Show of hands, who thinks abortion is immoral or 'wrong'?
Just wondering what you guys think.
No it's fine if it's safe and doctor approved. | 101 | |
It depends | 50 | |
Yes, It's murder and it's immoral you are killing another being! | 51 | |
other | 13 |
Ask Your Question today
Just wondering what you guys think.
No it's fine if it's safe and doctor approved. | 101 | |
It depends | 50 | |
Yes, It's murder and it's immoral you are killing another being! | 51 | |
other | 13 |
Imo it should always be the woman's choice. I don't understand why a doctor would need to approve it.
Exactly. It has nothing to do with a doctor and everything to do with a woman's right control of her own body. End of story.
I agree. People are ignorant for thinking it shouldn't be a woman's decision. A lot of the people who aren't for it are men.. So of course they wouldn't know shit about having a baby, and raising a kid you cannot even afford. Or a kid you give up for adoption And that kid grows up thinking he/she is not important, living in an orphanage for a great part of his/her life.... Or growing up with drug addict parents and possibly being born with a drug addiction because the mom is so much of an addict! And if she can't get an abortion, addiction WILL continue to take over! (i know someone who is an addictions counselor) People don't think of these things when they say "I'm against abortion" better to abort it when it's not even born out of the body into the world, than to fuck up it's life with a great possibility of never knowing who his/her parents are. I know people like this and have done my research for my sociology class.....
how dare you force another mouth to feed into this world when we can't even take care of the ones we have
Try telling a rape victim to close their legs. -.- your comment was totally inconsiderate to one BIG reason why a woman would want an abortion.
I support abortion only in cases of rape and when it endangers the mothers life. All other reasons for abortion are invalid and wrong.
not all unwanted pregnancies are from rape.
many are simply from people who don't plan ahead... and don't want to be responsible for their own actions
but yes many people wag the "rape" flag when they don't want to admit this
I didn't say that was the only reason why people have them but it's one reason why women have abortions... ;)
Except that every time someone points out that most pregnancies CAN be avoided by personal responsibility... someone always starts screaming about rape...
it's like they want to pretend that no woman ever uses abortion as birth control and every single case must therefore be rape.
Everything has a purpose, if a kid was born because your rubber broke( a mistake) would you kill him just because you didnt want him? Does he not have a say ? Does he not get a chance to feel love? To have life and become someone great to change this world? You guys are just selfish, you dont have the right to say who lives or dies period.
In that instance I'd look at the parents background, if they can't look after the baby properly and the care system is poor in their area then Abortion is the one of the sensible options. It's not just the baby you need to think about, do the parents have health issues, are they capable of being good parents? Using it as Birth Control is wrong but if something has happened (Rape, Health issues) then abortion is (in some cases) the best option for the women/man and fetus. It's not selfish if you can't deal with pregnancy or having a child.
Rape? Adoption, To young? Close your legs, Parent is not in the right mind ? Govermount takes the baby and gives it to someone wishing and crying their eyes out every night because they dont have the ability to give birth. Key Point is child not parent...New life takes away old life and if your just killing new life then your killing your self...that crap effects you watch
If you're so pro-life, why is it "wrong" to "murder" a human fetus, but other species are habitually and endlessly murdered in utero every day and no one apparently thinks doing the SAME THING to a mother of another species is "wrong."
An action is either wrong or not wrong - who it happens to is irrelevant and nothing but a distraction meant to draw attention away from the underlying concept.
If abortion is wrong for human women, it's wrong to force it on females of other species, too. To do otherwise is blatantly hypocritical and overtly self-serving (i.e., illogical and ethically unsupportable).
It's the same thing with slavery: it's either wrong, or not wrong. It's not wrong some of the time for some of the species on the planet, and who the enslaved happens to be is irrelevant because we are talking about the action, slavery, and not deciding its moral viability based upon who the victim happens to be, we have to decide whether slavery is wrong or not wrong based upon its morality as an action.
So, what's it going to be?
accidents may happen. you still need to take responsibility if you are negligent, you deserve it. people still do have moral judgement. it won't go away just because the option is there
''According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), since 1973, roughly 50 million legal induced abortions have been performed in the United States. ''
Thats 50 million innocent lives lost because it was unplanned,''mistake'', or a discomfort. pshhh life is life regardless of what you think of it.
