Should i be friends with an inmate?

I'm a lonely old man that is not attractive enough for dating. I heard about a website called that puts outsiders in contact with convicted felons for correspondence. There are profiles on the site of lady inmates that I read. I was surprised that these profiles were every bit as entitled, and full of high expectations as regular women's dating profiles.

These women think they deserve nothing less than an attractive millionaire who will rescue them from their past mistakes. Everyone, except them, knows this will never happen. It's hard for me to take this seriously, yet I live with my loneliness everyday. What should I do?

Don't go there. You'll get burned really bad. 11
Playing with fire is okay if you leave the situation early. 5
Meh. You'd be better off with a pet dog. They are more loyal than female criminals. 12
Catfish them. Online relationships are meaningless anyway. 5
Just stick with IIN. You're here, you're family, you know that we don't give a fuck about you. 6
Other. 4
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Comments ( 39 )
  • CozmoWank

    I'm guessing you heard about from my post the other day.
    I recommend the woman who ran over a cop in a McDonald's parking lot. She's a keeper.

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    • Yes, thanks for mentioning the website. That woman does seem a bit impulsive, but I kind of liked her too.

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      • CozmoWank

        If you google their name and number you more than likely find news articles describing their offenses.
        PS- Their mugshots look a little more disheveled than the photos they show on the website.

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        • Yup, good idea. Always be on the lookout for women that chop off guys dicks.

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  • Boojum

    I just had a quick look at that site and I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I checked a few profiles at random, and none of them came across in the way you describe.

    Got to wonder if you're just a vindictive douche who believes that anyone who happens to get caught up in the hell that is the American criminal justice system should just curl up in a ball and die rather than trying to make the best of a shitty situation inside and attempt to create new, positive relationships that might continue once they're out.

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    • Except all these inmates are FELONs. This is serious crime we are talking about. Those jailed on misdemeanors are not eligible to be listed on the website. So, would you correspond with them? One lady said she ran a candy store before being convicted. Hardly, sounds truthful but perhaps you know criminals better than me.

      I'm not vindictive, but I am sceptical. Your abundance of positive thinking without caution seems odd. Please help all of us understand your perception of a healthier attitude to have.

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  • What should you do? Well, from the way you worded your post, and the fact that, after having checked out the site myself and seeing absolutely none of the unrealistic expectations and entitlement you described, I'd recommend you just join the MGTOW degenerate cult...because you're either scared shitless of women or just flat out hate them.

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    • Well, actually they hate me because I am unattractive. I just thought female felons would be less picky. But surprisingly, they don't seem any different than other women.

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      • Boojum

        For some reason, this reminds me of an amusing line from the "Justified" series:

        “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.”

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        • Hahahaha. Pretty funny.

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  • It’s inmates they’re there for a reason. Idk if any can be trustworthy I bet lots are amazing manipulative liars you’d not wanna mess with. People that are in for murder and theft. Some may see your niceness and wanna take advantage. You do you but I’d probably watch out messing with some people like that cause your arthritis pills may come up missing.

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    • Boojum

      I agree with some of what you say, but I can't accept that everyone in prison in the USA is fundamentally untrustworthy and actually deserves to be there.

      The USA has the highest per capita prison population of any country in the world. That either means that Americans are, on average, far nastier people than the citizens of any other country, that the laws in the USA are far harsher than anywhere else, that the American criminal justice system doesn't actually deliver justice by any reasonable standard, or some combination of those things

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      • McBean

        But Booj. You red blooded Brits solve disagreements with a good punch up. Americans all have firearms which help them with their sexual insecurities (the OP is very insecure). Of course, when tempers flare, people are shot and killed over here. It's the American way, and harsher penalties are required.

        It's not so much the people as the system. You have a socialist paradise; we have a capitalist meat grinder. Both systems are fun in different ways.

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        • Boojum

          Fair point about guns, but I think it goes deeper than that. The Puritanical mindset has always been influential in American culture. Americans are taught a sanitised version of the foundations of the American colonies, and the Puritans are depicted as good, Godly people who escaped cruel persecution in England and set up communities in the wilderness where there was religious freedom. In fact, the Puritans were a bunch of intolerant, fanatical nut-jobs (a parallel with the Taliban isn't totally unfair) who punished harshly anyone who didn't conform to community norms and stick to the rules.

          Hard not to see a parallel with American cops who pull you over and give you a ticket for having a burned out taillight, Nixon's War on Drugs, and Three Strikes laws, to take three random examples.

