Should i be mad at my best friend for dating my ex?

Hell yea! 1316
She isn't a true friend so yea 1245
No way! 806
Duhh! 342
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Comments ( 59 )
  • If you just broke up with them a few weeks ago, it's not friendly.
    If it's been months/years, you should be over him by then, so who cares.

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    • Assassinclassroom

      Well when they date him the day after you broke up and you still love him then no it's not ok

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  • yellowchalk

    after a breakup, your friend is supposed to be there to support you, not pick your ex up on the rebound because he's finally single.
    If a friend wants to date the ex, it is always going to be a difficult situation.
    I know because this happened to me. It hurt so bad to watch someone who I thought was my best friend hanging all over my first love (my ex). I told her that since I still had feelings for him, her behavior hurt my feelings. But she had her eye on him for some time so she didn't mind betraying me and going after him.

    They completely ganged up on me and tried to convince me that the breakup was my fault and that I was a horrible person, and how they were so deeply and madly in love. Basically they made my freshman year of high school a living hell.

    After they broke up, I found out that he just wanted her as a rebound girlfriend because he couldn't handle being single...

    this girl doesnt seem like a very true friend if she'd rather date your ex than help you through a hard time, and I'm not sure what to say other than don't try to break them up. They're a mess and they'll probably do anything to make you feel bad and prove to you that it's ok for them to be dating.

    Please, just back out of the situation, those two are BAD NEWS.

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    • Assassinclassroom

      Same 😔

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    • Tara2031

      This just resently happened to me and he didn't break up with me until after she said she would go out with him. Then when I got mad she told me and I quote " well at least the one who loves him the most won this time" and this is the second time now that she's gotten with my exs hours of even minutes after I told her we broke up she has really hurt me and so has he should I man up and forgive them

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    • blackknight

      this happened to me too except this girl lied to me and didn't tell me about it thats what hurt the most and it also happened to me freshman year thanks for the answer

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  • bang_bang_bang

    shes evil -_-

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    • mnpgriggs

      Ditto. Me and my girls know the rules. Even if a guy 'liked' my girlfriend and/or either some guy liked her, he was off limits; not only because of what I just mentioned above, but I'm not going to be anybody's second choice anyway...

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  • TheGuruOfTheSauce

    Your Ex is fair game, you do not own that person nor do you own your their emotions. This should not be him or me deal and you have no right to say who can date who. Since your Ex was once your friend you can think of it as your friends are dating each other not your friend and an Ex. You'll have more dates so whats the big deal? It's almost like you want to sabotage the chance of others finding potential happiness and love because you're miserable seeing what you once had. If you were a true friend you wouldn't be so selfish

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    • Assassinclassroom

      What if you love him a friend is supposed to be your supporter after the brake up

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    • Merkai

      I'm sorry ... I can only give you thumbs up.

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      • Merkai

        *one thumbs up*

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  • Xer

    if you're not dating her, then what the hell.

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    • Assassinclassroom


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  • PilgrimJim

    Yip she's now fair game. sorry mate, if you still feel strongly about her why not try to win her back. just a thought.

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  • LAW13

    @ Pink Pggy- Maybe he just TOLD you he thought she was ugly and fat as to suppress your suspicions.

    Anyways, Yeah- that is a relational transgression. I left an abusive relationship of four years and my childhood friends ditched me and still hang out with the fat fucking bastard.

    This is why I would rather not have friends. Apparently my standards are too high when I say "dont date my ex's, and don't stop being my friend for no reason".

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  • beerlover123

    I don't think it's ever okay and all of my best friends agree with me.

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  • Nightmares

    What if your ex is the one and only for your best friend? Would you be the one to keep your friend from being with the love of his/her life? Would you be able to live with yourself, knowing that your best friend could be the happiest boy/girl ever?

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  • It depends on how serious your relationship was with him. If it wasn't so much, then no. But if it really was, then for sure! Also, I would be mad because she should have asked you if you're okay with it first.That's always the first thing to do. It also depends on how close a friend she was to you! Was she close? Then yes. Not very? Then no. It just depends.

