or not it's suitable for us to read. There's a lot of stuff censored now that if it weren't censored the internet would be an even darker place then it already it.

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Because videos of the truth by the common man are posted on the interweb.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    The internet should NOT be censored because according to whose rules/religious morals etc will it be? We already live in a world that is totally catering to the "easily offended".

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    • But it's not about the catering to the 'easily offended' it about taking away stuff like child porn, terrorism, and bullying. There are 7 billion people on this earth it would be to much work for them to look through every single persons computer. It would just make it easier for them to be able catch someone who is doing something wrong.

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        I know I'll be heavily flamed for this but I think there are bigger threats than child porn yet this seems to be the only thing that does get policed online. Nigerian (or other) scams? Nothing! Terrorism? Barely and long after the facts. Censorship isn't the way. Preemptive measures against the actual acts are.

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        • stupidassholeguy

          You're exactly right! I personally don't care what anyone looks at INSIDE THEIR OWN HOUSE. Out in public, I do care what they look at, because it's not private.

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        • I do disagree on the child porn, it's disgusting and should be stopped. But they do have an act in place for terrorist. Where they can track down someone who may have a said something of suspicion and arrest them

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  • Every single war in the history of the world has been caused by ideas and man's dedication to them. From the Cold War, Russian Revolution, Korean War, to World War 1 and the French Revolution; every single conflict finds itself informed by ethos.

    Therefore if it's in the sphere of ideas that man finds what divides him from his brother it becomes necessary to censor the ideas that are dangerous; that serve only to divide us.

    So yes I support the concealing of dangerous ideas.

    If I were in your debate class, I'd say something like-

    "At the risk of talking nonsense allowing Racists, Socialists, Neo Nazis, and Communists to speak their view serves only to divide us from our fellow man"

    If anyone argues with you, they prove your point. If no one says a word, you've won.

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    • dappled

      So what you are saying is, "Anyone who doesn't agree with my worldview is divisive. Agree with me or you are wrong because I, and only I, am uniquely correct in all I think."

      You can only get away with that kind of thing if you were a despotic overlord holding us all in tyranny. Given that you're not (yet), you have to allow freedom of thought, of religion, of choice, even if you don't agree with it, and even if people make mistakes.

      I guess I've now just got my name down for first person to be executed as a dangerous free speaker come the revolution. Hmm, or worse.

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      • dappled

        Sorry about that, by the way. I don't know why I got such a bee in my bonnet. You just reminded me of someone scary.

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    • Oh and if you run out of steam just start asking questions.

      "How is censoring not a good thing?"

      "Because the internet should be free"


      "Because that leads towards a healthy society"


      "...Because it does!!"

      ^You'll find in life that most of the time people have no idea why they believe what they believe; they believe it simply because they were raised to believe it from their earliest youth.

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      • Imsupernormal

        The policies you advocate are going to send us on the path to an authoritarian fascist dictatorship. A government with power you want to give it will just censor anyone that opposes it rule and destroy democracy. IDIOT.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Hey, she needs some kind of argument if she's being forced to debate this. He definitely helped her there and that was the point, whether he believes it or not I really don't know.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          And why shouldn't it?
          If the government is doing it's job in keeping us safe and what we need to keep safe is the riddance of ideas that would divide or otherwise cause conflict, why shouldn't we support the safety of the state?

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        • Why you're as intellectual as Michael Jordan!

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Socratic method their asses. I knew a guy in high school who made a roomate at some governer's camp thing question his sexuality doing this.

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        • It is fun but also a bit saddening. How long did man move through life before he questioned what it was he was breathing into his lungs?

          It's strange how in looking for pebbles of truth (obscure historical events, complex math theory) many trip over the rock of it.

          They look but don't see; they hear but don't listen.

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            Geeze, you could be an author or a poet or something. That's some lovely use of metaphor :)

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      • VioletTrees

        Ooh, are we building straw men? Mine's gonna have a scarf and a big, fancy moustache! Afterwards, we'll all go out for ice cream.

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  • loyally

    That would make me a sad panda

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  • Dib

    Government should not have anything to do with the internet. Just like religion and hell countless of other things. They're like a nosy aunt in the family getting into everyone's business.

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  • They do you retards. I've been contacted by them twice, one was a FEDERAL warning.

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    • no need to call me a retard it was a question for a philosophy debate my philososphy teacher came up with the question. And the Government may watch the odd thing but I think what you are talking about is the FBI because what they do is they focus on people who search key words, they will keep a special eye on a person that searches those key words a lot.