What I don't get, is why is it so bad? The thing can't feel anything, so you kill it or not, it doesn't care.
Depends when the abortion happens. I would say that anything before 20 weeks should not be classed as killing another life because for all intents and purposes if it would not be able to survive outside the womb then how exactly can it be classed as a life.
Personally I couldnt bring myself to aborting if it is a part of me. But I accept that other women are going to want to go up to that option. Their body, their choice.
It depends when you believe that life starts. I believe that life starts at birth. As such, I don't believe that abortion is murder. As long as the baby is physically attached to the mother, I believe that it is part of the mother, not independant of her.
You may believe that life starts at conception. As such, you would believe that abortion is murder, because you would believe that a fetus is an independant life. There is no correct answer, because science cannot tell us when life starts without clear criterea, which no two people can agree on, because a question about morality requires interpretation of data, which allows for disagreement as to how data should be interpreted.
Well, even if there was a legal definition of when life starts, don't you think the baby inside you is alive, as opposed to dead? I'm not trying to start a debate here, I'm just pointing that out. Its undeniably a living thing. Right? Its not like...a rock floating around in there or something.
While it might be alive, I would not classify an unborn child as a seperate life. I would say that it is little bit like a hand or a foot, something that is alive but part of the woman, not alive by itself. Until over 20 weeks, an unborn child could not survive by itself, anyway.
In the same way that I would protect a woman's right to chop one of her hands off, I protect her right to abort her baby. Sometimes I struggle to see why she'd want to, but that isn't the important thing.
I value the choice of a woman to abort to be more important than the life if a child that isn't truly alive. I understand that you didn't really want a debate about it, I'm just saying all of this to clarify myself.
i guess you could say it is wrong but then you can't complain about all the problems that come from the child. do i like the fact that i could have died before i had a chance to live no, but i can't say i like the idea of what type of life the kid would have if... the dad would not help and the mom was left to raise the kid herself, kicked out of her parents house, and/or the mother gives it up and who knows how that will go maybe it gets a good home maybe it has an awful life no one seam to care about that stuff.
there are so many things on both sides that make me hate to decide but really i think we should leave this up to the mother and no one ells.
New Law Proposal.
If raped and want an abortion, then someone must be charged FIRST before abortion is approved. If the male is found innocent he can sue in civil court.
If NOT raped and want an abortion, then must have the written consent of the father. If the father does not want to sigh, then he MUST take custody of the child and pay the mother to go through the full term pregnancy. After birth, the father takes the child and the mother must pay support. [This is the exact opposite in the case where the father wants an abortion but the mother does she gets the kid, he pays the support].
If no father can be identified the mother must have the child as long as the child or the mother is not in danger of dieing from the pregnancy. After which she must put the child up for adoption and pay all associated fees.
If the mother or the child is in danger of death and was not raped nor has a father been identified then she may have an abortion.
If the mother is under aged [court specified age] she may have an abortion.
If the mother does not have the mental capacity to take care of the child but is not under age and no relatives, or father are available to take the child she may have an abortion.
i dont think its wrong if there is a solid reason for abortion. life is priceless, but if you can't defend yourself and other living things have the option to do away with you or not...then it is those other living things that will have regret or dont give a crap.male lions ruling a pride will kill all the cubs and then inpregnate the lionesess, that is the circle of life.nothing you can do about it except to join another pride.
Well, I have a hereditary condition and I was very lucky in that I got it mildly. But I know it can be more serious. 50/50 a child of mine would have it and if it were possible to screen for it (it's hard to detect) I would screen and if the child had the illness I would seriously consider having an abortion. I know this will spark a lot of people off and you'll probably think me a horrible person but I am talking of my own personal experience... But to be honest, saying all that I'll either adopt because I'm not sure I could go through with having an abortion.
To the person who wrote this story... 'immoral' and 'wrong' both mean the same thing!
Oh and abortion is only moral in exceptional circumstances like if a young teen gets pregnant accidently and she has to get an abortion in order to continue her education... or if a woman gets pregnant but she has no choice but to abort the baby if its a matter of life or death.
So yeah it depends on the situation.