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  • TheTodd11

    thats fuck'd, he/she is not your best friend

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  • Snowwhitee

    Best friends are not going to date other's best friend ex'es.

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  • andrian007

    Get a grip, woman, the guy is your ex. It is no longer any of your business whom he decides to date. And frankly, you can't expect your best friend chuck him just for you. She is also pursuing her own happiness and you can't stop her from doing just that.

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  • feelingofselfworthlessness

    I just love that only 1 of the options there is a no, which means the writer is extremely biased towards a yes.

    I agree with TheGuruOfTheSauce. (second reply)
    Word for word.

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  • 53739

    He is your ex for a reason. Whoever he goes out with after breaking up with you is none of your business.

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  • ThatOneDudez

    It depends how long.
    If it's been only a week or two since the break up, then your friend is being somewhat of a bitch.
    If it's been a month or two since, I say it's fine. By that time you should be over it anyways.

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  • Faeri_Realms

    Just depends on why you guys broke up.
    If it was on good terms then sure!
    If you guys broke up because He/She was being an ass then no.

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  • Legion

    Honestly, if that were me, I wouldent care. She is my ex, why should I care?

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  • Dricey

    To quote one of the great poets of our time, if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it.

    Okay I actually think that, don't be confused by the shit I dress my opinions up in. You broke up with them, they're not your problem anymore.

    It's a problem if they start talking about your genitals behind your back or something, though. watch for that.

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  • awkwardali

    It's ok to be mad, especially if you still have feelings for the guy.
    But you have to understand that you and your friend obviously have similar likes, or you probably wouldn't be friends, so liking the same guy can easily happen.

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  • Pistolwhip

    No you shouldn't be mad, unless they did it intentionally. I think you would be the faggot, if you get mad.

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  • kileegrl1123

    ummm... the obvious answer is yeah~! you shouldn't even be her friend if she abuses you like that! what kind of friend is she?!?!

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  • MaxPill

    If you consented to it, then yeah it's ok. But if she starting dating him out of nowhere, then obviously she doesn't have your best interest.

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  • LolSmileyFace3

    Shes not a true friend at all.

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  • I understand what you are all saying thanks a lot for helping me.. But it's weird because when me and my ex were talkin before (when we were dating) he said that he hates my best friend and thinks she's ugly. Then a couple weeks after we broke up and they started dating my ex said haha look we are so in love and I hate her (me) and then they kissed right jn front of me so
    I really don't think I should be her friend and yellowchalk

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    • HisGirl2012

      well it kinda depends...
      i mean either way, you should never end a friendship over a guy(although in your case, i can see why you did) BUT, if u dumped him, hes got every right to date your friend... u cant control his actions anymore... and if he dumped you, i could see why your a bit angry. so in a sense, theyre both free as a bird, and should both get the chance to be happy. but your "friend" should also remember that he hurt you, and if she really was your friend shed comfort you, and then afterword if they wanted to date then hell's bells, they should get to....
      it really just depends on the situation girly girl

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  • tygeronherbed

    my best friend really likes my ex, even though she knows he treated me horribly and broke my heart, she even kissed him last week. what she doesnt know is that he thinks shes ugly and fat and only leads her on to get rides because the lazy piece of shit doesnt have his own car.... i tried to warn her but she doesnt want to hear it. whatever, shell figure it out soon enough.

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  • jessicia16

    i would put posion in my friends soda if she ever dated my X ... i would seriously try and murder her and she would seriously deserve it.

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  • shymesad


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  • Monnn8

    He is your ex. It is no longer any of your business whom he decides to date. And you can't expect your best friend chuck him just for you. She is also pursuing her own happiness and you can't stop her from doing just that. You dont need to be mad at her, just stay away from her (if you feel weird). just wait and see what will happen between them. They finally married? Ohhh good. They find their happiness. Or they breakup? Its up to you how u feel when they breakup.
    And If it's been a month or years , i think it's fine. Your bestfriend is not "betrayed" you. Grow up. Dont ignore the truth that you can't accept. The truth is he is not yours anymore.

