Should i tell my boss the truth, or act like everything is fine?

I've just started my job about a month ago, I'm still in the probationary period, and my boss said she's going to have a talk with me this week about how I'm getting on. The thing is though I have really bad social anxiety, and so I haven't really been getting on with the other workers very well. It's not that we don't like each other or anything, it's just that I've been practically mute everyday around the office and at lunch, which could come off as being unfriendly or inconsiderate. Should I mention to her that I've been struggling with this, or should I just pretend everything's fine? I don't want her to fire me for it, but then I don't want her to hear from the other workers first that I'm unfriendly and rude.

No, don't tell her 6
Yes, tell her 13
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Dustyair

    I would just play it by ear and see what she has to say first. If it comes up, then tell her you deal with a little social anxiety, and it takes you a bit longer to adjust to new people, that all.

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  • Ellenna

    I wouldn't bring it up if I were you, but if it does come up from her just say you're a bit shy and that you hope that doesn't cause people to think you're rude. If it doesn't affect your work, why label yourself to her and possibly jeopardise your job?

    Are you having any treatment for this? I don't suffer from it myself but I realise it must be very difficult for you and others like you and that you could be looking around for some help to overcome it.

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  • Hotdogsaregross

    This is a really big struggle I have had throughout my life. Especially with the jobs I had. I had a similar situation with a job before and everything came out ok even though I acted completely weird the whole time. No I didn't tell her I had social anxiety because I was embarrassed by it. I really feel for you and fully understand your thoughts. I was diagnosed with severe social anxiety and selective mutism as a teen. Luckily and surprisingly now I have a husband that is very supportive and understanding.

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  • lordofopinions

    I would let her know about your social anxiety IF she brings up something related to it but I think you're over thinking the whole thing.

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