Should i have done this?

My neigbors at the end of the street had this dog that they would constantly let roam all around up and down the street in this subdivision, in and out through a fire access gate to a relatively major street, off-leash, collarless and unsupervised. I live in a hot, desert area and summer's coming on, and he would often just sit on their doorstep panting without even a water bowl. A couple times I'd knock and get them to let him in, but one day recently he was out and they weren't even home (these houses have no yards, so it's not like he could've dug/slipped out, by the way.) So finally I called animal control and then enlisted the neighbors next to them in the next unit (who had much the same story as I did) took their dog to my house and had an Animal Control officer come and take him away. I feel pretty bad because he seemed to be an older dog and I'm not sure if he would've found a home, is why I'm asking this. Haven't heard a peep out of his former owners, incidentally. Should I have done this?

No 8
Yes 45
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Comments ( 6 )
  • chp316

    Yes, i think you did the right thing, so please put your mind to rest. Too many people these days turn their backs on fellow creatures that need help. These Neighbors were sorry excuses for pet owners, and if you had not stepped up to do the right thing who knows what might have happened to this poor Dog. Just for the fact that you have not heard a peep from them, should be enough to let you know that they really did not care for this Dog. They may turn around and just get another one, so i would keep my eye on them. take care.

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  • Dad

    You do realize that the Animal Control would have left a note for the owners to actually get their dog back?
    Of course this is only if they actually loved the dog!

    Pets become part of the family for most (if not all) homes.
    If the dog didn't even have a backyard then it seems that these people were not responsible to begin with in buying (probably stealing!) a dog they couldn't care for normally.

    YES, you did the right thing. And in regards to 'Justsomejerk's' comment, the Animal shelter will ALWAYS try to find a good home for any pet before deciding on the only option left of putting the dog out of its misery.

    Far as I'm concerned you were brought up right.
    Sorry the other 'family' wasn't.

    Judging from experience in these situations, they'll likely do the exact same thing again with another pet. They won't learn until they are charged. I do understand that we haven't heard their point of view, but it just sounds all too familiar in my view.

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  • Mando

    Don't second guess yourself. You were absolutely right to respond to the neglect and suffering.

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  • dappled

    A lot of people (like me) would happily take on an older dog, a rescue dog, or a dog with behavioural problems. I'm better equipped to deal with them and so it's only right I should take the responsibility. There's something in dog-lovers that brings this out.

    Don't worry about what you did for one moment. Whether it's a wake-up call for the owners to start treating their dog better or the chance of the dog being more fairly treated by others, you did the right thing.

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  • Avant-Garde

    You did the right thing.

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  • Justsomejerk

    They killed th dog in a humane way if it makes you feel any better.

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