Should white people pay reperations?

Should white "people" pay reparations for what they've done to proud africans? We all know their crimes; we all know just how horrible the white man can be. Should they pay for this?

No, I say this because I hate black people 46
Yes 9
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Comments ( 113 )
  • Imafriendyrock

    Only 3% of people even had slaves in slavery times. Pretty much only the elites had them. But no, even if 100% of them had slaves I dont think whites should pay. Whites paid with their blood to free the slaves. More Americans died in the civil war than every war the US has been in combined.

    And I also believe if we gave them a handout it would not help. There would still be a lot of them bitching about white people still. It's a problem that is much deeper than money can solve. I sometimes think there is no hope for the races to become united again in America.

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    • LloydAsher

      We can become united again the democrats just need to stop with victimization culture of the african community. Conservatives want school choice, dems hate school choice despite inner city schools get ample funding.

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      • Imafriendyrock

        I hope youre right but I dont see us being united ever again. It seems like races tend to fight alot when forced to integrate. And theres a big push for multi culturalism and diversity from the left all over the west. They say diversity makes us stronger but I disagree it makes us weaker because we always fight. Everyone points the finger at eachother and says its the others fault for the fighting. I cant think of one multi ethnic country that races dont fight. I dont understand why theres such a high demand for a multicultural west. Whats wrong with these refugees and immigrants staying in their own countries? Its ok to be different. They can have their blasphemy laws we can have our free speech. No one fights.

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  • SwickDinging

    I have never been to America, but I do have some American friends in this country.

    I'm really glad that I have those friends, because if I was purely judging America based on the ideas I hear from there, such as people of one skin colour having to pay apology money to people of another skin colour because of some stuff that happened before any of them were born, then I would think that every single person in that country was fucking retarded.

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    • CountessDouche

      That is absolutely not an American concept lol.'re in qld, but there was MASSIVE hooting on AUS day in melbourne about changing the date. I don't know if you were busy milking your chickens or watering the crocs or whatever qld farm people do, but reperations to the indigenous that has been a massive bitch fest in Australia for years. It's not just an American thing.

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      • SwickDinging

        I would argue that the situations are not at all comparable. You're comparing slaves being brought into a new country and then eventually being "freed" by colonists, with indigenous people being displaced from their homeland and abused by the new colonists. Both are horrible things, of course, but they are very different things that I don't think there is much value in comparing.

        Also I am very pleased that you remembered that I live in NQ. I actually have chickens. I've never milked them but I've heard that milking them on Australia day conjures Ned Kelly and he puts on a show for you

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        • CountessDouche

          What idea? That shit's should be given about indigenous people or black people? That's a hilarious observation of American culture because it's so wrong. America gives zero shits.

          The notion of reperations is nothing but a cosmetic, publicly acceptable fix for something that is still a problem, and it is useless and equally discriminatory and shitty and worthless, but it's something, I guess.

          & maybe it isn't comparable, but the situation absolutely is and always will be comparable to the situation of American indigenous people, & canadian & a shitload of other countries. Funny how groups of people, worlds apart, who've never been in contact all suffer from the same exact longstanding problems of mental disorders, addiction, poverty, joblessness, & alcoholism & the same exact history. So weird. There's probably nothing to that

          But it must be because they're brown or weird shaped. They should stop trying to steal our jobs & get benefits

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          • SwickDinging

            Yes, I completely agree that the situation is comparable to the indigenous people of America and Canada. That was kind of my whole point. That's a useful and constructive line of thinking and I wish more people saw it that way. I just don't agree that it's comparable to the situation with slavery in America.

            I get frustrated when people casually compare African Americans to indigenous Australians. It's so fucking ignorant and completely misses the point. It's as if some people have forgotten what happened and play skin tone match with history.

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            • CountessDouche

              I agree, and I'm sorry if I misread your comment. Having lived in both countries, I just saw the similarity in the public's reception of the notion of a population seeking reperations from a historical event they're basically removed from in chronological sense. The current population is generations out, and a lot of the blatant outright issues have been fixed, but there are obviously still problems that need to be dealt with.

              What I meant is the idea of people seeking reperations for damage done generations before their birth. Not an American thing. Not a black people thing.

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  • Mini69

    You are nothing but a racist moron. Why do you not have an option in your poll that simply says ‘No’. I didn’t vote on your poll because that option was not available. I will not pay for something that my dead ancestors might have been involved in because they were in the wrong not me. However the only black people I hate are the ones that I would hate anyway regardless of their skin colour because they are simply not nice people. That does however include all those that support the racist campaign that sprung up last year called ‘black lives matter’.