Its MORAL in those situations? I don't see how, who came up with those rules? It's really either murder, or its not. Look at it like this: say there were 2 cases of people murdering someone. One killed the person because they felt like it; he was found guilty of murder of course. But the other said "well I did it because it was the best decision for me at that point in my life, I was going through all this stuff, and I was really young, and..." Do you really think that's somehow not murder anymore, because of what they were going through at the time? I'm just saying, it either is, or it isn't, regardless of the circumstances surrounding it.
anyone heard of masturbation? (probably not) .. well get looking it up and get practicing it if you don't want things like this to happen .. it may be not your 1st choice in sexual desires, but it's better than having problems such as unwanted children & abortions everyone seems to fight about ... bottom line is this .. you play, you pay, just as simple as that .. save it for a lover you think you're gonna be with forever .. no one forces sex upon you unless it's was rape, then i can understand .. you do this on your own children ... and yes, i don't have sex, so laugh all you want, but i'm smart enough to know i'm not willing to throw something out there that i don't want, masturbation will have to do ... think before acting ... in fact, i'm not coming back here to read stupid opinions who may disagree .. be stupid and have fun with your life .. those who are smart, good for you's!
I heard from many prophets that a baby doesnt receive a soul until it draws its first moral breath outside the womb.
I don't think it matters what anyone thinks about it, it's going to happen anyway. If it's made illegal, then people will just do it illegally just like they did before it was legal. Might as well keep it safe and clean and legal, cuz it's not going to stop no matter what anyone says or does about it.
The issue I have with it is what choice does the man have in the matter? It's inconcievable to me that the woman has 100% of the choice. So she has the power to keep the kid and force him to pay for it for 18 years, or she can decide to get rid of it whether he wants it or not. I'd hate to be a guy.
As a general opinion, there should always be another option to terminating a pregnancy. Usually better planning in NOT getting pregnant in the first place! I totally disagree with abortion as a form of birth control.
There are many reasons why it may be the right decision: illness or a risk to life. Other than that it will be a personal decision for the woman, that somehow she has to justify to herself.
It's moral until the fetus no longer needs you to survive. Up to this point it is a parasite, not a life.
So if you were my son and afflicted with paralysis and depended upon me for life....does that make you a parasite?
Would that give me the right to end your life if I found you inconvenient? What is life to you? How do you define it?
No, because I would not be parasitic in a literal sense, I could survive without you, just with other people.
The fetus, up to a certain point, _needs_ to live off the mother's nutrients etc.
But still, you depend on others for survival. So you are a parasite.
Are you fit for this life still?
A parasite is a life. That's what makes it a is dependent on another life for its own life.
My personal feeling is that anything that's aware of it's own reality (brainwaves if you wanted to measure it in the physical) has life within it.
And all life is fit for life until it proves otherwise. If you can't feed a kid, fine. State adoption should be an option but your attitude shouldn't be, "Well I can't feed you so you MUST DIE!!"
i dont know how ANYBODY can think abortion is ok. everyone says it the womans body its her choice. WRONG its not the womans body! its a whole different persons body! maybe they are very young and not out of the womb yet but they are a human and they have rights. just cause theyre inside you doesnt mean its your choice.
whats the difference between abortion and say, shooting a family member you cant afford to support?
I love how the discussions here are so smart.
Not like that *youtube* ...
i think this poll is stupid and trying to incite arguments and frustration in order to get more comments and view's every one has there own opinion on this subject personally i think it is okay in any circumstance, it is the woman's right to choose this why should her life be dictated by religious crap trap, it can ruin her whole life and who says the father would stick around for it. but i would never argue it is the best option sometimes it can turn out to be a miracle in disguise having that child. and i would not call it murder how fcuking ridiculous.
I am on the pill, but if somehow that failed, I would get an abortion. There is already a huge excess of humans, and those people (whom, by the way, I cannot stand) that have, like, 15 children have already made up for the one kid I refuse to ever have. I think people should be limited to the amount of children they are allowed to have. If people only made enough to replace themselves, the world wouldn't be so overpopulated.
I guess it is immoral and wrong but not exactly harmful?? idk, i wouldnt do it after brain activity starts though
if its not conscious yet, how will it want to live? and theres many reasons why u should get an abortion :/
too hard basket the whole thing stinks to high heaven, the pill makes it easier im sure the dead baby pill,like a late period , i wonder about the operators
I think it is only acceptable if carrying a baby to full term or giving birth is a danger to your health. Otherwise I believe it's murder.
I agree with dappled. Also I don't think it should be used as a form of contraception. Any more than 1 is unacceptable. Of course there are special circumstances but I'm speaking generally.