Should i be worried about the radicalization of europe?

I was horrified watching the news on the Paris terrorist attacks this evening and even further enraged when I discovered that the attackers could have quite possibly have been "refugee" radicals from the mid. east. This is already the second attack by Islamic radicals this year and one of many on, Canada, France, the United States, and Russia in the past few years. After watching a few documentaries tonight about European immigration it seems as if there is a large influx of Islamic people coming to western countries recently, and populations of Muslims have doubled in the last decade, with native populations growing at a rate of less than 1.0%.

As a child i dreamed of one day traveling to Europe to see the sights, history, the beauties of each nation, but from what I see.... much of the folklore I imagined is deep in the past now. The French and Italian beauties I hoped I would see are now in short supply, while the supply of laddies with Hijabs and beards is at an all time high (and I'm not into that..) the classic painted streets filled with friendly villagers many years in the past look like a clusterf*ck of mess mixed with a hint of BO these days, and i can only imagine things become more disastrous in the future.

I once dreamed about going to Europe until I learned about what it has become, and with all the attacks recently I worry about the growth of Islamic populations in Western countries and if it will not only lead to a minority native population and further violence. Do u Think my points are valid about what is happening to Europe and other Western territories?

No, same place but more diverse 1
No, but it is a different place from what it was 2
Yes, its nothing like it was before, tighten Mid. East immigration 18
Yes, but growth of specific groups are just trends 5
U crazy! 12
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Comments ( 6 )
  • thegypsysailor

    If I were you, I'd be a hell of a lot more worried by that insane megalomaniac Putin building cobalt torpedoes! Cobalt bombs are such bad news, no one has ever even tested one because of the radiation they produce.
    It is time for that man to die! The world has already survived one arms race and now he wants to start another? The man is crazy, completely certifiable and totally INSANE!

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  • sugartits

    you don't like that curry pussy bro?

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  • MeatHookSodomy

    Man... it is what it is... I can say George Soros but that's just a name. I can say Jew but that's just a race/religion.... I have my guns and NOBODY is taking them...

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    • Thedollcollector8==D

      When they do try to take our guns make sure you safely bury some where you can find them later. We have the right to bear arms to protect ourselves from our own go government when it begins to overstep its bounds.

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      • MeatHookSodomy

        Eric Rudolph wrote a pretty damn good book about how he evaded the FBI, though this has nothing to do with globalization it's free for download and highly recommend read. First thing that popped in my head when you wrote "bury some where you can find them later" that man knew exactly what he was doing.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I feel you on that, OP.

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