Should i do lsd to boost creativity?

I kinda wanna try LSD, just to boost my creative process.

Do it 12
Don't do it 15
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Comments ( 17 )
  • LloydAsher

    Dont bullshit yourself by thinking psychedelics making you more creative.

    You wanna get high and have fun? Go do that.

    You already have an imagination. If it takes drugs to manifest it then your imagination sucks in the first place.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I haven't met a single person in real life that has actually benefited from doing drugs. They go from hard workers to these unmotivated people who do nothing all day. Seeing them fall from grace is why I refuse to even try drugs.

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    • olderdude-xx

      Totally agree with this. I've seen so many cases, and cannot remember a single one where they were in a better position a few years later.

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    • ospry

      Perhaps I could tempt you with....*slides jumbo pixie stick out of jacket*

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Got any lactose free chocolate? XD

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  • Holzman_67

    As someone who did drugs in the past for the creative drive and focus it gave me, I can say this. It’s dangerous to become reliant on it. If you can isolate the experience and do it once, by all means, but the temptation will be there to keep doing it and this is where it becomes problematic. It’s much better for your soul and spirit to find inspiration and drive away from drugs.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Do it faggot

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  • olderdude-xx

    My 2nd best freind in high school took lsd at about age 15 or 16 (in the early 1970's). Tripped out so bad that he was committed to the State Mental Hospital - for life. About 5 years later he was still there and his parents told me that he would have no recollection of me - or anyone else.

    This summer on vacation I ran into a psychiatric nurse who worked at that hospital, and I told her the story and asked if he was still there (providing his name).

    She said he was no longer there, and that over the decades from the 1970's they had developed drugs that usually got lsd trip people out of the trip. But, that they tended to have limited mental capabilities and often remembered nothing about their youth or friends. She said that he is probably in a mental patient halfway house.

    2 or 3 years prior to my freind trying lsd 2 teenagers in my town (of 1900) overdosed on lsd - and dropped dead in the emergency room. One was a freind of my older brothers.

    So please do not tell me how lsd helps with creativity. I personally know of 3 people that it destroyed all creativity they had, and their futures.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Yeah that would definitely change my opinion on it too. Luckily for me I had only safe experiences on it with my friends. We didnt do it too much though. We did shrooms more. LSD is especislly sketchy because you're trusting some criminal chemist to have quality control.

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  • litelander8

    Acid is cool.

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    If you're gonna do psychedelics shrooms would be a lot safer since lsd is made in a lab and could easily be cut with dangerous chemicals.

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    • Grunewald

      Shrooms don't come to the end-user direct from the ground either though - they come from a dealer, who has an interest in making as much money from them as possible.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I think its an experience you should have before you die. You might even come out of it believing in God or something. Ive had some wild trips. Just some advice though shrooms are basically doing the same thing in your brain. Its hard to even tell the difference between a shroom trip and LSD.

    You can buy shroom spores legally at sporeworks. Psilocybin spores are legal until they're colonized. Its weird. But you can order them online and I can help you make them. Ive dabbled in it before and I recommend getting the B+ spore syringes.

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    • Grunewald

      There's a Chubbyemu medical investigation story about how someone injected spores and they started growing inside the person's bloodstream. I can't remember if (s)he died or suffered major organ damage but yeah... I wouldn't try that if you paid me.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        you dont inject them into your body tho. You inject them into a jarred mixture of brown rice flour, vermiculite, and water. Then when they colonize you take the cakes out, put the cakes into a humid environment, and mushrooms start growing from the cakes. Then you dry them out by fan or dehydrator and then eat the mushrooms.

        Whoever injected the syringe made a huge mistake but you cant save everyone from themselves. Thats an insane thing to do. Idk how some people do things so stupid.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Do it.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    good luck gettin real lsd thats pure & unadulterated

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