Should people who look young date people who are young?

So if a girl or guy looked 16 but was actually 24 years of age, can they date a 16 year old? In my personal opinion it's wrong and it doesn't matter if the girl looks 16 and is dating a real 16 year old boy, she still is 24 biologically. It doesn't matter if she looks 16 that doesn't make it so and vise versa for the guy who looks 16. People could make excuses all they want. For instance, "oh um well 24 year old guys won't date me or 24 year old girls won't date me." Or " I have no choice because 16 year olds flirt with me, I can't help it I look 16 but I'm actually 24." Bull shit!!! Excuses. So what do you guys think? I knew a guy who looked 16 and thought he could get away with dating a 15 year old. He turn out to be 21. He got caught and was a arested. Making excuses well I looked 16 why does it matter? It does fucken matter bro, you took advantage of your age. I don't give a fuck You looked 16, it doesn't make it so bub. I'm 21 but don't look it, I get mistaken for being 16-17. I still don't date 16 year olds. I'm 21 but look 16, but that doesn't give me an excuse to be a sicko. Hope you learn your lesson. That goes for all of you sickos out there. 22 year old Women too, who think they can pray on 16 year old boys, thinking they can get away with it just because they look like there 16. Hate to break it to you ladies but you will get caught and paid for the crimes you did as well.

No stick to your age gap 8
I don't care 9
As long it's legal age, it doesn't matter you look 16 that doesn't change the facts you're an adult 14
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Comments ( 28 )
  • lordofopinions

    Age is a number. As long as both parties are legal age and both consenting what does it matter?

    Most of you are two young to remember but what about Tiny Tim and Miss Viki?

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  • IrishPotato

    I knew a couple who started dating at 14 and 24.

    Fucking sicko.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Were they hillbillies?

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      • IrishPotato

        He was pretty white trash, but she wasn't.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Yeah, that sounds pretty raunchy. Which of the two was the older one?

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    • Zonfire80

      Did he or she took advantage the fact they looked young?

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      • IrishPotato


        I forgot to add the very important detail that they didn't tell her parents he was the age he was until a few years later.

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        • Zonfire80

          He's a trogon horse at best. What a disgusting man.

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          • IrishPotato

            Yeah. I'm surprised her parents were fine with it in the end.

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            • Zonfire80



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  • IrishPotato

    That's called pedophelia.

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    • Zonfire80

      Yep that's wrong

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  • bob7

    so just a 4-5 year difference makes people sickos ?

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  • Jaystr

    And then there's just your "dirty thirties"

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  • RoseIsabella

    I hate pedobears, and I wish we could hunt them and shoot them down like some people do with animals.

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  • charli.m

    Why would anyone without shitty motives think that was acceptable?

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    • Zonfire80

      Because they look 16 but really are using that to get away from there Hebephile ways.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Pedos are into young children. I might be getting the words wrong but Hebephiles are into 11-14 year olds and Ephebophiles are into 15-19 year olds. It's all gross either way. I remember when I was between the ages of 11-17 old dudes would flirt with me. It was gross. I don't get why they couldn't bother someone their age.

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        • Zonfire80

          Some guys sometimes can't get girls either because there short like kids or look very young. Still wrong no matter what.

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  • joe-schmoe

    That's creepy as hell. If those numbers are accurate, you're what they callllll...

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    • Zonfire80

      I'm just pissed off of people who lie about there age just because they look young. Just because you look like a kid doesn't mean you should date a kid. Its fucken disgusting. I've heard things of this before. It's all on the news. There what they call a trogon horse. A fucken trogon horse. Looks can be diseaving. Same goes for people who lie about there gender. I'm transgender and always make sure my partner knows it.

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    • joe-schmoe

      *fanfare* A Pedophile! *fireworks*

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  • It's JUST sex! What difference does age make!

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  • McBean

    Many young looking 22 year old girls like to introduce 16 year old boys to sex. Not good, but the boys never seem to complain.

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    • Zonfire80

      Yea and some guys who look young do the same thing. Even guys who are young lie they are older.

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