Should i stop joking about things that are not me?

There are a lot of things I wouldn't do -- usually petty things, dishonest, derogatory, inhumane etc, but I often joke about doing them, or having such views. In reality, I don't. My rationale is: Just cause I don't get pleasure from doing certain wicked things, doesn't mean I can't have that pleasure by joking about them. But I'm debating on whether I should stop doing that because people aren't as open minded and if I joke, they might wonder there's some truth to those jokes.

Examples: "Aw, I wanted to steal that guy's wallet while he was bending over but I couldn't get close enough." Or I once said, "I never eat at KFC because I don't go in if there are black customers. But on the other hand if I see no black customers I don't go in either because I feel the KFC is not authentic." --------- I would never steal someone's wallet. I would run upto them and give it to them if it fell out. I also like KFC but don't eat there often cause it gives me heartburn. I am not at all racist.

I don't want the "Who gives a shit, do as you wish" opinions. Because I do like to take people's feelings etc into consideration.

Yes, you should stop joking like that. 3
No, you shouldn't stop joking like that. 15
Mmm?! Mmph!! "Mmph mmphves a mmphit? Mmpho mmas mmphu mmphsh!" 14
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Comments ( 4 )
  • myownopinions

    I think it depends on your audience. For example, if you made that KFC joke around a black person who either wasn't your friend or didn't understand your humor, that would be problematic. Also, be wary of telling such jokes to people who don't know you well (this is me typing from experience; even after you explicitly tell someone it was a joke, they start thinking of you in a different light).

    Overall, though, I think the whole point of those types of jokes is the fact that they aren't something you'd do. If you were the type to steal someone's wallet, then telling someone wouldn't be a joke but a statement of fact.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Naww i do the same shit, it all in knowing ur audiance and how u deliver it, decides if u "get away with that"

    But try not to get too "high" off ur colorful remarks cause u can always easily put that foot in ur mouth. Its a balancing act

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    • Well said suga-chan. I would tell you to learn how to spell but no need cause you've already put a spell on me.

      *dry humps you* no homo

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      • shuggy-chan

        humping me is never "dry" and It hard typing illegally as i drive, sorry

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