Should i see headspace?
I live in Australia and Headspace is like a therapy place where you go to get help. I've been having really bad anxiety and depression for years now and I haven't been out of the house for months because I'm scared of people.
My dad has already made three appointments for me in the past, but I didn't go because I got scared and told my dad I didn't want to go.
I'm thinking of going now though, I really want to get a job but I can't with my anxiety. If anyone has been to them before or you know someone that went to them it would help me if you told me about your experience and if they helped you or not and it would maybe give me some courage. I know I can't go on like this, I do want to be a normal person but it's really hard.
Also, is it true or not that they sometimes have therapy dogs that come to visit? I think if I did go having a dog around would make my anxiety less.