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  • a-curious-bunny

    If we're doing reparations then chrustains should pay just about everyone for the crimes they committed in the name of their false God. See how stupid this shit is? Its called move the fuck on. Every culture has been a slave to another at some point or another

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  • RoseIsabella

    You're just another jackass trying to start shit!

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  • Meatballsandwich

    I am not taking blame for something that happened over 100 years before I was born. And also, whites weren't the only ones who put blacks into slavery. The arabs did that too in medieval times at a similar scale, yet you never seem to blame them like you blame us whiteys all the time.

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    • Imafriendyrock

      The interesting thing is the only place slavery really exists today is still in Africa. Blacks are selling blacks even in modern times.

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      • Meatballsandwich

        Yes that's true. But when blacks are doing the exact same thing, it's suddenly not as bad for some reason. Only when the "evil" whiteys do it, then it's wrong.

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      • LloydAsher

        Well china is in the slave trade. So is parts of Russia. Finally theres a general sex slavery trade that goes on everywhere.

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        • Imafriendyrock

          How so is China involved? Im not denying it I'm just not informed on that or Russia.

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          • LloydAsher

            China is large and corrupt enough to use slavery and concentration camps to convert migrants into a cheap (slavery) labor force to keep their manufacturing prices low. Without it china would collapse from it's own weight.

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            • Imafriendyrock

              Yes I did hear about that. I actually had a discussion with a guy at work that didnt believe me they have "re-education camps" for muslims and christians in the country. I found an article and showed him its nuts.

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        • Pilum

          Yep apparently alot of female North Korean defectors who escape to China are sold into sex slavery

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      • BlueAlice

        Unless you're an Irish traveller. Plenty of them keep slaves, and not necessarily black ones

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    • Inkmaster

      And some Arab countries still have slavery!

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yes, indeed they do!

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        • LloydAsher

          ISIS loves to do slavery. That and nearly all of the Islamic terrorist groups.

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          • RoseIsabella

            This immediately reminded me of those disgusting Boko Haram terrorists kidnapping school girls so they could use the girls as sexual objects! 😰😱

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  • Inkmaster

    No one alive today has ever legally owned slaves. No one alive today has ever been legally owned as a slave. The idea that white people owe black people reparations is racist, impractical, idiotic, and likely unconstitutional. It's nothing more than pandering.

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    • SwickDinging

      Actually slavery still happens today. It's only really in the West that it's died out. There are plenty of slaves out there right now, but it doesn't get the attention of Western media so a lot of people are totally unaware.

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      • Inkmaster

        I meant in the US specifically. I am well aware that there is still slavery in other parts of the world, but none of those countries are seeing demands for reparations. Mainly because the people are still enslaved.

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      • a-curious-bunny

        Yup and uts happening to all colors not just black

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  • olderdude-xx

    I'm not guilty of my far extended ancestors actions. Thus, I have no responsibility to pay anyone anything that I was not personally responsible for or where I have not personal promised to be responsible for something for others.

    There is also a problem in that you seem to think that only Africans were slaves historically. Most cultures in most of the world had slavery at some point in time. They usually enslaved people of their own race.

    The 2nd problem you have is that the "whites" did not invent African Slavery. What those that did so did was to take advantage of the well established thousand + year history of the atlantic coast African Slave trade at the time - and transported some of them to other parts of the world (which included the Caribbean, North America, Europe, and even some to South America).

    No white men (or other races) went into Africa and captured Africans for slaves. Africans captured fellow Africans, as they had been doing for thousands of years, and sold them to anyone willing to buy them - including those who wished to transport them elsewhere.

    So to put your claim into your specific context: The crime of the "white man" was to purchase existing slaves and transport them elsewhere to be used as slaves elsewhere; at a time when it was legal to do so.

    To this day you can go into certain parts of Africa and purchase slaves.

    I don't see anyone asking for reparations for people in the middle east, or other parts of the world, for the historical slavery of their ancestors.

    Unfortunately; I feel that your claimed issue is misdirected. There is an issue in America (and some other parts of the world) on how the slaves were treated and what happened after slavery ended.

    The largely "economic" slavery system used in the America's for the African (and some others) slaves did not treat the slaves in the same manner as the historic middle eastern slavery mentioned in the Old Testament, Torah, or Qur'an. It was often much worse.

    I personally believe that much of the USA owes at least an apology for at least the worst examples of that, and perhaps on a case by case bases a better opportunity to the descendants - for those willing to work on improving themselves and their future (I do not support just giving money to people unless they are actually going to do something positive for their future with it).

