Should women be legally allowed to show their nipples in public?

Its not necessarily illegal today, but you could be arrested for going topless as a woman. Should this law stay, or do you think women should be 100% legally allowed to show them whenever they want without risking being arrested?

No, women should not be allowed to show their nipples 27
Yes, women should be allowed to show their nipples 59
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Comments ( 89 )
  • Lestat565

    To me it’s stupid that a 300 pound guy can walk down the street with his man tittys flopping around yet if a woman shows her tits or even tries to breastfeed her baby people call it wrong and indecent. Then they will say that men wouldn’t be able to control themselves. How weak and pathetic they think men must be. I don’t care what a woman is or isn’t wearing. I’m not going to harass her or try to rape her or anything like that. I just think it should be the same for both men and women. If women can’t walk around in public with a shirt off because someone is afraid of a tit then neither should men.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I'm with you, especially with regard to women breastfeeding! I think that men who are so weak, and pathetic that they can't control themselves are subhuman... I really do!

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      • Lestat565

        Yeah every man should be insulted by the idea that we are so weak that we can’t control ourselves. The idea of a woman feeding her baby is somehow obscene and indecent is insane to me

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        • RoseIsabella

          Yeah, because that's what breasts are for, breasts are for feeding babies!

          People that are unable to control themselves are weak, less than people who can, and certainly less than a lot of animals.

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          • McBean

            Whoa. Your perception of men in father roles is neurotic to a point of sickening distortion. Remember that men share half their chromosomes with their children. They have the Darwinian desire to help their children survive. When their kids are babies, that means making sure Mom has the nutrition to produce milk. FYI, I would mix a picher of juice every evening while my wife was breastfeeding our kids. I would pour a glass and serve it to her, with a reassuring smile and kind words. This is typical husband-wife teamwork.

            Sorry to say this, but with your attitude, co-parenting would have been in shambles before it could have even started. You're a believer in karma. Be glad that your karma prevented motherhood from even happening.

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            • RoseIsabella

              NO! What is sickening is your presumptuous attitude, and need to read things into a my mere two sentences of comments!

              I didn't say a God damn thing about men in father roles! You are just projecting your bullshit onto me, and I for one don't appreciate it. I think I should block you, because you have this problem of always reading garbage into my posts. I'm beyond sick, and tired.

              You need to cease, and desist. You really don't know me except for what little I post about myself here. Maybe I remind you of someone, or something? Well, I assure you that I am not whatever person, or thing of which I remind you; so please stop projecting your garbage onto me, harassing me, and just generally putting words in my mouth.

              If you want to trash talk about what little I have shared about my personal life with regard to marriage & family matters, please know that two can play at that game, and there's plenty that I can say with regard to inferring, and assumption to trash you, and what you've shared about your person. I am currently choosing to refrain from such actions as I feel such behavior is below me in this moment, but be not mistaken, I can say things that will booty hurt, offend, and leave others with their heads spinning in the taste of their tears!

              The only reason I haven't blocked you yet is because I know you will harass me with all of your stupid alts.

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  • #freethenipple

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  • dimwitted

    They can show them all they want however if I was woman I wouldn't see the appeal. I mean the boobs would just be flopping about everywhere. It's very bad for the spine.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Really depends on boob size there

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    • RoseIsabella

      True that!

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  • No. Women should cover everything except for their eyes when outdoors. It infuriates me when I see some immoral harlot with the audacity to show her ankles or more in public.

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    • bleedingdiarhea

      I think they should have to cover their eyes as well and be lead around by their husbands only. Or a well trained dog.

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      • Boojum

        The dogs would all have to wear some sort of chastity belt contraption though. If all women were covered up like that, there's no telling where the uncontrollable urges of men might be redirected.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Then how is my dick supposed to fit inside her?

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    • Wellyoudliketoknoweh


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  • litelander8

    It should be legal. But men are dirtbags and 9 out of 10 would have no self control.

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    • LOL. Imagine if you said the same thing but against the female gender instead. Everyone would go absolute apeshit.

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      • It should be legal. But women are dirtbags and 9 out of 10 would have no self control.

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    • bleedingdiarhea

      Not all men are dirtbags.

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      • RoseIsabella

        This is true!

        I also want to point out that with the support of a quality brassiere many women would suffer from sagging breast tissue, and back pain.

