Should i get second job or accept promotion?
So my jobs pay is terrible. I applied for a second job today at a hotel night shift, my boss offered me a promotion yesterday, one that has been talked about for awhile but was never a real offer. He wants me to take over apparel. It pays 11 an hour 1.75 more than i make now. The hotel job pays 10 an hour.
If i work appears I'll be making 1760 before taxes every month. The hotel plus the store st current spot will be 2800 before taxes every month.
If i take the promotion I loose control of my scheduling due to it basically being a manager position. 8f i work at the hotel as well I'll be working 16 hour days 5 days a week.
My boyfriend is super agaisnt me taking the hotel job as it will limit our time together. But in the end i have no college fund, im 20, my parents can't help me go to school and I have a bunch if surgical stuff i want done that will also be better for both my physical and mental health due to being trans. School alone will set me back 30grand. The cheapest surgery I want is 4000$
I have a huge amount of future expenses that can't be made in a timely manner working suvh sjit pay. With 2800 monthly I'll be much better off though my relastionship eill suffer. He's worked just as hard when he was my age I wish he'd understsnd. I can't decide what to do guys i really need help. My future, my health, my sanity. Or the man i love. My source of happiness the man i love falling asleep next to waking up to and seeing everyday.
Stupid thing us I would be miserable working apparel though it would get me away from people. But i would get good sleep. I I need help guys. I'm sorry for typos and junk. I was typing this on my lunch break
take the promotion | 7 | |
get the job its better in the end | 2 |