Should poofs be allowed

I know it’s 2020 and I try to get my head around the modern world, but I still can’t accept the idea of poofs. I can deal with a couple of women together but 2 blokes together I find repulsive. I think it’s terrible that TV shows should be allowed to feature gay men as if it were normal behaviour. Do others think its ok or are we living in a society where these perverts are allowed to carry on this way because people are too scared to be honest with their opinions?

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67% Normal
Based on 27 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 78 )
  • KholatKhult

    I don’t think homosexual and perverted are synonymous.

    All the gays I know are professional and conservative well-meaning people.

    I’d much rather have gays as company rather than pervs.

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    • Well said. Thank you. I agree. I also know a few people from the LGBTQ community and they are just as kind and understanding and compassionate, maybe even more so because they know what it's like to be persecuted, as anyone else. It's the prejudiced bigots that cause the problems and most stereotypes people hold are out of sheer ignorance or stupidity.

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  • Who else do you have problems with? They have been around for thousands of years and will continue on as will every other minority. They are not 'perverts', they just live a life that is different from what you see as 'acceptable'. Where do you get that idea? And don't tell me the Bible, which is a horrible book from which to seek morality, but that's another topic. It's 2020, bub. You're going to have to live with your prejudices. They ain't going away.
    Close-minded fools sicken me.

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    • The bible is full of shit, a fairy tale written over 2000 years ago. I’m talking about the disgusting way gays are accepted as normal behaviour. If we consider every other creature on the planet its about carrying forward our genes for the next generation. That happens with a male and a female not 2 of the same.

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      • litelander8

        Dude, even animals are gay. Just bc society taught you to be a homophobe, doesn’t mean you should follow.

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      • Mammal-lover

        Your right every other, cause animals are gay as well mate. Sometimes they are gay 2. It just happens

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      • It is normal, just different. Like litelander8 said, homosexuality exist in the non-human population too. And if everybody did breed can you imagine how much worse our overpopulation problem would be? Try to be more open-minded and not give in to petty prejudices. But I do agree the bible is full of myths and fairy tales.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Were the hell did poof come from? I've never heard that one. Gays and bisexuals are just as normal as straights. Just look at ancient Rome were you were weird if you werent bi. Yea bitch. Sexuality is very fluid and does whatever it wants trust me I know. Theres nothing wrong with liking other men. Especially on a planet as over populated as ours if you are in a non procreating relastionship your doing our species a favor at this point.

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    • Boojum

      As Bill007 says, poof is a British term for a gay man. Poofter is a derivative word that means the same.

      It's considered derogatory now, but when Monty Python used it back in the early seventies, the word was tossed around quite casually. Back then, many British sitcoms also deployed racial stereotypes for comic purposes, and the language could be very racist. It was a different time.

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      • Vinegarlover94

        This was also at a time where being gay was illegal in the uk

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        • No it wasn’t, in 1967 homosexuality for men was legalised in UK. For women it was never illegal

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          • Vinegarlover94

            Fair play but it wasn’t legalised in Scotland ( where I live) until 1987 there’s more than just England in the uk and Scotland has entirely separate laws

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            • Fair comment although you actually have the year wrong. It was 1980 in Scotland and 1981 in Northern Ireland

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      • Mammal-lover

        Sounds like an awesome time to be honest

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    • Great reply. Well stated! BTW, Poof, I believe, is a British term. It was used on Monty Python's Flying Circus all the time instead of gay.

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      • Mammal-lover

        Oooh never saw that one, ivs only seen the holy grail. I know. I need to get my act together

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        • litelander8

          Life of Brian is way better.

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        • It's a series that ran from the late 60s into the mid/early 70s.

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  • EnglishLad

    There is no problem with 2 men being together.
    There is no problem with 2 women being together.
    There is no problem with a man and a woman being together.
    There is no problem with anyone being with anyone as long as both of them are comfortable with it.

    The only problem is people like you who like to thump your bible and tell everyone else who doesn't agree with you that they're disgusting.

    PS: in before "spoken like a true cocksucking poof who loves to be spitroasted every saturday night" I'm straight so that one won't wash I'm afraid. I'm just not a bigot.

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    • What the fuck has the bible got to do with anything. I’m not religious in any way. Last time I went in a church was when I was a bridesmaid at my sisters wedding about 40 years ago, and that wasn’t my choice.

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  • McSorley

    Why are you so concerned about people who have absolutely nothing to do with you? Is your own life that boring?

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  • Vinegarlover94

    Why the fuck would what other guys do bother you. I’m gay and the thought of a guy and woman doesn’t disgust me. The thought of a lesbian couple doesn’t disgust me. I don’t get why you feel like it concerns you. There is only one explanation..... your secretly gay and can’t admit it. It’s fine I’ve been there myself, being homophobic to hide your inner feelings when it’s not safe to come out the closet. If this isn’t the case Well, I have some good news, the world is a much more accepting place for us gays and I don’t think your small minded approach will change what society as a whole views as acceptable :)

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    • I don’t actually give a fuck what people do in private. I think it’s sick but it’s their business. What I object to is having it rammed down our throats every time we turn the TV on. Also if it’s so normal why do we have to put up with all those gay pride marches every summer. You don’t see heterosexual people marching down the street shouting about how great it is to be straight

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      • Vinegarlover94

        Fuck it, I’m gonna be honest and tell you what I think about your opinion.