          I know you're being ironic when you refer to Britain being a socialist paradise, but just to be clear, it's never been that and it certainly isn't currently heading that way. In fact, the bunch of elitist, privileged knobs currently in charge - and especially the delusional, fanatical, Trump-loving, anti-EU fanatics who are driving the Brexit agenda - would very much like to turn the UK into an annex of the USA.

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          • McBean

            I'm pleased that we're making progress with this issue. Puritanical nut jobs for sure. The remnants of which seem to afflict a certain kind of personality. Just bring up the topic of nude beaches (I'm an American nudist) to the wrong people, and it's 40 lashes plus crucifixion for even mentioning it.

            It would be nice to clean up our population by deporting the rubbish like England did in the 1700s, but our constitution was written to make it difficult to do that.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I've never been fond of the puritans! I'm Roman Catholic so I really can't find any reason to be fond of people who would be bigoted against me, and my church. I remember reading The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne in both high school, and college, and just thinking how awful, and stupid the puritans were.

            Just a random stream of consciousness thought that I felt like sharing.

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            • ZandyRose

              I am Puritan. I pray that disillusioned Catholics are spared from the fires of damnation for their beliefs. I know it is likely not appreciated, but some of them are nice people and shouldn't suffer the consequences of the brainwashing they were born into.

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      • That’s why I said idk. What do you want me to say? Most. Even something simple like what almost caused me to be arrested. It was my own fault my cars title was suspended it wasn’t honest of me to drive my car. I didn’t know it was truly suspended but my own fault for not contacting the dmv and checking. It’s my own problem with my own consequences. I had a chance of it being suspended and did nothing.

        Isn’t it something illegal and untrustworthy of things that gets you put there? Either way I’m sure many are not so great people. Ever seen what jail people can be like? I’m just trying to warn and look out for this old dude. I’m not trying to get super technical about it I just wanted to get the point across.

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  • DeadRatKing

    You could end up in a really, really bad situation if you do this. A lot of them are there because they seriously screwed people over in the past, and they would be glad to do the same to you if they got something out of it. And some are truly violent criminals.

    Also, something else to keep in mind is that a lot of psychopaths will actually act very charming and pleasant at first... until they wake up one day and decide to steal your identity and drain all the money out of your bank accounts or something pisses them off and they go into a murderous rage.

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    • Finally, some sensible advice.

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  • leggs91200

    Some inmates, men or women, were decent people who just really fucked up that one time and are paying for it. I imagine most of them are career criminals though. For some, being a bad guy is a way of life, they don't know anything else.

    Unless you yourself are also the criminal type, I think you would just be inviting something into your life that you'll wish you had not.

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  • Yes, but the women in prison who's profiles I was viewing are still searching. I want to be fair. I want to hear your story.

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  • Daedae

    On the next season of Love after Lockup.

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  • myfreakinopinion

    People are incarcerated fora reason it's because they don't follow the rules of society expects.

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  • chuy

    Don't you'll end up in jail yourself or even worse dead.

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  • NoLifer

    From this post it seems your looking for a no standard lady. While going to prison websites make sense it makes one question your auctual worth as a man.

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    • Yalls hit the nail right on the head. I'm worth plenty as a taxpayer, a problem solver, and a productivity expert. But women look at me and just say, "Yuck".

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  • Ummitsstillme

    100 percent. They love your ass

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    • chuy

      1000% she loves OP's walet or bank account.

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    • Good point. If your ass is okay, they aren't very likely to get another guy's ass.

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  • dimwitted

    Ugly is so subjective. John C Reilly.

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  • TerriAngel

    You are as you see yourself.
    But waisting time on self entitled
    ( ________^^^^^skanks_)
    You can find a sweet, honest, clean, faithful girl.
    Yes, she just wants citizenship.
    treat her poorly, shell dump you.
    trrat her right and you have a partner for life.

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  • dolphinsneeze

    Come up with more creative ways to deal with the lonelies. Perhaps ones that don't involve self loathing + female inmates.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Find out what their in for. If its not paying a speeding ticket, it could be a good way to get her with less competition. If its manslaughter then errr....its ill advised.

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  • litelander8

    Boojum? Dat u?

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    • Boojum



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  • Oddmeme

    I recommend another way of dating: whether it be Tinder, OkCupid, Grindr, or just going outside and meeting people.

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    • I've tried those sites. I never get responses. Just for a validity check, I once but a profile picture of an attractive guy to replace my own picture. I was flooded with responses. That test verified what I suspected all along which is that woman want attractiveness above all else.

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      • Oddmeme

        Oh, I'm not really sure what to tell you then. I mean- you could always find a website that has to do with hobbies you enjoy, and meet someone on there. Other than that I'm not really too sure, sorry..

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