Should i tell my boyfriends friends that he cheated on me?

so ive been with my boyfriend for over a year and i’m pretty close with his friends, they tell me they love me and i see them a lot. my boyfriend has been cheating on me for most of our relationship, i didn’t find out about it until months after but he hasn’t changed his ways.

he’s been cheating by asking girls for nudes and being their “sugar daddy” and has tried to meet up with them in person. he made a bumble, using his FRIENDS pictures, and has used his friends instagram that he made for them to disguise himsself, using his friends real name. they have no idea about it and im not sure how they’d react, but they’re good people. should i tell them? my boyfriend says his life will be ruined but he’s using his friends to cheat. any advice would be appreciated!

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Comments ( 1 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Sure, you could tell your boyfriend's friend, because what he's doing is tantamount to identity theft. By now this dude should be your ex-boyfriend, and not your boyfriend anymore. If you tell his friend about the identity theft then you best be an ex-girlfriend by that point, because shit will likely hit the fan! Why are you with this guy anyway? Snitching on your boyfriend to his friends isn't going to endear him to you any, nor will it prevent him from cheating on you. If you're gonna spill the beans don't do it until you have broken up, and safely moved yourself, and your belongings far, far away!

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