Should the sale of human organs be legal?

Waiting for transplant I have been on the list for 3 years now doing everything I can to et a kidney and still I wait on dialysis. Those who don't know what its like to go through dialysis feel like it may not be a big deal but it causes me to miss out on my family. I would love for someone to want to donate their kidney for me but reality is they wont. We are a money driven society and if money is what it takes for me to get a kidney that is what I would do. This doesn't mean paying out of pocket because I don't have the money to do so but the government is already paying for dialysis costing around 30,000 a month. They could just as easily pay someone for a kidney for just one month of dialysis.

yes 20
no 13
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Comments ( 6 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Only if you want to see unwilling people slaughtered for their organs like animals. No matter the benefits for the recipients, the cost for the unwilling donors is prohibitive.
    I'm sorry for your situation, but selling human organs would only cause many others hardship or worse.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Though not legal, there's already a black market for organs. Some innocent people are definitely getting cut against their will for their organs. I used to have this taxi driver, who was very well informed, tell me that in Brazil there are organ traffickers who, say they spy a poor child with pretty eyes, they will forcibly take their cornea tissue. As chilling as it sounds, he laid the truth out to dry, that no cares about some poor child not from the Western world. The demand and the money to be gained is far outweighing any moral obligations.

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    • Pseodonihm

      To true.

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  • anti-hero

    Why can't people just accept reality with grace and a shred of dignity?

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  • mlbryan44

    You looking for a new cock?

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  • LuxM4G

    Well, I believe the state should have the legal authority to acquire them by others means other than donation. It's a convoluted and sensitive matter though, don't think the government's and health care specialists haven't thought all about it, they did.

    In your particular case. If you don't have the money, then there's no point in considering so. You'll just have to wait for your call.

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