Should the age-limit to purchase alcohol be 21, 20 or 18?

Which of these age-limits do you think sounds the best?

21 13
20 1
18 19
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Comments ( 29 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    I would actually say 16 for low alcohol percentage drinks such as beers and 18 for the rest. Teenagers drink anyway and this could encourage a phased introduction to drinking and allow young people to find their limits, instead of going straight to vodka and other spirits.

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    • LloydAsher

      How about 18 for beer and 21 for spirits?

      Teenagers are reckless as is. Also the health effects are something to take note of.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        I was thinking a lower legal age for low alcohol percentage drinks would take some of the mystery out of alcohol for young people and discourage its abuse. In the UK drinking starts from 13/14 with the culture being to get someone’s older brother to buy a bottle of vodka and gulp it down until it’s vomited back up. Perhaps if beer and cider were more readily available they would become the go to “starter drinks” which young people could use to find their limits.

        I see no reason to restrict alcohol purchases for adults, if you’re old enough to pay taxes you’re old enough to by spirits.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          I think 16 with parents is fair. Idk about without them tho.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Definitely 21.

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  • kikilizzo


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    • Iambillythemenacetosociety

      In Germany, there is no age limit for alcohol.

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  • KholatKhult

    *brick flies through window*

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    • LloydAsher

      Not surprising since russia is known for its alcoholism. And lesser know how the vodka industry enabled such drinking habits. Cant have revolts if your peasants are drunk? Worked for the tsar works for the goverment.

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      • KholatKhult

        Alcohol consumption rates have been drastically dropping in Russia over the last couple years. Life expectancy at an all time high. We’ve had very successful sobering policies and young people are writing off alcohol completely.

        How is America’s opioid crisis going ? 100,000 drug overdoses last year. Heard you’ll be legalizing Meth and Crack soon. America has the highest rate of substance abuse of any nation in the world.
        War on Drugs didn’t go so well did it ?
        How does that Fentanyl taste ?

        We are getting better. You are getting worse. That’s too bad. And I mean that seriously, that’s too bad.

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        • LloydAsher

          Is 200,000 alcohol related deaths a year a good sign for russia? Especially with less than half the of the population of america?

          Also america has a life expectancy of 78 while russia is 71. So yeah even in obesity, gun toting, drug riddled america we still live longer than you.

          All time high of 71.5 what an achievement of low standards.

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          • KholatKhult

            Did you not read what I wrote ?
            We are getting better - you are getting worse.
            Your substance abuse is multiplying rapidly. Your overdoses are multiplying rapidly. Your life expectancy is dropping. Your country is falling. Except for lining the pockets of your predatory hyper elites and money grubbing crooked politicians, crime rate spring through the roof, nobody being able to afford rent, mortgage, a loan, food, gas, health insurance, education, growing violent riots, more domestic terrorism, the list goes on. “40 billion dollars for Ukraine but no formula for American babies” your Republicans echo on global social media.
            America peaked and is now crumbling in every way possible. Your people burn your flag in the streets and scream “we hate America” in American streets. We see all of this. That bubble you lot live in is about to pop.
            “Fascism is Capitalism in decay”

            Russia is sobering. Russia is healing. Russia is bettering ourselves every year. Russia is unifying. Russia is self sufficing. I will always bet on my country and my people, while you tear your own countrymen down left and right. Patriotism means sticking it out no matter the struggles, I have no interest in your “fair weather” attitude.

            Also “200,000 alcohol related deaths” is hyper fucking inflated. Putin calls everyone who dies who has had a sip of alcohol once in their life a “alcohol related death” because he’s hyper anti-alcohol and despises it all.

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  • Wow3986

    Any age, honestly.

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  • darefu

    I used to say and think there should be a standard age for adult activities. I've always thought 18 was a good age, however, today's youths, I'm not sure have the maturity or life experience to be adults at 18. I'm now leaning more towards 21.

    Before you disagree, I'm talking good and bad stuff. If you want to live in your mom's basement, live on parents health care, have school paid for, dont want to work, and on and on you're not an adult. Then everything needs to be changed. Cigarettes, alcohol, guns, military service, renting or buying large purchases(require cosigner) until age 21.

    The old saying if you are old enough to be required to do military service then you are an adult. I would still support 18 but then 18yo need to be given the responsibilities and held accountable to grow up.

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    • RoyyRogers

      That is a good idea in thoery but makes it easier for abusive parents to take custody of thier kids for longer. At 18 I tried getting a job. It upset my mom since she couldnt care for the house by herself and needed me and my sibling to help. So us being independent was bad for my mom who couldnt handle her affairs. It would make more sense to take a test. Some people choose to be kids forever and some are burdened with idiot parents they need to be the parents to.

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      • darefu

        Sorry to say, there are some parents that think you owe them for the rest of your life for the 18 years they spent raising you.

        When they hit old age and can't take care of themselves I understand we normally feel a need to step up. But if this happens when you are 18 to 30 you need to weigh just how long is this going to last. You do have your own life to live.

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        • RoyyRogers

          Thats my piont. Now I think its irresponsible in some cases to give an 18 year old with a child mentality rent, a job or a school loan since they sre too stupid to be able to handle it. However, there are people who were basically parents at a young age and waiting for the law to restore our rights. I think we should give a reasoning test and see how they handle real life situations. For example "You trying to rent but have no credit" or "You have a dillema at work". This would also help kids who are smarter than parents have more legal rights,can be usedby potentiol employers, and be used as a tool to allow someone to rent, or given a driver liscense.

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          • darefu

            Problem with test is they can be defeated by most people with half a brain, and if you make it too hard you would be considered racist or discriminating against certain classes of people.

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            • RoyyRogers

              No, not really. It can be defeated by mature enough people. People who are immature are going to awnser based om thier own reasoning skills. If thier reasoning is stupid or childish they get no rights. That isnt descrimination of race. Thats basic sense and if people have no sense they are not adults.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I'd say it should be 16 or 17.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    If you can go to war you should be able to drink. We coddle young ppl too much. They need to be working younger and being more mature at a younger age.

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    • You can go to war as an 18-year old, but not purchase alcohol. Makes absolutely no sense to me.

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      • LloydAsher

        My state was a hold out for that. Until the feds withheld funding until they raised it.

        You can still underage drink if you are in company of your family. So the 21 age restriction only really applies if you want to privately aquire alcohol

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Oh ok dang I thought your state was like 16

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          • LloydAsher

            Naw we weren't that crazy with it. We have enough of a problem with drunk drivers. If you could die in a war least you could do is drink.

            Plus if you were going into bootcamp or something. Most bars would give you a drink of something stronger on the house.

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            • 1WeirdGuy

              Oh I just looked it up its legal if they're with their parents.

              Thats one thing thats kinda gay about the bible belt they're weird about drinking. Tennessee just started allowing liquor and wine to be sold on sundays. When I was in Alabama I couldnt even buy beer on the weekend that was few years ago idk if it changed. They're strict on any kind of drugs or alcohol.

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