        You sound like a fucking nazi. What else don’t you like? You are complaining about pride parades (which although I’m gay I haven’t been to one) because I don’t feel the need to let everyone know I’m gay. The reason I’m letting YOU know I’m gay is because it annoys you.
        I think the fact you call us poofs shows the level of intelligence you possess. Maybe you should use that intelligence and read about what hating people has caused.

        I don’t understand why you don’t like gay pride marches. As for not seeing straight people Marching down the street. That’s called everyday life you fucking moron. It’s assumed that most gay guys are straight unless blatantly obvious. So we have to tell people. It’s assumed And often expected of us that we are gonna have children. You don’t realise that you pretending to feel sick over a tv programme is only wasting your own time. Why not get off the fucking couch and read a book (preferably a dictionary) And find a better word for gays rather than poof.

        Ps I’d love to know in what part of the world you are.

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        • Clunk42

          OP is using British terms. We Americans may not call them poofs, but the British do.

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          • Vinegarlover94

            Americans tend to use faggot do they not. I’ve never really understood why a ball of meat has anything to do with homosexuals

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            • Clunk42

              The word "faggot" as I've heard it used in countries other than America means "cigarette" or "kindling".

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          • Vinegarlover94

            Yeah I’m Scottish. It’s just I haven’t seen any gay relationships on tv for quite some time only thing I know there is gay relationships is the soap operas so she must be watching absolute mind melting stuff 😂

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      • Straight people also don't get belittled or discriminated against, do they Einstein? It's their way of trying to get ignorant, narrow-minded twats to show some compassion and humanity. We're all human and it's time for this ludicrous type of discrimination to end. So quit your bitching and accept that it's part of the way the world is.

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      • leggs91200

        Actually in Boston the bigots had some straight pride parade. Pretty silly but whatever.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    How are they perverts? I've seen plenty of gay couples in public, but never have I seen them wanking each other off or anything like that. They're just like straight couples, the most they'd do in public is hold hands or maybe have a quick kiss. What's the difference between 2 men holding hands and a man + woman holding hands?

    I think maybe you're the one who's afraid to be honest with yourself about why you hate gay people.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Nice trolling.

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    • iEatZombies_

      You think so? I know people irl who still think this way.

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      • RoseIsabella

        That's jacked up, those people are hella jacked up.

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        • Tommythecaty

          They’re apparently hella jacked up from being hella jacked off by all these gay pervs roaming around

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          • RoseIsabella

            *snickers* 😆

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  • litelander8

    Grow the fuck up.

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  • barefoot_on_the_sand

    Go fuck yourself, fascist.

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    • Clunk42

      Leave us fascists out of this conversation.

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      • bigbudchonga

        Are you legit a fascist, dude?

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        • Clunk42

          Technically, I'm an imperialist, which is similar enough to fascism that I felt compelled to defend imperialist's fascist brethren.

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          • bigbudchonga

            Ahh, cool dude, I'm a mixture. Libertarian on a lot of issues but I defo see the value of something like fascism; it has strong stoic qualities. Honestly, it's gotten a bad name because Hitler put forward horrific (and rather ironically un-fascist) policies like the holocaust. Most people who decry fascism have never read even a single page of The Doctrine of Fascism.

            I'm quite interest in what form of imperialism you follow? Are you supportive of a hereditary monarchy, or an elective one? Also, dude, policy wise are you behind conquest and colonization? I am generally; Africa benefited greatly from it, and studying Ancient History we in North West Europe were basically savages before the Romans came in and conquered us.

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            • Clunk42

              Here's the way I look at it. There are two ways for the next leader to be selected; either by someone or by no one. Monarchies involve no one. This leaves it up to random chance as to whether or not the leader is corrupt. Empires, on the other hand, involve someone choosing the next leader, whether it's the people or the previous leader. If the people get to choose the next leader, then whether or not the leader is corrupt is up to the people. If the previous leader chooses the next leader, then it's up to the former to pick an uncorrupt successor. The question is simple: what's the hardest to corrupt/uncorrupt? I'm not a fan of government by random chance, so that's out of the picture. It is my opinion that a single person is easier to corrupt, but easier to uncorrupt, while a society is harder to corrupt, but harder to uncorrupt. Because of this, I prefer the previous leader to hand-choose the next; that way, the government is considerably easier to uncorrupt when it is inevitably corrupted.

              About colonization, I believe that the country should do what is best for itself, with no regards for any other countries or peoples. Morals should still apply when dealing with a conquered country's people, though. Until conquered, however, no rules apply.

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      • leggs91200

        Next the OP will have problems with people who listen to TMBG.

