Should i take the photos off facebook because my sister says?

Well my sister is Muslim and I'm far from it! She converted months ago but basically there's photos on Facebook of her and me from before she was a Muslim without a headscarf and she's asking me to take them down? I don't see why I should if she isn't tagged in them or none of her friends can see them? I mean, that was from when she wasn't a Muslim and they're photos I cherish of me and my sister. Yes I have them on my computer already but I don't see what thė problem is with them on facebook? She says it's because they're -'islamically inappropriate' and that it not that she doesn't want her friends to see, it's that she doesn't want 'people in general' to see them?! Is it ok and understandable as to why I don't want them to be taken down? I do prefer my sister how she was before and if people know want to look at those pictures, I'd rather them see pics of her before than now!

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Dad

    I disagree with the other replies.
    Coming from a parental viewpoint should her parents also hide those 'non important' pictures of their daughter growing up?

    As we get older we cherish the memories of our family when growing up. These memories can also be commonly shown in pictures, and through our love and family experiences WE as family members want to show the world (places pictures on walls, or showing them to others) similarly to anyone who wants to shout out that they love someone.

    Hiding or taking down these cherished pictures can be seen as a gap in someones life or family life. For instance if the brother gets a caring non family member loved you (wife; GF; or even a friend!) and would like to see past pictures of him growing up, should he 'hide' or discard those times with his sister in life?

    There are consequences for every action.
    I feel it is the now Muslim sister who needs to take those consequences as her responsibility and not place guilt or blame onto others.
    Those family moments caught on picture (or film) should remain on the walls, in photo albums, and shown on request by others (if happy to do so). Hiding them or disregarding these important family life experiences before she was religious would be horrible for others who just want to savior past memories of a more free and open time.

    On top of this I wanted to speak about the 'burka' itself.
    The burka was introduced in the Middle East because:
    1. Its extremely hot there
    2. To save the woman's face from aging from the sun
    3. To allow privacy and secrecy on things like secret rendezvous (documented history in the Middle east)

    In our modern days, and in less hot climate areas of the world, these burkas are NOT required.
    1. We now have modern hats to protect from the sun
    2. Sunscreen is readily available and avoids your face being wrapped up!
    3. Being promiscuous or having a social friendships with others is now not seen as slutty or blasphemous!

    Even I may actually wear some type of toweling around my head if I was in the Middle East deserts. But over here its just NOT required, especially at night!!

    The 'religious' aspect of these choices of clothing is irrelevant. Since religion always follows traditional environmental era. Things have changed since the OLD days, surprisingly these outdated scriptures and versus written by people do not hold true today. The same would apply to thousands of years from now. ie If there were a radiation fallout should Muslims continue to wear burkas or decide to live a bit longer and actually wear a radiation suit?
    Wearing a burka is like wearing bones through our nostrils, yes it looks good in the tribe but not in modern society!

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  • o_0

    you got them saved and if its for memory of you both then i think the saved ones are enough..!! if she does not feels comfortable then do care for her feelings and remove them... its upon her whether she wants people to see it or not...

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  • Bambiena

    Leave them on Muslim is stupid and fake I think you should what you think is right

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  • SandyGun5555

    You should tell your sister to smoke some weed.

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  • wisdomseeker

    her photos..her faith...her rights

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  • kgirl89

    If you want to respect her beliefs take them down

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  • stephen1

    Yeah a muslim will lnow y ur sister said that.. Its complicated to explain to a non muslim about this.. But anyhow i think u should just take off the photos.. Ut sister have the rights. :-)

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  • mightymouse

    It's simple, there are two views:

    1. The photos are currently yours OR in the digital domain... therefore she has no REAL rights on whether they are shown or not. Also it is not fair for her to be trying to AFFECT your life with HER religion. (Religion is only okay if it is private and personal, it should not be forced on others.)

    2. As with ANY relationship, it is your call as to whether you would wish the other person in the relationship discomfort, and it is up to you as to what concessions / compromises you are willing to do for the others comfort.

    Good luck on this challenging situation.

    | mightymouse |

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  • Imposturously_yours

    Nope.. Although -untag her and make those private. It sucks, but I wouldn't mind doing this for my family. In any case -you still get to keep the photos and she won't have any issue with it.

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  • Couman

    I think you should very conspicuously censor her out of the pictures.

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  • happy123

    keep em

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  • derpington

    I see you respect your sister, take the pictures down then. Take them off facebook but keep them in a computer file made for your own pictures. Simple lol

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  • lalaaa's your sister decision...take them off and accept her like she is now.and keep the photos for yourself

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    Put the privacy settings on them to o ly me

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  • i dont know and dappled has covered some ground for you, some days it would be handy to pretend to be muslim so i wouldnt have to brush my hair, then maybe i could wear the full burqua and wear my pjamas underneath a real timesaver for work, only in different material so id look like a bright floral tent sitting at my desk, i'm making fun of this cause i want to so your sister should thank her lucky stars she doesnt have an ignorant pig of a sister like me, over and out

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  • dappled

    Very tough question. I don't know the answer but if we break it down into chunks, it might help. It strikes me that you've got multiple conflicting impulses. On one side:

    (a) Your sister feels uncomfortable (and perhaps strongly so)

    On the other:

    (b) You don't want to change history. Your sister didn't used to be a Muslim and you don't want her past to be hidden
    (c) You prefer the pictures of your sister before she converted
    (d) You cherish the pictures of you two

    Point c can be discounted because your preference isn't massively relevant. Whether the photos are on Facebook or not, you still have them and can still prefer them.

    Points b and d can't be so easily discounted. You love your sister and you love who she was (as well as who she now is). You have very valid reasons for those pictures being on Facebook (to show people you love her).

    However, another way of showing love would be to go along with her wishes, even while explaining why you don't want to. This also shows you love her (but the person you're showing is now only her, not others on Facebook).

    Your dilemma comes down to one point. Is it more important to show your sister that you love her (at the expense of not telling anyone else that you do), or is it more important to show everyone you love her, even while upsetting her in the process?

    I know it's difficult to think about taking the pictures down (or hiding them). But if you concentrate on the reasons for doing it, it really is an act of love.

    I'm sorry that this probably isn't the answer you wanted. When I started typing, I honestly had no idea which way it would go. I've just tried to be impartial.

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    • o_0


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