Should i get a psychic reading?

I'm interested in where my life is going. Things are pretty unpredictable at the moment. I feel on edge because I don't know where I stand with anything or anyone.
Think I might just go crazy and have a psychic reading. Horoscopes just don't satisfy me. But how do I know the 'psychic' is corrupt or not? That I am wasting my time/money?

Yes 10
No 37
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Comments ( 15 )
  • dappled

    If you want to give your money away to someone who will tell you some practiced lies about your future and present them as the truth, by all means.

    Or you could donate to a political party. In the end, it amounts to much the same thing.

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  • throat_cutter

    Consult Negrodamus, the high Rastafarian priest. Dave chapelle recommends Him.

    Go to him.

    Go to him now.

    He is waiting for you

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    • RoseIsabella

      I love Paul Mooney!

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  • dirtybirdy

    Miss Cleo has all de answers mon

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    • howaminotmyself

      Ha! I know someone who use to work for Madame Cleo. Funny stuff.

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  • TerryVie

    Definitely not.

    Save the money, but some heavy alcohol(+weed), invite some friends, and have a philosphical talk among drunks.

    Works better.

    All that psychic will do is take up hints from your body language, things you say, reactions(not even in a con-artist kind of way, many psychics really believe they have a gift) and ultimately tell you nothing that was not existant as answer in you from the beginning.

    Being drunk and talking about stuff is a more fun way to find those answers, though.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      "All that psychic will do is take up hints from your body language, things you say, reactions(not even in a con-artist kind of way, many psychics really believe they have a gift) and ultimately tell you nothing that was not existant as answer in you from the beginning."

      This. A lot of people don't realize it either.

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    • So true. I saw a tv programme basically proving what you said. Very interesting.

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    • I can legitimately say that I have met a stranger while high (on weed not acid, but on hallucinogens too) and knew everything about the person before they told me (e.g. what they study, their name, the town they are from, their past history, their family background, literally everything) if that isn't psychic powers I don't know what is. But yes weed can CERTAINLY help greatly in unlocking it even in someone who is not typically "psychic"

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  • No, don't do that. I have a psychic gift that is entirely legitimate and I would not hesitate to tell you if I cannot get a read on a situation. However, the "psychics" that you go to generally do not have any gift or at the very least exaggerate their powers. Essentially, they are a rip off. I would never tell you everything about your life right now because you told me nothing about you so I have nothing to go on. However, a phony "psychic" would start talking out of their ass to try to make money off you. I will make some guesses about your future though based on your post, but I could be wrong,

    1) Your a woman who has broken up with her boyfriend around 3 months ago because he was being a asshat and now you are struggling to find a good job and/or go to school. You don't have kids and are now living in a small apartment in a not so great but not so bad part of town. Your about 23 years old. You probably live with one or two other women your age as roommates. One or both of your roommates are asshats as well and you had issues with your parents who also may have been asses to you as well

    2) I think that you will be ultimately able to find success in some sort of career and stop looking for validation from others

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    They only tell you what you want to hear.

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  • chubbybunny

    Please don't. It's not only a hoax but there are things in that realm that are used to brainwash you into believing some of the things they say. When something small occurs in your life and you relate it to whatever a psychic says is something you have to be careful with because if they tell you something unfortunate you will live your life in fear. However if they tell you something "good" then you'll be looking for it constantly. Not only that, the forces that real psychics use is something you do not want want to play with. I head you great warning. In all honestly, I urge you not to go to a psychic.

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  • Mellifluous

    It depends how badly you want it. It does sound interesting, but it's almost impossible to know whether you've been tricked or not. If you really want one, I'd recommend seeing someone with credibility.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I got a psychic reading and was disappointed with the results. Luckily, it was free :)

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  • NotFloydzie

    No. Just talk to my grandmother. She's literally like what these people call 'God'.

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