Should i report my bf buying illegal drugs

My bf is an ex drug addict. He went to rehab for heroin. He now doesn’t do anything but weed. I’m pretty sure he will do xanax sometimes and he’s been buying illegal drugs from China. Etziolam. Should I report to police? He’s buying and taking a lot of them and I think he may even buy other things. I’m worried and don’t want him to relapse

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Comments ( 12 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Just break up with his sorry ass, and leave him alone.

    What to do think he's going to do if you turn him into the cops for drug possession? I don't even have a drug problem, but if someone turned me into the cops for anything I would have to sever all ties with that person!

    I think your obsession with this guy is unhealthy and is on the brink of turning pathological.

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  • Sarajeremy

    I would just leave don't call the cops. Give him an ultimatum first you or the drugs. If he picks drugs walk and never look back

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  • Dealing with drug addicts is tricky. You should present him with an ultimatum- either you or the drugs.

    Meaning, he has to go back to rehab, ween himself back off on his own, or lose you.

    If he chooses the drugs over you, and you think that his life is in danger, then you should cut all ties with him, and turn him in.

    But, you're not really obligated to do any of this. You can just leave, which imo, is the best option for you.

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  • Nobody likes a snitch.

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    • Okay... well what would you do

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      • Leave

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  • pushinner

    Try to talk to him about the danger he expose himself to, make him busy in other important things like betting that he take time busy

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  • MangoTango

    There was a time I would have agreed with turning him in, but I've since learned that authorities really don't give a hoot about helping prevent crime. They're just looking to profit off of things like this. If you tattle tell on him, you are not doing him any help. You're offering authorities the very opportunity they seek today to fill a quota. Drugs shouldn't even be illegal. I don't take drugs. I don't like drugs!!! I think many of these substances are hazardous to individuals and communities alike. However, arresting someone that is an addict, throwing them in jail is not a quality solution. This person has an addiction. He needs something like detox and medically monitored rehab because his body has a dependency on these drugs. Most people probably would prefer to not be addicts. It's an expensive habit with negative side effects. Places like the Netherlands and Portugal have decriminalized drugs. They focus on getting people into rehab, or at least supporting safer use of drugs to prevent fatal overdoses, or other negative effects from drugs.

    Better for you to distance yourself from him. Don't enable anything that lets him obetain drugs. He ought to do rehab again, and again, and again until he quits for good. From everything I've read, drug addicts have to have the will to quit on their own. Others can't really make them do it.

    I'm weird. I would never do any sort of prescription or street drug in my life. No way!!! But, I like to read bunches of formerly drug addicted rock star biographies. Often these people end up in the ER from overdoses, and they continue to do drugs. If they do quit, they can wear a survivor t-shirt like Keith Richards, who seems to be able to live through anything, and keep on ticking.

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    • CDmale4fem

      You said she wouldn't be doing him any favors and the cops get whatever it was you said. However there are actually courts these days that are actually learning to be at least a bit sympathetic. They could offer him rehab again with conditions to complete and to not reoffend after completion or risk a butt load of years for illegal drug poss. Also, many of the things coming from overseas are maybe so close to illegal but they might have 1 part of the formula may be missing which in turn is not illegal possesion in US. I watch Drugs Inc. alot. But for your own safety you should leave before turning him in. He might get pissed if he knew it was you.

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    • He only does weed and some like mood boosters

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      • MangoTango

        That's the equivalent of having liquor and caffeine, both of which are legal. Marijuana is completely legal in a variety of places. Funny and arbitrary that it's illegal in some places, not so much in others. It's funny that alcohol isn't banished in more places.

        If what he's doing is relatively harmless, then so be it.
        I draw the line though if he's doing anything that negatively harms others, particularly if any children are present. If kids live there, drugs are not permitted, not even legal drugs! That's my rule. I won't allow drunk driving either. For drunk driving, I will call the police because that does endanger other people.

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        • Yeah forsure. He doesn’t drink either. But he has been buying illegal drugs from China and has been searching other kind of anxiety and anti depression meds for some reason. He’s in school but he doesn’t have a job so his mom gives him $500 a week! And it’s sad cuz he blows it on weed and fast food and those benzos. He says that when he’s done with school and gets his BA he’s gunna check himself into rehab again but I have a hard time believing. He has a very addictive personality. He was previously a heroin addict

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