Should we bring pay to play arcade centers back?

think of all the business that would bring in for the economy to have arcades all over america again? possibly with special games or updated paying methods.

yes 15
no 6
undecided 3
i dont care 3
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Comments ( 9 )
  • seekelp

    These things still exist and are experiencing a bit of a revival, usually combined with a bar.

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  • Legion

    I like the idea, but unfortunately, I doubt it would work well outside maybe a niche retro games geek thing, as the arcade model has lost the two things it had over the home game market:

    1:the Ability to play against strangers and friends, with Xbox live, PSN, and the Internet, not as many people will see the appeal of going to the arcade to do the same

    2: The arcade games were light-years ahead of what was being played at home, the arcade games having between 5-10 years ahead of the home console in terms of graphics and playability, once the home console caught up, people lost interest. In a way,games in arcades were essentially "the games of tomorrow, today!". Maybe if the arcade machine could feature games that were next generation in quality, while made with the same lead time and cost of a console game, maybe, but I dunno. I just dunno if they could come back to profitability.

    It is kinda sad, being my first experience in gaming was on a Centipede arcade machine owned by my grandma, as well as the arcade at Lost Valley Lake, a few times when I vacationed there in the summer as a boy. That being said, arcades were dying at the time, and most were already gone.

    (If I could, I would buy that Centipede game from my uncle!)

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  • mysistersshadow

    I got dragged along to a geek haven ok it was a game store the other day and they had console games you could basically play by paying by the hour. I think most modern games aren't really a good idea for old fashion arcades becos you need to save your progress and stuff.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'll pass. I don't miss the days of shelling out lots of money just to play games and waiting in line forever just to play the games I want. I can just as easily stay home and download the games I want without the wait and spend less money.

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  • Holzman_67

    Oh yeah the days of waiting for hours to play your favourite game while the rich kid on the block with a bag of change spends all morning playing it no thanks I've moved on

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    not havin to pump quarters into video games no more were onea the best thangs bout gittin computers & consoles in the 80s

    i dont wanna go back

    plus nowadays id git thrown outta the place for screamin and swearin at the games as ive become accustomed to

    id prolly git arrested for smackin obnoxious kids too

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  • thegypsysailor

    That really will no longer fly.
    When video machines cost thousands of dollars, we couldn't afford to have several around the house. But now that they cost almost nothing and can be played on anything from a phone to a computer, very few would choose to go out to some noisy, stinky arcade to play games over sitting comfortably at home (or at work for some) and play.

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  • IMissMary

    No, people are too antisocial now. There will be fights and shootings

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  • Dread-pool


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