Should the fr*nch (🤢) count as people?

Is France even real? I heard it's really north Spain

Yes 🤮🤮🤮 16
Give Canada back to the mother land 🍁 10
No 🤬 6
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Comments ( 29 )
  • Meatballsandwich

    Eww, Fr*nce. Germany is better.

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    • LloydAsher

      Besides their cars and guns they ain't much to spit at now adays.

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      • Meatballsandwich

        Everything except China is better than France. Finland is the absolute best tho.

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        • LloydAsher


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    • Pfft. Maybe if you hate Jews

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      • Meatballsandwich

        Nah, everything beats France, except China. And they make awesome cars, whereas french cars suck. Also, who doesn't hate jews? The world would be a better place without France, China and Jews.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Yes France is real, of course it's French, why do you think they have this outrageous accent? Silly Arthur king! The French count as people, and are the most nationalistic fighters of the Revolution ever of the century, they will shove frog's legs in your face and smell of cheese and wine.

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    • LloydAsher

      All it took was 2 world wars to go from being the unstoppable juggernaut to being on the same level as Italy.

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      • ospry

        Why is Italy nowhere near as reviled as Germany for having embraced fascism?

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        • LloydAsher

          Because they sucked so bad at the war they became the france of the axis powers. Most of the time wasted resources.

          Italy was an agricultural power not an industrial one. It's no suprise it didnt work out. Their soldiers fought hard, cant deny that. But their industry wasnt that good.

          I'm not saying this to dis on france so hard. That's mean. I'm just saying when it comes to global power. Its diminished drastically from its pinnacle. Such as italy was once were.

          Same could be said for the UK. But their military is very good and they still have a good navy.

          France is a good soft power. It just isnt a hard power anymore.

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      • normal-rebellious

        To be at the same level that must be the case that France made peace with Italy, 2 world wars? Give me a break! War's terrible, you know it's the gospel what I'm saying, do you think France is what it is because some Frenchie told you they won the war? Come on, it's laughable! The French are now free from trouble. And furthermore I'm not going to pretend I'm right, you're absolutely right, you're the man as I'm the man to whom taking advice cuts out the middle man, and if you feel strong go drink some water, and eat wine grapes, because the reality is you're a good thing, and I'm there to laugh knowing it's true.

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        • LloydAsher

          That was hard for me to follow. Could you explain it like I'm 5?

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          • normal-rebellious

            There's nothing to explain, I should be understood like everybody else, and you have the right to believe any shitty delusions you want, I'm going to repeat my once acceptable behaviour of the 21st century. I'm supernormal and you know it, read my name, does it indicate I do what people want?

            Contrariwise I do what people hate, you must love manipulating words from one man, face it, I'm just like everybody else here, you're a wanker so wanky no one can outwank your wankiest lies of the universe, I'm correct, it makes sense, people should be agreeing with the way I am, yes, it's so, I should be completely the same because I said so, everybody's wanting something, cut it out, I can give you the curse I'm in right now: I'm a failure!

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            • ospry

              I don't think he was manipulating your words. You have a really distinct way of writing which makes what you have to say more interesting to read, but it can also be confusing sometimes. You sometimes have a tendency to write comments that seem to start in the middle of a thought which other people don't have any context for

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  • KholatKhult

    I like the French idc. I think they are funny as hell
    Everytime there is some form of ‘injustice’ in the world they set a police car on fire and all the women take their tops off in the street
    Then they all just go home I guess, I don’t even know if anything changes

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    • Meatballsandwich

      Bruh, Russians are 100x times more fun than the french.

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    • dude_Jones

      👍 I like your counter points, bro. There’s something therapeutic about burning cars during a topless protest. Lol. Their cafe culture is also a sort of therapeutic way to waste way too much time as well.

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  • Somenormie

    Yes, you donut

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  • Giorgi

    Yes, amphibian chicken sounds delicate to me, got to try it one day over there.

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  • Grunewald

    They're very good at environmental stuff, if that counts for anything.

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  • Holzman_67

    God have merci

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  • YE


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  • Vvaas


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    • What about their chickens?

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      • Vvaas

        chickens have immunity no matter location they are above people always 🐣

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