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      • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

        Rather they are bloodbags🧛🏻‍♂️

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    • Just_to_Suffer

      Playing devil's advocate here, but there could be a chance that normalizing bare-breasted women might lower men's fixation with them. Obviously, the short-term risks aren't worth the potential long-term benefits, but food for thought.

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      • litelander8

        I agree with this.

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      • NoLifer

        Just you make a very interesting piont but would it stop at shirtless or would suddenly everyone want to go pantless.

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        • Just_to_Suffer

          I think pantsless would be a step too far, it poses a lot of complications. Like, men's carrying capacity would be drastically reduced without pockets.

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          • NoLifer

            Lol great stance

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Excatly lol. Horny scoundrels should have the right to not be tempted THAT bad.

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  • Garthh

    I wouldnt want my nipples exposed even if it was legal

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    • RoseIsabella

      I'm with you.

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  • CDmale4fem

    As a matter of fact, Key West Florida, when I was there women were walking all over and most of them I can honestly say had either no top or were 100% naked. HOWEVER the kicker is they did not look topless or nude. They had been body painted and you had to be almost 2 feet away to tell. Also there is placed like the French Riveria, and so many other places that women being topless is what they grew up with so it not a big deal to them. If you grow up and every day you see other kids killing an animal pretty much everyday, then after many years it's nothing for You to see it. The "OMG LOOK AT THOSE Breasts" excitement has run its course. I feel
    If a woman feels she should be allowed to go topless when and wherever, I think it should be ok fine. It would take awhile for society to come to accepting it, kinda like they are coming around to make crossdressers feel much more accepted. So it's just a matter of time.

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    • Boojum

      Interesting philosophical conundrum: is someone with a layer of paint covering their skin really more naked than someone with selected tiny patches of their body covered by a layer of cloth that could be no thicker than the paint and might actually be translucent?

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  • BleedingPain

    I dont really see an advantage to women publicly freeing the nipple. Because westernized culture has sexualized the female breast so much, freeing the nipple would probably only draw unwanted attention upon women.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Spot on!

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  • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

    In the end the only difference in women are a bit more lymph and fat tissues
    I don’t get why people make such a big deal out of it

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  • Tealights

    I don't think it's illegal otherwise breastfeeding moms would get tickets left and right. I think it's more of an unspoken rule that men forced us in for generations. Think about it, back in the day we couldn't even show ANKLE.

    I feel like society/culture is evolving with men, and it's moving slower than snails. It's all about what men think is right and what they can handle (which isn't much since they make up their own rules that stunt their emotional growth/understanding well into adulthood). Right now, men can't handle seeing breast just chilling in the wind; fuck, some can't even handle seeing a mom breast feed her child at a restaurant. Until men can see us as normal people, we still have to cater to their feelings until they wake up one day and go, "Oh, she's a woman and that's no big deal."

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  • might


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    • IceRed


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      • karmasAbich


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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I wish they'd get rid of a lot of laws. There was never supposed to be this many laws in America. If ppl arent hurting anyone I say do whatever u want.

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  • Sexualized_Polycheate_Worm

    i have had some chances to practice nudism at times and also hang out with certain friend groups in which female toplessness was embraced. what i can say is that the sexualized perception of breasts and nipples quickly falls apart once the taboo is lifted and the sight of breasts becomes a daily reality. mind you, my experiences with this were not related to nudism, but rather a milieu of open-minded people.

    so yea, honestly would like culture to move to accept and 'get over' female toplessness. tbh the most obvious reason to take off ones shirt is the heat. let us all suffer and sweat in the heat together.

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  • Psa

    Yeah, of course, women should be allowed to show their nudity voluntarily. It would be pleasure for both, the women as well as the watchers.

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  • zarabell

    maybe they should not be allowed for their own good. the way the world is today, a woman going topless would attract a TON of attention. mostly unwanted.. she would then either have to accept that as normal, and deal with the consequences, or maybe she will simply enjoy it and get turned on, making them nipples hard as drills.

    but tbh, i think it should be allowed. and so should be running around naked. I mean wtf must we all wear clothes. . at all times?? as long as you're minding your own business most things should be allowed. people should be allowed to be naked, and looking at those naked people shouldn't be a bad thing either. either we free, or we not people

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  • Iszzy123

    Yes but not in this society

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  • bigbudchonga

    Yup. The feminists who go on about women being oppressed, in the Western world, are generally nuts, but this is legit a thing that's unfair for women. So what if they show their tits?