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  • litelander8

    Fuck you. Racist fuck

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    • Preach it sister! Equality means being equal, not moral high roading or requesting reperations for something they've never even gone through

      Plenty of whites were slaves, Jewish people have been fucked over during the course of literally thousands of years, but don't see them asking for reperations (except for the holocaust though but that's more recent than slavery, although older than the social etiquette)

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      elon musk is an african-american

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      • Pilum

        I can't believe someone voted this down.

        Elon Musk is literally from south Africa lool

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      • CountessDouche

        Plausible. His hair has a lot of...volume

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          he grew up in south africa and moved to usa

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          • CountessDouche

            Wait, what? Africa has countries!?

            Today I learned something new.

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    Infamous serial killer Ted Bundy had a daughter. She had no part in the crimes. Should she be fined?

    If the answer is "no" you're among those who understand people shouldn't pay for the mistakes of their ancestors.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Well given those white people are long dead I’d say it’s going to be difficult at best lololol

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  • It's probably been said

    But uh

    What about all the proud African "tribe leaders" who sold their own people to Europeans in the slave trade?

    Didja stop and think about that before hitting submit? How does it make you feel processing information that makes your own begotten people the ones who sentenced you into slavery? Where's your ancestral pride when your ancestors are part of the reason your race was enslaved? What about all the black slave owners? I remember one story about a black slave owner who was harsher than most white slave owners

    Also, and this might take some cognitive development, but what about your ancestor's plight makes it your own? Nobody alive in america today was ever a slave. At this point we just have grandpas who went through Jim Crow

    And honestly I'm just going on a rant here but what exactly is the percentage of black people who are on all these government handouts? Seems like a pretty good reperation for y'all to just make kids so the government gives you money

    And didn't y'all just have a whole month to black history

    And let's not forget y'all can just say a white person said something offensive

    And why is it black people always get so frigging vocal and hostile whenever they don't get their way

    Man, you need to watch the Boondocks and educate yourself

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    • CinnamonGirl41

      If there's a Black History Channel and Black History Month, why can't white people have the same? I'm actually experiencing a lot of racism recently, I had a black guy the other day tell me he's gonna go home and get his gun n start lighting all the "crackas" up. How did this start, you may ask? Bc I didn't give him a cigarette when he asked. He ignored the 2 people of his own color that were also smoking to come and ask the cracker bc I guess they all think we're intimidated now or that we owe them something bc this Floyd dude got killed (but this has been going on LONG before this Floyd thing). Same mentality they had with Rodney King. I'm sick of it, it's only gonna get worse too bc there's a WHOLE LOT of white people that sympathize with them. Exactly what this original post was about. I'm white n I don't owe them shit. *My great-grandparents immigrated here and changed their last name because of "racism". They never spoke a word of it, never complained. I found out when my family was discussing an finding.

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      • LloydAsher

        Every month is white history month

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        Black people don't /want/ a black history month. They see it as a racist attempt to imply they've hardly done anything and as a subset of human accomplishments.

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        • GaelicPotato

          Sounds kinda like a snowflake response to me.

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          • S0UNDS_WEIRD

            Ask Morgan Freeman if he wants a black history month, racist.

            And I don't want to hear a damn thing from the right wing about snowflakes after the attack on the Capitol. That was the most snowflake thing I've ever seen. In fact, politically speaking, I can firmly say it's the most snowflake thing I will ever see in my natural lifespan. You can't be a sorer loser than that.

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            • Emily536

              There were 700 attacks on various buildings across the country by left-wing snowflakes and this included 32 dead.
              The attack on the Capitol included one damaged federal building and one dead.
              Your rage is being manufactured by left-wing media.

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            • GaelicPotato

              Yes because Morgan Freeman has the final say.

              If youre offended by this shit, you're a snowflake. Just dont participate or acknowledge and move on. I swear man, my gen and the ones after me can't just move away from something if it upsets them. They have to get all riled up and attack anyone who disagrees.

              Tf you on about right and left wing now? How is this relevant? You have no idea where I stand and you just assumed.

              Yeah, they can't just take the L either and move on like adults. They're snowflakes too.

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            • But, but, they believed they were acting patriotically! That justifies any action, yes indeedy

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  • jethro

    I'm already paying for them by funding welfare.

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    • CinnamonGirl41

      Yes EXACTLY!!!

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  • EverythingInALine

    I'm black, I voted no cause as a lot of people have already pointed out the author is just trying to start shit

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  • megadriver

    Only a small percentage of the wealthy elite owned slaves. Why should all white people pay for something that happened hundreds of years ago?!

