Should i consult a physician

Ok three dreams in the past month or so..

The first dream I don't really remember but at the end of it I got hit by a car and died and my soul left my body and it was dark. And then I woke up.

The second dream was insane. I won't get into the whole thing but it involved this girl that I really liked that things just didn't work out the way I wanted them to. Anyways, at the end of the dream I'm looking off in the distance with this friend of mine and I see these fireworks way off in the distance. I go "What the fuck is that?" He turns to me and says in this ominous voice "Don't you know?" as if I should already know what's coming. Then I see the massive shock wave heading towards us and I feel my body disintegrating and it burns. Then I woke up. My personality has been absolutely changed since then--more out going, more flirtatious with women, less inside my shell etc.

The third dream I had was recent and it's hazy but it seemed to involve me having some kind of lung disease or something and on the way to the doctor to get medicine I get shot in the chest. I don't die in this one. This was a few days ago and I've been having trouble catching my breath since then.

Anyone know anything about dream symbology? I need help.

I've been up for almost 24 hours because I'm really busy so I'm too tired to revise this to account for any errors I made while writing and creating poll choices so bear with it as is this time. Thanks for reading.

Yes 9
No 3
That's not normal 5
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Comments ( 5 )
  • thegypsysailor

    You can go to a shrink and spend lots of money getting your dreams interpreted or you can buy several books or research online and learn just as much for a lot less money.
    Personally, I think it would be a total waste of time, but it's your time, not mine, so please yourself.
    Dreams are just dreams and they certainly do not foretell the future or any other such tripe.

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  • Dr_Remulak

    There's an app called dream moods written by psychologists get it, comes with a journal and every thing you can think of dreaming about. Let me see what it says. You have multiple queries here and I don't have time to address all of them, however, To dream of your own death indicates a transitional phase in your life. You are becoming more enlightened or spiritual. Alternatively, you are trying desperately to escape the demands of your daily life.

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    • bucho's_butt

      Yes that's all true. Recently, I dreamt that I was caught in a bush and ton's of tiny little bugs were trying to sting me. I don't think I actually got stung. I escaped. Then when I got away there was a person who was watching me who said that I was crazy and that there weren't actually any bugs there. I wonder what that means.

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  • Ellenna

    Someone told me years ago that the best way to deal with puzzling dreams is to focus on the feelings you experienced immediately on waking up after the dream, and then work out what could be causing these feelings in your waking life. Usually works for me

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  • gloryholeflasher

    Sometimes our dreams are a manifestation of our subconscious mind trying to resolve issues that are troubling us. Sometimes they are issues we aren't even aware of yet. Your mind knows your body better than you know it. If I was you I would go to the doctor and explain it to him like you did here and get checked out. If everything is OK, then you have peace of mind and you can forget about it. Good luck!

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