Should i just move and start over?

Nearly 3 years ago, I allegedly threatened an elderly lady with a fake rifle and was arrested. Despite the trauma of the arrest, the probation, and the eventual dismissal of the charges and expungement, I have been ostracized in my little community. People were severely afraid of me and that pushed me to isolate myself from others. People actually ran from me, avoided me, rumors are probably still going around that I'm violent (I'm not...if fact, ai crave love, friendship, romance,cand cuddling deep down more than anything) and I can't ever see myself hurting another person.
And we were evicted from our home and we live about 12 miles away now, but even still I don't think I will ever feel the same in the area.
Should I move far away and never look back?

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 15 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Mini69

    Getting off on a technicality because of a clever lawyer doesn’t make you innocent.

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    • That wasn't the question...

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      • Mini69

        May not be the question, but it’s the reason you are being treated the way you are. Threatening old ladies is pathetic and cowardly, normal people get that and react accordingly towards the perpetrator.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Was it a water pistol?

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    • No. It was a replica machine gun.

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      • RoseIsabella

        What were the circumstances that lead up to the event?

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        • I'd rather not talk about it. I just want to be where no one knows me.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I feel that way a lot too. Sometimes I wish I could burrow unto the earth, and hibernate.

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  • olderdude-xx

    In this case, yes moving to another location will help a lot.

    In this case it needs to be a good sized metropolitan area; and preferably in another state. If you move into a small community, there are people who will call people back in your old small community.... and it will just carry over.

    If anyone asks you can always tell them that many years ago you made a mistake; learned your lessons, and moved on to become a better person. That's usually all you have to say. You might have to explain more if its the police digging into your past.

    Just be sure to be a good freind and decent person in the new location. No one will think to look up your past if you are decent.

    Also, kill your existing facebook and other social media pages. Get new email addresses, and start with new social media accounts (and don't list your home town: I don't list my hometown in my facebook profile).

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    • Zerouser

      I would say to not use anything connected to the media or main network. Start fresh with a private network.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I had a similar thing happen but it wasnt a fake gun and it wasnt a granny. When cops pull me over now they're visibly nervous and often ask me to get out. ALWAYS ask if there's guns in the car amd there always is and then they get more nervous. Im hoping when I get older it wont be such a big deal because they will see I was 20 and havent gotten in trouble since. But it definitely changes things. Good luck getting a fair trial if you ever have to defend yourself. Ive had a cop tell me theyre gonna give me a warning then go run my id and come back with a ticket and say they changed their mind ☠

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    Running away from your problems will solve nothing. You need to rethink your life and the image you project to others. It won’t be easy, but it will be the best in the long run.

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  • jethro

    I've seen this one before like a year ago. is this a re-post?

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  • LloydAsher

    Sometimes shit happens... so yeah I would think of moving out of that place. In larger villages you would just be that one guy that did shit but havent done anything in a while. It's all about population size and the amount of shit people have to talk about.

    Sorry bud but that shit the bed in your town so I would just get up and move away. Probably could find the same sized town 100 miles away that could give less of a shit about it.

    Think of it as a good excuse to get a clean slate.

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  • Tommythecaty

    I don’t know what the right answer to your question is.

    You are a bit of a dildo though.

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  • Tinybird

    Same I feel that way too sometimes.

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