Should the u.s. grant amnesty to illegal immigrants?

Adding 33 Million Illegal Criminals To A Job Market With Massive Unemployment Is Beyond Stupid. As usual liberal Democrats aren't interested in the American people, only in their party. Illegals (Mexicans in particular) have dumbed down our educational system, caused an economic collapse, deflated wages for American workers, driven health care and car insurance rates through the roof, caused an epidemic of identity theft, auto accidents and disease, tripled the number of food stamp and welfare recipients and filled our prisons beyond capacity.

Why would anyone want to reward these destructive criminal invaders with amnesty?

Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers. Education, medical care, prisons, translators, court appointed translators, Medicaid, crime, welfare and undercutting American workers pay, when they work illegally in the U.S. Read the recent report from the HeritageFoundation. It states that amnesty will cost us 6.3 trillion dollars. No other country in this world allows invaders that disobey all laws; driving without a license, no insurance, illiterate, needy, uneducated and demanding support. Where is the benefit to us? There is none.

yes 7
no 14
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Comments ( 10 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Absolutely not. Each and every one should be deported back to their own country and have to apply through the proper channels.
    I still do not understand how someone living illegally in the US, is entitled to the same legal protections and services as the citizens who pay for those services. Perhaps all the immigration attorneys should be expelled as well, but not be allowed to apply to return.

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  • anti-hero

    Not at the expense of those who take the legal path.

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  • Fall_outxc

    I say just give the illegals paper who don't have a criminal record in America like rape, drugs and all that. Plus it's not 33million illegals in America there are 11 million something.

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  • leo0077

    If I can't do illegal activities with out consequences. Why should illegals be rewarded for committing a crime? It does not make sense. They got to go through the process like every one else.

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  • Nokiot9

    Sending them all back is just putting a bandaid on the issue. So is building bigger fences and having more patrols. people like you are the fucking worst. Just spouting off racist BS and being a copy-puppet without offering any useful solutions to the problem. If your THAT mad and as rednecked and stupid as I think you are, get your shot gun, get all ur beer drinking buddies and go down to the border for the weekend and shoot urself some border hoppers.

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  • Nokiot9

    There needs to be a better means of applying for work visas and citizenship so people won't have to resort to breaking the law and coming here illegally. The whole system is fucked and that's just the tip of the ice berg.

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  • dinz

    It doesn't solve the root cause why these people are migrating to the US in the first place.

    And what happens when these people are given amnesty to these people? It will just send the wrong message to other would be illegal migrants thinking they could get the same treatment too. This is a dangerous precedent and the government will need to rethink this.

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  • Obblop

    There are other military veterans with my opinion... we did NOT serve overseas just to allow the USA to be invaded by multi-millions of invaders. Some of us are angry enough to march upon Washington DC and introduce every supporter of the invasion to a branch of the Liberty Tree. Traitors are in position of power and are spitting upon We, the People. A traitor assisting with the invasion deserve the worst fate a traitor can receive.

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  • ucipher8

    Theres a simpsons episode about Apu, who came to the country legally but stayed illegally after his visa expired (because he didnt want to leave the country without paying off all his student loans, first).

    While i agree with taking a legitimate path to citizenship, how many of us with citizenship can actually trace our bloodlines back to Native american tribes that settled here well before christopher columbus set foot on these shores?

    Taking a stronger stance against illegal immigration wouldn't solve crime in the united states. Crime will occur on any country, on any continent.

    Perhaps we should just host eating competitions where first prize gets full US citizenship?

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  • jethro

    Like he said. I am all for immigration into the US. But the first thing you do when your foot hits the ground in the US shouldn't be to break the law. No other country in the world stands for illegal entry into their country, why should the US have to do it? I don't agree with being born here granting you citizenship either. If you are born here, you should have to serve at least two years in the military (actively) after your 18th birthday to get US citizenship. If you were born here you can be a legal resident but no citizen. And no benefits that a citizen enjoys. There are a ton of deserving people who came here illegally, but they need to leave and come back the right way. I'm sorry if you think that is hard. If you like you can have all of those illegal people live in YOUR home first. Then let's see how you feel about it.

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