Should i be happy i being forced to get a new dad i dont want?

My mother despite me having my own job and money to support myself is forcing this. I really hate it and I told her to stop but she wont let up. So its not like I even depending on her to support me at this point so she cant say I have to as a condition of her paying for me. Since she really isnt! Its not like she paying for my college either which I still cant afford because stupid Fasfa.

I trying not to be a dick but since she hooked up with this random guy after me and my sibling were already 18 I don't understand why I am required to respect him as family and my dad. I don't know how else to explain this to them and anytime anyone tells my mother no about anything she either has a violent outburst and else starts crying that "No one loves me, why don't you love me, somebody love me please".

I had to deal with mentally unstable people my entire life since I am such a damn bleeding heart but I don't appreciate being forced into this kind of shit. I know I not the one creating the problem but I am scarred of my mother and her BF hurting me. I just really hate myself right now and I still dealing with my issues with my dad which were kind of never resolved. I don't really have anyone to talk to but I want someone to reason with my emotionally immature mom. Who should I ask about this? I don't know what to do?

My mother brain works like this "If it don't work get a new one". However I dont really get over people so quickly and simply get a new one. Even if that is how her brain seems to work. If you don't like your BF get a new one, if you don't like your husband just get a new one. If you don't like your dad get a new one. I not really so open to people though and I don't automatically accept new people. I tend to be very closed off and the people I choose to put that type of trust in I have to know for a long time and I don't want a new dad if my old dad doesn't want me. Its not like I want my dad back, but I don't want a new one either.

No, its your right to not get a new dad 20
Yes, you should love your new dad since your old dad dont want you 7
Maybe 3
Other 10
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Your moms boyfriend is not your dad. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to get along with him unless he has been mean. Your mom sounds like she has some issues though and its not your job to fix that. Personally I would avoid contact with people who act like that.

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    • Thedollcollector8==D

      There must be more to life than being really really ridiculously good looking.

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  • duct_tape_heart

    You're not a bad person. It's okay not to want a new dad. This new guy is not your dad. You're not an asdhole.
    HOWEVER, if you want to get along with your family, you might have to play a role for a while until you get out of there if you don't want to be labeled "angsty, difficult, immature teenager", which you most likely will if you don't participate.
    I'm not saying call him dad or love this guy, I'm merely suggesting coming to a mutual respectful understanding. If they're not even married, he might not be in the picture long anyway. The future is unpredictable and the only person you can control is yourself. That being said, choose peace.
    Sit the guy down and tell him "hey, I have a dad. He hurt me and I'm still working on that, and I only have room for one disappointment at a time sir. I don't hate you, but you can't expect me to call you Papa when I'm an adult about to leave the house and Im not even sure how long you'll be in the picture, so can we just be friends? I'll respect you as a person and try not to be a dick if you do the same and take care of my mom" ... That's fair.
    And if you're a senior, you only have a few months left to go.

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    • They are married and I have been kind, I just told her I dont want to deal with him or his family when I dont have to. I dont know why its so hard to respect, my grandmother does not do this to my father and she got remarried after he was an adult

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  • jr__

    They want you. You are everything to your family whether they know it not.

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