Should we report anti patriotic people as terrorist?

When I say anti patriot I do not mean we should stamp a sticker of your flag on your chest and scream you love your country to be safe. Anti patriots are people from England, Japan, US pretending to be from another country. They will go as far as to say they want their own country invaded, destroyed, and blown up by other countries. If they are from Japan they pretend to be American, if they are from US they pretend they are from Japan, stuff like that. It irritates the other natives born in that country. I kind of starting to wonder should this type of shit count as terrorist behaviour?

Yes it should be 5
Its borderline 7
No it shouldnt 70
other 1
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Comments ( 43 )
  • dom180

    Why would it irritate people born in that country? If a British person pretends to be Chinese that is none of my business, unless they're trying to defraud someone.

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    • What worse is these anti patriots are often natives of the country they are badmouthing. They also have a superiority Complex since they have this belief they are not from this country. They do not complain out of concern for the country either. They are just disloyal to the country and would do anything to watch the country they were born in be invaded and destroyed.

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    • Yes and if they go up to every other British person saying your stupid, this whole damn country is stupid, I hope they kill the queen every fucking day. Would you not find that irritating? Along with wanting to smack them they just made a threat. Should this not be counted as terrorist threats? I mean if someone says they are going to kill the President the country goes on defense mode.

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      • MysticLane

        Making a threat to kill the queen is a lil different than pretending you're a native if your not. lol

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        • Picking out the details you like does not mean you can dismiss the rest of the details that were listed. Please reread it. I never said it was the same thing its just in the list that these people do. Its like saying you have a dog. You feed, groom, walk and train the dog. So training being in the list does not make it the same as grooming. Now explain to me why you believe people can not do both of these at the same time? Do you have some reason for believing that is impossible?

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          • MysticLane

            I'm not saying they can't. I'm saying someone can already get arrested if they threaten to kill a person in government or give a bomb threat, they would be accused of terrorism. But someone shouldn't be accused of terrorism if they're just pretending to be from somewhere they're not. or even just being completely against their country (even its to a point where they wish evil acts on it), they shouldnt be charged with terrorism. people are free to have whatever beliefs and thoughts they want.

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      • Leviathanel

        this isn't north korea buddy. what do we free countrymen have to be proud of if we aren't even allowed our political opinions anymore. no matter how stupid they may be.

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  • dybex

    Dude it is very creepy to have thoughts like that.

    Your post reminds me of Donald Sutherland in the final scene of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (the 1978 remake).

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  • I_Hate_Cats

    What the fuck? No.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Maybe we should all just try to get along.
    What you are suggesting has shades of Nazi Germany and other fascist states and does not belong in intelligent conversation.

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    • People report it when someone says they are going to kill the president. If someone in that country says "Lets blow shit up" is that not terrorism? They reported kids for making pipe bombs THAT HAD NOT BLOWN ANYONE UP YET. Why is this different?

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      • Leviathanel

        if someone says "i'm glad the trade center was blown up." or "I hope this country gets blown up." that just makes them a stupid asshole, the same thing you're guilty of.

        so technically you should probably get executed as well.

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      • thegypsysailor

        What one thinks or says out of context cannot be used against them in a free society.
        What people do, however is not at all the same. If someone makes a pipe bomb, they have acted on their thoughts and possession of a bomb, used or unused is against the law.
        I may be illegal to threaten the life of the president or a person, but it is not illegal to wish he was dead.
        Action, not thoughts or words is probably a legal part of all this, but I'm no lawyer.
        "Lets blow shit up" from a bunch of drunks out in the boonies is still words, until something goes boom.
        I would rather a thousand terrorist bombs went off around the country than see one person detained for their thoughts.

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        • So its legal to blow up a building? Also if a bunch of drunk idiots say they are going to blow something up they probobly would. Have you seen how stupid people get when they are hammered? They would probobly try! If they succeeded would depend but I don't doubt a drunk idiot would try something since people ARE STUPID WHEN DRUNK! Also its not a thought when you tell everyone other american,European, Japanese person I hate you, I hate this country, I going to get it blown it up when I live in japan, America, Europe. On top of that people do not like being harassed for race.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Where in the world did you get "So its legal to blow up a building?" from what I wrote?
            I give up; you just go ahead and run to the teacher and tell.

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  • Fairyhell

    No! you dick!

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    • Not really. It seems more dickish to tell someone in your country they are bad for being born in your country, how horrible your own country is, and that you want said person to be blown up. So how exactly do you think wanting to get rid of this harassment dickish? I guess wanting to report a bully who is constantly stealing your lunch money is being a dick too. According to your logic anyhow.

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      • Fairyhell


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  • Shnaz

    Start reporting everyone. It's your duty and you'll get lots of support.

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  • Wuggums47

    They just sound stupid to me. Don't get me wrong, I hold strong negative feelings my government officials for being douches, I mean I'm from the united states, and I assume you know what bush did. But I would never go as far as to say that my country deserves to be bombed or something. I personally have never met a person that holds that much homocidal intent that they want their own country to die. Every now and then on the internet I run into someone stupid enough to think starving africans should die because it was their fault for being born in Africa, or some stupid shit like that. For the record I don't think those people are normal.

    If you've run into more than one person that has expressed sentiments like that, it kind of makes me wonder where you live. I come from a town in the united states that are filled with all kinds of radical people, but I've never met that kind of radical.

    I'm not sure it is right to label someone like that as a terrorist. Maybe terrorist sympathizer or something?