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      • "retards" I wasn't referring to you, but all the people who don't seem to get that they already do.

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  • dom180

    I think the same laws which apply to face-to-face interaction should apply to individuals online in the same way. That means people who use the internet for harassment, child pornography, buying or selling anything dangerous and illegal etc. should have their internet censored in the same way that we would lock up people who are dangers to society in order to mute them. As those things are illegal and stopped in real life, so they should be illegal and stopped online.

    Censorship, whether permanent or temporary, should be used as a penalty for breaking online laws.

    People who are against censorship are against *all* censorship. That means they think child pornography should be freely available, and dangerous illegal substances or arms should be freely traded. I don't see how anyone can argue against you :P

    I wish I took philosophy class now :( It seems great.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Depends on what they censor.

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  • Suppose that truth was censored on the internet, do you think that child porn would remain as an issue? Or would there be "bigger fish to fry"?

    In other words, what's means more to you?

    Of course, this seems very immoral, but then again, your poll only offers extremes as options. I do think that there should be censorship, but only of harmful/immoral content. Porn, suicide, rape are all human phenomenon that should be known, and fully understood, not taboo and censored, if anything good is to come out of our freedom from censorship.

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  • Couman

    Depends on exactly what you mean by censorship.

    I am against content blocking in all cases except at the direction of the consumer, even for content that is blatantly illegal.

    That doesn't mean the people who publish it shouldn't be held accountable though. If someone sets up a kiddy porn site, gets arrested and the site shut down, is that censorship? Kind of, but that's not the kind I'm unwilling to compromise on. With that kind of censorship at least they get their day in court and the government has to prove a specific crime.

    When they start blocking sites, so the public doens't even know they exist, all accountably goes out the window. I consider it almost inevitable that a system like that will be abused.

    So... I guess if I had to argue the pro-censorship side of a debate, I would argue that shutting down publishers of illegal content IS a type of censorship, and unlike other types, it is a necessary evil.

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  • stupidassholeguy

    This is the USA, our first Amendment is Freedom of Speach, and that means anything. Our Goverment is forgetting it's own rules.

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  • Littlebadgirl

    It's kind of hard to speak up for something you don't really think is true. But I guess you could say something about how crimes committed on the internet can be just as serious as real life crimes (such as child abuse, sexual harassment, pedophilia, bullying, fraud, drug trafficking, etc) and that the fact that they're preformed on the web doesn't mean they're less worrying, or wrong, or unacceptable, so the law should apply to the internet just as it applies to real life. Also you could say that if you aren't doing anything inappropriate you have nothing to worry about because you won't be censored. The internet will be a safer, improved place. Spam free, virus free, crime free.
    Idk if this helps at all but good luck :)
    and by the way I don't think it should be censored I'm just trying to get in your shoes.

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  • Welp it's not letting me respond to you so I guess I'll have to do it like this.


    Why hello there my little English friend!

    First off, where did I say any of that quote? A man sees the world as he sees himself. What is it about you that wants others to conform to your opinion?

    And what's this?

    You think Bob Ross is scary? You sicken me!

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  • It would be great if they could just do something about crime
    On the Internet. Pedophiles thrive on the incompetency of the Internet police

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  • yesnomaybeso

    Oh and if your against censorship that means ALL censorship even child porn, cyberbully, terrist, etc.

    ^Agree with this, but then if we start censoring stuff like that other people is going to ask to censor ... iunno. other types of pages. the border is so difficult....

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    No let the unneeded puzzle pieces have a sanctuary. For the gays, the kinky, the friendless and the kids who did not have 100 sex partners in high school. I think we are really the normal ones if society wants to teach us to kill ourselves. Let us be us and not have to listen to the negativity of the outside world!

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  • chewy

    They can't censor porn.

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    • The porn I'm talking about is child porn and they can track on the computer who is watching child porn arres those people and take down the site with child porn on it.

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      • chewy

        I think that child porn is gross, whoever watches that is a pervert.

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        • I agree and the thing is if there was absolutley no censorship then those pervs would not get what they deserve and there would be a lot more of child porn because people would actually be making money off it. I don't think people realize how much worse the internet would be if there really was no censorship.

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      No they just stop it.

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      • chewy

        Why would they stop something that is extremely popular?

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          Depends on what kind you are talking about. We have many kinds of porn. above all porn is considered immoral so answer that yourself.

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          • chewy

            Well, porn in general in general is popular, but heterosexual porn is very popular.

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