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  • noodle76

    unless shes rubbing it in your face its not really any of your business who she is dating.

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  • moriahknows

    It depends if you really liked him, and she should have asked you if it was okay with you if she dated him just to make sure she was not hurting your feelings.

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  • is this a girl lesbo we are talking about or a gay guy or is he/she straight and with your fiend he/she isn't a true friend of yours.

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  • SoccerStud88

    there are SO many other chicks out there, did he HAVE to pick your ex? Guaranteed this relationship wont last.

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  • disthing

    It's different depending on the situation.

    Sometimes the person you're best friends with, you're best friends with because they're very much like you. The same thing goes with people you go out with. That means in all likelihood your friends and your ex's will get on well.

    The problem is, if posed with the question "Would you rather deny your feelings and stay beside your friend, or risk your friendship to embrace the person you have fallen for?" Most would take the love over the friendship.

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  • Depends on how long you've been broken up for. If they've already consoled you and you're fine, why can't they date them? Of course if you aren't okay with them dating your ex then it's a different story

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  • Lia

    Isn't that against the bro code??

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  • If she asks first and it's been a few months, it's fine. If she didn't ask, hell yeah!

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  • mnpgriggs

    Go 'head Karma. Tell it like it is!

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    • mnpgriggs

      I mean, "Go 'head easterbaby!" Lol!!!!

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  • queen_bee_520

    I would be upset. My mom recently dated a Guy I had hooked up with and I was super into and it was the weirdest thing. It really bothered me and she said I was "jealous". I wasn't jealous it is just sonething you don't do.!!

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  • ladyday

    If one of my friends dated an ex, I would be furious. It's just so awkward and uncool.

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  • ebonyyclara

    i've been on the other side, and it is ugly. i fell in love with my best friends ex boyfriend, who she hadn't been with for a long time and it caused a lot of issues between us, but we got through it and we are as close as ever now.

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  • pass it ON!

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  • iHate

    "Oh you're dating my ex?Hey,I'm full,you want the rest of my sandwich,too?"

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  • Well after me and him got to know each other (we lived on the same street) she moved across the street from him directly across the street. So then we all became friends.. So 2 years after that me and him dated. And I found out from my so called best friend that he was cheating on me with her. So I was like there I'm done, and I broke up with him. They continued going out until last feb. Then he asked me out again. So we dated for like a month and then I realized why would I go out with some one who cheated on me? So the same day I broke up with him she asks him out! What Kinda "friend" is that!! :(

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  • b454

    It depends I guess. like when did u guys break up? is she just a skank and wants to make you jealous? Did she like him secretly maybe before you dated him? Is he really that great to even care? I'm sure it hurts, but what can you do? If your still friends with this girl, then how is she to know its bothering you so much? Or did you confront her. I don't know toots, maybe you should just go find someone better :)

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  • easterbaby

    For whom ever wrote your Ex is "fair game"? I question first if that is a female who said that and second if so and most likely if they have done the same thing as you speak of.

    Secondly you already know the answer to the question you pose, or you would not be sitting on here tearey eyed and deeply hurt posing it.

    There are just things in life that people that were raised right and those with integrity know how to react to and or not react to and how to conduct themselfs.

    As a rule and common sense I would and never have dated/slept with or would that of a significant other of a aquaintance or let alone "Friend"! Nor a married man/seperated or involved. Too many people use the word "FRIEND" quite loosely. Also integrity aside, I do not like sloppy seconds. That is also why I am very careful in whom I call a friend, I would rather have one real and true friend than five or ten aquaintances that are and never will be a friend.
    I am assuming you told her private details of your realationship? And all along they were attracted to oneanother? Assuming that nothing had occured with them during your relationship?
    Regardless, it is common sense that no one would truly be comfortable with that. Like if a clerk gives you too much money back for change? Some would say, well it was his mistake, heck yeah take it! Well there is such a thing as Karma.

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  • I understand completley she really shoudve been theree for me!

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  • purpleheaven114

    thats not a true friend if yall broke up and she knows it she mite have did it on spite so yea u shuld b mad at her!!

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