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  • Sunshinegirl

    I think the no shirt no service rule is fine for stores and places of business, etc. The can make their rules. But I think it is absurd for police to have to be involved with toplessness in public place. Most weomen will not go topless anyway.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Yes they should be able to, but if they do then it's only natural for men to want to look. Men shouldn't be shamed and labelled as perverts just for doing something so harmless as looking, so long as they don't obviously stare or follow the woman around to continue looking at her (and obviously so long as they don't catcall her or anything).

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  • ellnell

    I don't see why not. It's just nipples. I see too many ugly men with beer bellies flaunting their topless tits every summer and for some reason that is legal but womens nips aren't. Then of course many men for some reason are still cavemen and cannot control themselves so I guess that law is partly for womens own safety. Of course lesbians can magically control themselves but they're also not men so of course that makes perfect sense.

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  • bleedingdiarhea

    It's legal everywhere in the usa as far as I know, just not socially accepted in most places.
    I dont have a problem with it and I dont see it as a big deal, though I wouldnt want my wife or sister to do it because SOME men would ogle them and might be disrespectful. My wife has enough men bothering her with her shirt on.
    However, if it became more commonplace it would be less of a big deal and guys would eventually stop paying attention to it.

    Edit: I just did some research and three states, Tennessee, Indiana and Utah have laws forbidding toplessness for women, and a few other states have ambiguous laws on the subject but it's completely legal in most us states.

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    • JustAHuman

      And some cities have laws forbidding it when the states don't.

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  • Lol.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    No. And that means a lot coming from me! As good as it may sound to some Male horn dogs, some guys like myself don't want the visual bit without the sensual bit. So people have the right not to see topless women. Also some women would be very grossed out. I can't imagine seeing old man dick all day lol

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    • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

      Some people have the right of not seeing your face then🤷🏻‍♀️

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        That's unreasonable to cover up and has no definitive sexual effect.

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        • palehorse

          Did you just commit r/suicidebywords?

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            What's that?

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            • I think they're saying you just kind of roasted yourself by saying your face has no definitive sexual effect (doesn't sexually attract or turn anyone on).

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    • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

      Anyways why would u even compare an old mans dick to a nipple
      That’s the genitalia
      A nipple both men and women have
      I mean I don’t jump on a dude or anyone who looks fine cuz I’m a decent human being
      And i don’t know anyone who would

      A lot of rape victims are not even dressed
      So anyone who really does do anything like that to another one only cuz of normal visuals is kinda gross

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        You comparing female nipples to Male? Females nipples have sexual function and as a result are an area of fixation in terms of Male attraction. Long story short, guys find girls tits sexy WAY more so than the other way around. .

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        • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

          U do know that dudes r sensitive there too eh
          They both r nearly the same, the only difference is what’s underneath it and that’s not even a sexual function, it’s a biological function

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            Stop right there! "There both nearly the same" Ha! You are either gay or virgin, that statement is proof. Bigger tits are highly sexually attractive to guys but most woman DGAF about guys nipples. Me and every guy who I know goes crazy over a nice rack but I have literally NEVER heard of a girl caring at all or being specifically attracted to a guys nipples. NEVER! And I have more than a little experience with women!

            The function is biological yes, but breasts are a uniquely feminine trait and as a result guys find them attractive. Also there is a theory that higher tits signifies better fertility and is more attractive to guys because of that. Either way female tits are way more important for sexual attraction than guys tits. Can't believe this is actually a debate!

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            • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

              Different guys care about different sizes my dude...
              Yes breasts are feminine, but nipples aren’t....It’s not about what’s physically attractive, it’s what’s biologically comparable

              Yes that is why a feminine body may attract more dudes. It’s basically instincts. Anyways we should be able as thinking beings to control that

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    • Lestat565

      Then do you agree that men shouldn’t be able to go shirtless in public?

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Yes. I don't think it's as sexual as a woman being topless but still.

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        • palehorse

          ...fair enough.

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            I actually don't like being shirtless is feels weird. I'm usually either in my underwear or sweat pants and sweat shirt.

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            • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

              U wouldn’t like Italy then. All day they run around shirtless cuz it’s too warm

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