Shouldn't africans have way less children?
Never in history have there been so many people as now, and Earth's capacity is, of course, not unlimited. Yet, Africans multiply like crazy. Shouldn't they have way less children?
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Never in history have there been so many people as now, and Earth's capacity is, of course, not unlimited. Yet, Africans multiply like crazy. Shouldn't they have way less children?
in most places of africa women aren't really educated enough about their bodies, as well as things like birth control or condoms either are too expensive for them to buy or they don't have access to it especially in the remote villages. there seems to be high rates of rape and children being married off to become baby making machines for creepy old guys too.
Vvaas does a great job covering most all of the points.
I will add that this is not limited to Africa.
You will see that the poorest, and most patriarchal, places of every nation is where people have the highest reproductive rates. Places that have been failed by the educational system. And places that have been failed by the healthcare system.
Look at the poverty stricken parts of North America and European nations for example, trailer trash breed like rabbits.
I agree with Vvaas and Kholutkhult. Both of them are right in what they said. But, there is a MAIN problem, culture and tradition. In the past, the family that had the highest number of children was considered the richest, and they were highly respected in all African communities. But still,having many children with no boy child was a disgrace, so parents bore children, one after another to ensure that they get male children and also many females who would bring wealth to the family when they are married off and their bride price are paid. Some people still hold on to such cultures till date. Those that are not so educated, don't know about family planning and protection, especially with religion oppossing polygamy, which was a method of family planning in a way, they just procreate.
There are also the male chauvinists who believe that the sons are the ones who should inherit the parents' property, therefore they bear children until they feel satisfied with the number of sons they have and others feel that a man is not 'THE MAN' until he has a son thus going outside his marriage to impregnate other ladies who might give him sons.
They have a considerably higher mortality rate, so they have to have more children to keep their population stable.
Western countries should have way more children and africans way less. We cant even fill our blue collar jobs anymore because we dont have the manpower. We need a slow growth. They have to import people from shithole countries to fill those jobs and those immigrants are making a killin doin them while young white/black Americans bitch about low wages while they play xbox. I have alot of theories why this is but I wont bore u.
Africa is using the time old strategy of having as many babies as possible with the assumption that a good chunk of them will die before growing to adulthood.
The issue is way more complicated than just the number of children born; and as KholatKhult says... the issue is not limited to just Africa.
The irony of modern humanity is that the people that should not be having kids are breading like rabbits, on all continents, and the people of whome you would want to procreate are having less kids.
It’s not an issue, the earth is not even nearly overpopulated.
Stupid alarmist shit.
Typically the first sign of overpopulation is starvation. The world isnt overpopulated... africa is.
Food distribution is mostly internationally linked. Africa with all its communities miles apart away from typical transportation hubs such as rail and sea, you get starvation. So most african villages have to do subsistence farming and hunting.
Not nearly overpopulated, huh? Can you back that up? And why do you suppose nature is shrinking at the EXACT pace that humanity is growing?
I absolutely agree. I've watched a lot of documentaries about the various wars in Africa, and one thing I kept seeing was people talking about having up to 10 kids. Ten! A lot of these people barely have the resources to support even one, sometimes not even one. A large chunk of some African nations' budgets are foreign aid. All while they sit atop billions of dollars worth of minerals. Oh, and the Catholic church can go fuck themselves. They're the ones who oppose giving birth control to anyone, compounding the problem, and all while protecting pedophiles from prosecution.