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    • They are usually wannabes and I have heard this complaint from people in England, Japan, and the US a lot. A term for some of them is called weebo but I not sure if that would count japan.

      They irritate the other natives in the country. Also people get reported for saying something like "I wish the president is dead" and not saying they would do it. So why should this kind of bull shit not be considered a threat?

      People like this usually hang out with people of the other culture or pretend they are from the other culture and adopt all the customs. Person from US will buy anime in English sub, they will surround them self with friends only from japan, eat chopsticks and buy imported Japanese candy. They run around saying how much they want the US blown up by terrorist and will one day go to japan and get a group of them to blow up the US.

      Someone from japan will not use chopsticks, buy all American apparel and cartoons and reject there own culture. People with Europe well yeah same kind of thing. Its annoying, rude, and why is talking about blowing shit up not considered a threat?

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      • Wuggums47

        Well, I'm really into anime and japanese culture, I've even been to japan. It was probably the best time in my otherwise painful life. I've met alot of people who are in to anime, or foriegn films, and I've never run in to one who said we should kill the president or some crazy shit. Am I still an anti-patriot or whatever?

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        • No if you are not saying you want to blow up your country and threatening and harassing all the other natives than you are not the type of person I am talking about.

          Liking another culture is not a bad thing and I have no issue with it. My issue is these obsessive bastards saying they are going to blow it up and being racist shitholes to others born in that country.

          People have been reported for much less than this yet this kind of shit is always looked over and I just don't understand why. I like other cultures myself but I never said I was going to blow up my country and asking others to join me in the movement.

          The reason I used the term "Anti patriot" since it means they are the opposite of a patriot. A patriot is a person very proud of where they are from and loyal to that area. An anti patriot is a person born in a country that wants to destroy it and disloyal to it.

          Anti patriot is means the negative version of a patriot.

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  • 6007

    Que dices

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  • ReiTakeda

    this is not really an intelligent way to deal with it. nobody is succeeding by acting out of fear. fear is for the weak. it leads to anger, anger to violence, and.. the dark side.

    bad. wouldnt solve anything. shows fear and weakness. there are better solutions!

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    • So how would you deal with these type of situations?

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      • ReiTakeda

        I will choose to let people have freedom of expression because this is moral and ethical. it is only bad dictatorships, crazy fascists and such who are running around trying to punish people just for feeling a different thing

        the entire idea of saying it is "terrorism" means whoever say this is having NO IDEA what "terrorism" means, so they should go to a dictionary first...

        and 2, its very dangerous and radical and lucky for most the world this isnt happening in developed nations as much. this kind of thinking needs to die out fast for humans and countries to advance.

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        • Its not based on feeling different. It is straight up harassment. It is like being black and dressing like the KKK and saying "I will kill all black people".

          You see where after awhile the black people would get upset being told "I will fucking kill you and all your kind" over and over by these same people. That are in fact BLACK THEMSELVES

          Would you not be bothered by it? If someone made such threats to you based on where you were born and your race every single day? How about someone saying "I am going to blow up your country and I hope you die" from a person born and raised in your country.

          Since they obsessed with a band or something they watch? There is a different between liking something else and harassing people for being different.

          So you are saying you agree in harassing someone, threatening and attacking someone constantly for being born in a certain country and you believe its alright to make threats to blow up them and the country? So believing we should not harass each other for being of a different country makes you a fascist? So what does that make you? A Nazi?

          So if we killed someone in a country since they were japeniese would you be ok with that? If they killed someone for simply being lets say spanish would you be ok with that? Since after all harassing and attacking someone for such things is perfectly acceptable and according to you only fascists have any respect for each other. Isn't that right?

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  • Someday soon.

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  • kelili

    Are you serious?

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  • linchpin

    Disillusion is all a part of the illusion.
    Don't get sucked in.

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  • Sog

    How do you know that these so called "anti patriots" are just pretending?

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    • Since they are NATIVES BORN IN THAT COUNTRY!

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  • No because then the real terrorists will slip through, not that there ever seems to be any.....which is....derrp...oil...derrrp...blood for...oil....

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    • Yes I am sure that Russian who bombed the race was a fake. Not like they caught it on camera or anything.

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      • That's just my point, only two in a decade.

        That's what's so scary....and oily....terrorists have killed less Americans throught history than Americans have their own in a year!

        The government is using our fear for profit, barely even hiding it, and you still lap up their feces. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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        • So in other words some terrorism is ok and we should just ignore it? Blowing up a building and killing innocent people is not a good thing. This goes for any and all countries. I am sure NO ONE wants to deal with this type of bull shit when it happens.

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          • You can't put words in someone's mouth over the internet. I didn't say it was ok, I just said it CLEARLY isn't the problem it's made out to be. And I did so with fact. The fact that it happens once or twice a decade, makes it a "feak occurrence" not "a serious problem" at all. That's simple math my friend, you'd know this if you spent your time reading instead of polishing your gun.

            A person is more likely to be killed by some patriotic ass like you than a terrorist, infact it's people like you that help cause terrorism. You make Americans look weak and scared.

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            • How is blowing up a building NOT a serious problem? Its not like somebody stubbed their toe its someone getting blown up. There is a difference between SERIOUS and FREQUENT. What kind of fucked up person is ok with that? Also you accuse me of being a gun nut when you are the one saying its no big deal when someone gets blown up by a terrorist. Clearly mindless killing to you is a good thing. Also this has nothing to do with patriotism. Its the fact you think someone getting blown the fuck up is a fucking good thing. What the fuck is wrong with you?

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  • Grapist

    Go fyke yourself if u don't know the answe

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