Should i take suma triptan again?

So I have been having migraines since December 30th daily, before that I had them sometimes but not every day. They at first were bad, got better, and bad depending if it’s school or my period. They did start two weeks before my period so I figured it was PMS but continued during it and was worse during it. My best friend has the same problem but over the counter meds work for her. Walgreens migraine meds make me nauseas the whole day I took it on and used to work the next day but stopped, and seemed to trigger nausea in my migraines.

I went to the doctors yesterday and he said to take 25 mg when it starts, it’s a preventative medication, though the info on it that came with the prescription says it isn’t. They also got blood labs from the hospital across my doctors office. I took the triptan after my dad got it back from the pharmacy but it made the migraine come fully back Instead of the on and off it was on that day. It also gave me worse body aches and some nausea then my worse migraines.

The info sheet says to tell your doctor if you get bad side effects which include a worse migraine. I know it can’t be a medication overuse headache as I never have used triptan before. I don’t know if taking one today when my migraine is more developed while make it worse or better. My stomach is being bubbly even after eating breakfast.

Right now I have a light-medium headache, in my experience, and want to but I would rather not if it can’t let me even draw. Drawing is one of the things, unless a bad migraine, with eye pain with focusing, that helps me ignore the pain.

My migraine symptoms are (but very in showing up and severity):
Headache (tight, sometimes throbbing, sometimes sharp, or stabbing, their location changes)
Eye pain,
Body aches (usually my neck, arms and wrists)
Partial face numbness, more noticeably when laying down and trying to sleep
Ear pain (which is usually the only symptom when walgreen meds worked)
Teeth pain
Hot face, sometimes painful
Face pain
Eye twitches (barely happens)
Sleep problems( though sleeping makes my migraine go away, it comes back in the morning usually)

At the moment I also have a cold, so that could be affecting the migraines and triptan (maybe?) the doctor said if it didn’t help to make a appointment with a neurologist. The labs they did also including them taking 7 viles of blood (like the size of your thumb to your middle finger when sizing something) so I don’t know if that affected it, since I didn’t feel any different besides my veins being hard to stab for blood.

My mother, grandmother, sister and aunt all experienced migraines. My sister was prescribed triptan too, but her migraines seemed to be just stress and she took it once or twice then her migraines went away. My graindmother said hers was because of her living, at the time, in a un heated trailer. My mother and Aunt’s migraines I think we’re from hormones.

I also get bad cramps and slightly irregular periods so I think it’s mostly hormones but I also did have midterms near the start of the constant migraines.

Unrelated but: those eye twitches I asked about stopped daily happening after maybe close to a month or so.

Try again when the migraine is bad 0
Stop taking them 0
Try when the migraine constantly isn’t there 0
Try again with food 0
Go to a neurologist 1
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Paigiepoo

    You talk very well

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    • SalemArtTrial

      Uh thanks?

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