    How about you earn your own damn money!

    Bulgaria is white, but we've never owned slaves, we don't have colonies... Hell, first time I saw a black man in real life is when I went to study in Germany. Dafuq should I pay for something the British and the south did?!

    If that's the case, I want Russia to pay us Bulgarian citizens monthly reparations for all the atrocities they did. 50 years of communism and it continues to be a problem to this day.
    Where's my free money?!

    What about white slaves... Slavery is not something exclusive to black people, this shit has been going on in Europe through most of it's history.

    Also yes, the white man truly is horrible. He invented electricity, the car, the airplane, printing press, jet engine, modern medicine, electromagnetic induction, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, mouse trap, sunglasses, cans and can openers, sunglasses, toothbrush, refrigeration, space travel, steam engine, electric motor, threshing, steel casting, roller printing, universal time, radar, flushing toilet, DNA profiling, carbon fiber, ATMs, electric train, antibiotics, semi-trucks, buses, SUVs, rocketry, the microscope, the telephone, television, photography, pneumatic tires, bicycle, motorcycle, glasses, plastics, wireless technology, the computer and English language (used by individuals like you to bitch and hate), and many, many more.

    Yes, we truly are devils on this Earth.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    mosta my family wasnt here in the usa before emancipation

    the ones who were fought for the yankees

    i got my great great grandfathers discharge from the union army at home to prove it

    i owe nobody nothin regardin slavery

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    No because not every white person is rich and no because it wouldnt make much since.

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  • lolidkwhattoput

    should white people be able to own slaves?


    •no because i hate white people and think they all deserve to be murdered

    see my point?

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  • GaelicPotato

    I hate black people like you.

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  • momgetthecamera

    OP you're a legend, race baiting is the easiest way to make your post the most popular

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  • Somenormie

    Racist cunt.

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  • RoyyRogers

    You are literally attacking white people for nothing. You are attacking white people who did nothing to you for the sake of being a victem. Now, you can say steve a random white guy ya found at a bar and say he attacked you. Yet, he didn't. You literally attacked him for being "A WHITE GUY" or "POW" Person of Whitness. No, the goverment shouldnt attack one race of people since you happen to hate a race for no reason. What are you "Black Hitler"?

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  • GaelicPotato

    No, but this post is pretty racist.

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  • SwickDinging

    I think people can tell but they enjoy the discussion anyway.

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  • CountessDouche

    Idk it would be sweet if they revived 40 acres & a mule. It WAS technically contractually promised.

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    • Was that an actual contract or just a promise that was backed out on? Genuine question, I somewhat recently heard about this too.

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      • CountessDouche

        I was totally joking, but the history behind the notion is interesting if you wanna look it up. It actually originated from a written field order issued by a civil war general regarding the redistribution and sale of land seized during the war. It was overturned by Johnson & a ton of freed blacks who purchased property were dispossessed of their own land which was legally purchased, but then returned to original land owners.

        It's actually a theoretical issue that's popular in law school tort mock trials, not only because it's emotionally loaded but because it broaches the subject of damages for future loss of income due to contract breach. It actually holds no legal water, but it's an interesting subject.

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        • I might do at somepoint. It's a weird situation to even approach because even if we were to agree something should be given back for reparations we'd still have to find out "who" gets those reparations.

          It's an interesting subject for sure, it has so many angles. Like, most of these kids you see arguing for reparations most likely wouldn't gain reparations because the compensation for the slaves' labour would be an inheritance that goes to their eldest family member such as their father or mother, or even their eldest sibling, right? It wouldn't be a "You black, you get money" type of deal.

          Then there's the whole, "should the system pay for the debts of older generations with the present generation's money?" argument as some of the present's generation's didn't have ancestors that were even in the country during slavery.

          It is a pretty fun topic to think about, minus the subject matter's obvious terrible past.

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    • But never given smh

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      • CountessDouche

        Of course not. Apparently racism only exists on paper.

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  • CinnamonGirl41

    They have more "rights" than ANYONE in this day/age. EEO, scholarships because they're black, they can describe me as "white girl" but dare I describe them as "black". Black men hit on me at least once a day. No I'm not flattered. They won't accept "no" for an answer, EVER. It makes me sick. It's harassment bottom line. Leave me the fuck alone and let me walk down a street in peace without you trailing behind me commenting on my ass or whatever else you want to say to me. Even though all you see in the Media is black guys with white girls, NOT EVERY WHITE GIRL WANTS A BLACK GUY. No, I'm not impressed that you "rap". Leave me the fuck alone. OH-and if I say no or ignore them, all the sudden I'm a racist. I know better than to get ignorant with them the same way that they act because they'll "bust a cap in my ass" in about 2 seconds without even thinking twice. Savages.

