Should i just ask if i'm autistic?
I go to Uni which offers mental health counseling as part of tuition so I figured I'd give it a go as it has been suggested here.
I've been to 2 different ones over the corse of a few years and I'm not sure how it's supposed to be helping.
Anyway I've run into some issue that has basically put part of my life at a stand still. Everything I look up points to being on the autistic spectrum, but none of the therapists will just let me know.
They keep giving me advice that i could just read off the Internet and I still dont have the "right" feelings for important things in the world. I can fake these feelings on a superficial level but trying to get close with people still makes no sense emotionally even though I like them. It feels horrible.
Do i really just have to ask specifically for a diagnosis, or can they not give one? is it normal I would feel much better with a straight answer than these people traipsing around the issue with bs like "awww there's nothing 'wrong' with you, you're just different!" and "lots of people have this issue, so don't worry about it!"