        The NERVE of some people.

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        • What’s TMBG?

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          • leggs91200

            they might be giants

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  • leggs91200

    When you see gay stuff, it is fashionable men, bright colors, dance music, and enjoying life. More gay as in "happy" than anything.

    I kind of feel sorry for the narrow minded straight folks.
    Think about it.
    They have to wear cargo shorts, socks with sandals, listen to Dave Matthews or maybe Ed Sheeran, drive minivans, man caves, and sadly, Trump is their president. All that wholesome, boring junk.

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    • Clunk42

      As a narrow-minded straight folk, myself, I am offended by that statement. I never wear shorts of any kind, don't even own sandals, don't recognize either of those musicians, don't have a driver's licence, don't even have my own bedroom, and think of Trump as the lesser of the evils who have an even remote chance of being elected, even though they all suck.

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  • throwaway63136

    not sure whether you're a troll but i'm fairly certain that like myself, most people don't have a problem with gay people or relationships anymore. I don't see what would be wrong or different about it. And it's nothing to do with media or fear of admitting, it just genuinely doesn't bother me or most people I know and I don't see why it would bother you. They're not doing anything to you.?

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  • Vvaas

    animals are gay and so am i straight facts

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  • Why is it okay with you if it involves 2 women but not 2 men? That's quite a double-standard you have going there. Are you hiding something from us?

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  • Tommythecaty

    The alphabet people perv ratio is roughly equivalent to the straight one.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Im not some big antigay guy and it should be allowed on TV but it seems shoved down your throat a bit. There's soooo many gays on TV on every show. Is being gay really that popular? I dont meet a lot of gays in person but seems like they're all on TV.

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    • That is my point I guess. If it wasn’t so rammed down our throats all the time it would cease to be an issue. If these people just got on with their lives and bumming each other or whatever it is they do I wouldn’t give a shit. Seeing it on TV all the time and having people march along the seafront shouting about how special they think they are just because they are a bunch of queers is what brings it to public attention and makes it so disgusting.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        I know I agree. Every channel I turn it on the host is always some very feminine man or he's gay. I think it's that hollywood wants us to accept gays so bad they shove it in ur throat to reinforce gay shit

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        • palehorse

          Apparently gay people existing publicly is offensive to you...

          Maybe the reason you don't see so many gay people in real life is because you assume everyone you see is straight.

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          • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

            "Gay people existing offends you". What a stupid thing to say and a retarded assumption. My supervisor at work is gay who I really admire. I dont get offended by him and I have tons of respect for the guy.

            You translated my words to fit your little pity party narrative.

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            • palehorse

              Existing publicly, like I said. You're offended by gay people existing on TV.

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  • Well, OP. You got your responses. Looks like you are the disgusting one. Like your medicine?

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  • palehorse


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  • bigbudchonga

    Durty pooftas disgust me mate. I give a good bumming to teach em what's right! It's like if you catch your kid smoking ciggies you make em smoke the whole pack till their sick. When I find a poofta I bum em raw!

    For real though, most of them are alright. The gay pride parades where people dress up dildo suits and LARP as leather bondage dogs are straight up degenerate though. I think this modern idea of bringing your child to a parade where people are doing that is stupid, but the act of being gay in itself and bumming each other in the bedroom is fine.

    Also, dude, they should still be allowed to show super degenerate behaviour, or act in such away; it's just up to us as a society to not swallow the shit that "Drag Queen Story Hour" is a beautiful thing that teaches our children great values, or that marching in a dildo suit whilst holding your mate who's dressed up as a leather dog in something to be "proud" of.

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  • Holzman_67

    Hey man hope you’re keeping well in this crazy time. I hope that you can find some love in your heart for people of different sexual origin. If you’d like to chat about it I’m here, my names Rhett. All the best

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  • SeashellSong

    I think there is no wrong in this.

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  • --

    Imagine that.. 2 guys sitting on a couch with their feet up on the poofs, horrible. But I think even 2 women should not use poofs.
    I had a poof once, it even had a trap door where I could jam things in it, I changed my ways and got a sofa bed, that way I could still put my feet up. Coffee tables are so much better then poofs to.

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    • leggs91200

      You had a poof?
      Jesus Christ what kind of a sicko were you?
      And BTW, just what were you jamming into it?

      Oh boy, I bet next you will come out as having owned a futon in the late 90's.

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      • Clunk42

        My brother used to sleep on a futon. Now he sleeps on the floor.

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  • rocketdave

    How do you feel about bi's?

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    • Why would anyone bother to be bi? Another wierdo idea

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      • It's not like people have a choice. Anyone who thinks sexuality is a choice is a fool. You're just pathetically intolerant.

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      • EnglishLad

        Well, if you're bi you immediately double your chances of getting a date, and that's just a starter.

        Maybe you should try it, OP. Sounds like you could do with a huge cock inside your shitbox...

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        • Yes that’s feasible but still not gay since I’m a woman. Why would you assume I was a man?

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          • rocketdave

            You could still try being bummed!

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