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    • GaelicPotato

      I must admit the race card is used so fucking much that the only people in a lot of scenarios causing a divide are black people themselves.

      This post is proof. You want equality, but you also want us to be different in every way possible. Like pick one ffs.

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      Biden won.

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      • GaelicPotato

        Irrelevant to this comment.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          Oh, it was relevant.

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          • GaelicPotato

            I get what you're trying to say, but no.

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            • S0UNDS_WEIRD

              I wonder if she prefers Biden over Trump. Just kidding. I'm not that stupid.

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          • Inkmaster

            Not all racists are Republicans. Democrats can be racist too. I know. Shocker.

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            • S0UNDS_WEIRD

              Conservatism has been scientifically linked with racism. Are all conservatives racist? No. Are they more likely to be? Yes. Are they way more likely to be? Yes.

              It's also demonstrable that modern day Republicans are more racist than modern day Democrats.

              Get this. They asked Democrats and Republicans one of two questions each and tallied up the results. When they asked Democrats how many agreed it was important for people to stand up to the government to make sure it's fair, 71% agreed. They asked the same question to the good ol' Fox News lovin' Republicans we know and love, and 47% agreed.

              Then they changed "people" to "black people". How did Democrats do? 71%. Wow! Even I'm surprised to be honest. I figured it would be close, but the exact same?! That's remarkable. Okay let's see how Republicans did. Should be 47% to stay the same right? I'm rooting for them. Fingers crossed. Uh oh. Looks like it's 10 fucking percent now.

              That is objective proof of much greater racism in modern day Republicans. It's such a predictable thing that we can even make predictions like I just did. This girl ain't a damn liberal my friend. The truth is that if she tried to say she was now to "own me" even you would know she was lying deep down in your heart. If your life was at stake and depended on guessing whether she prefers Trump or Biden if she were forced to choose, who would you pick? And that's in a country he just lost an election in too where it would statistically make sense to say Biden if the racism didn't indicate a better chance of Trump for you. Ask yourself what gives you the hunch.

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  • Orphan

    I dont hate black people u racist fuck

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    • elpotato

      hmm but who is hte real racist. You I think.

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  • GaelicPotato

    You know, the irony of this post is that the only reason black slaves ever made it into Europe was because black slave owners sold them to them.

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  • idkyourmom27

    u don't see teh german paying teh fifthly selfish jews dawg :3

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  • Markbiff7

    Hell no. They would just spend it on 40 ounces.

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  • lolidkwhattoput

    This is biased add one-sided. It's obvious you're some black person that is trying to get attention off of an actual serious issue from the past.

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  • I'm still thinking on it.

    It goes without saying that those that went through slavery deserve compensation for their forced labour but obviously as the people that endured that labour have passed it becomes a question of who gets that compensation. The obvious answer would be the family of the slaves in question in the form of inheritance but how would we do that? If there's a set amount to be inherited then which descendent gains that inheritance? If there is a 40 year old father and a 20 year old son then that inheritance should go to the father, not the son. So even if you were related to slaves who were not compensated for their labour then you still may not receive reparations, your parents would or any relative older than you, the money wouldn't be given to every "black person" or every person that is a descendant of a slave

    Then there's obviously the point on if it's ethical to force the people today to pay off the debt of the previous generations when you did not contribute towards what should be compensated, yet you're being given the bill.

    It's a tricky situation and I can see arguments for both.

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  • nopurpose

    I don't have a problem with this since I'm no longer white, but it will be hypocritical to pay only Africans. What about ppl from the Middle East? I say lifelong unconditional basic income for all migrants of color to the US

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    • GaelicPotato

      Tf you mean "no longer white"

      Homie you can't change ethnicity.

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

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        • GaelicPotato

          Lmao thank you

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      • nopurpose

        Why shall I not. It's how one identifies.

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        • GaelicPotato

          That's not how it works.

          If you have white skin, you're white.
          If you have black skin, you're black.

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          • nopurpose

            OK, so I've been suntanning to have a brown skinshade so I'm now brown. No one would recognize me watching a child photo of me. Ppl have occasionally mistaken me for Italian and Middle Eastern.

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            • GaelicPotato

              Bro tf - suntanning doesn't make you a negro.

              Homie you're white. You always will be. The fact that you care makes you borderline racist.

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