Sick of diversity being forced

I've never treated anyone differently because of their skin color, or anything. I don't care about those things. You're just human, we're all equal.

But it's like... THAT is seen as 'racist' because now you're forced into feeling sorry for certain races because of oppression 200 years ago. Or it's somehow 'racist' if a movie doesn't feature a cast with perfect diversity.

And with these rules to make Oscar-worthy movies more 'diverse' is bullshit imo. Make the movie you want to make. Would Parasite still have won though? They were all Korean so that's not diverse? (I'm speaking sarcastically on that -- Parasite, and Korean movies, are fine). But it's like, don't those rules limit foreign films too? What if there's a film from Nigeria and all the actors are black? That's not diverse, according to their rules.

Nothing wrong with diversity -- it's just that I find it very awkward when it's so extremely forced.

(Edit: reading the official Oscars rules, it seems like only certain criteria has to be met, out of 4 different categories, which then make an all-Korean cast or an all-black cast eligible.)

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Comments ( 30 )
  • litelander8

    I had to listen to my black friend literally yell about how white people oppressed black people in America for 200 years. Didn’t even let me speak on the fact that the English oppressed the Irish and Scottish for a thousand fucking years. Like, dude. Fuck off. You’re struggles are cool. Are mine not? It is racist to not acknowledge other cultures struggles based off color?

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    • SaddleGoose

      It's hilariously annoying that slavery goes way beyond just the white enslavement of blacks. Whites also spent time as slaves, from other Whites and from other groups of people such as Muslims.

      The only unique thing when it comes to slavery and white people is that white people were the first to abolish it and actually took measures in to their own hands to stop slavery by force at their own risks.

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      • litelander8

        Completely neglecting the fact that slavery is still in existence. Or that indigenous people are still having land taken from them.

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        • SaddleGoose

          Yeah, I forgot to add that slavery still exists today and apparently in greater numbers than the past. God damn it.

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          • litelander8

            Not you in the comment. Lol. Everyone parading around complaining about slavery. 😂

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    • RoseIsabella

      I think it's racist to do that, and it's a double standard.

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  • Tinybird

    Same, especially when it just has no relevance to the plot. Like when they change a character's race that is literally supposed to be a different race. For example, making a Danish character black. Or if they have a movie that's set in like the 1800s in Britain and you've got like 10 black people, when back then there just WOULDN'T be many black people in that area, it takes me out of the movie when I notice those inconsistencies and factual errors.

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    • I think you explained it best

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  • Holzman_67

    I agree to a certain extent. I kinda see it as a great thing because we get new perspectives from cinema coming from characters that never used to be front and centre.
    I can think of an example, I saw a movie called triangle of sadness recently and the Filipino character was one I’d never seen on screen before and it was really refreshing, shining a light on OFW’s (Overseas Filipino Workers).
    When I grew up the western world would not have a character like this being so central to the films plot, executives had a narrow minded view that films needed white lead males to make money, which was somewhat true for the time but only because people were conditioned by that. That was actually forced upon us too, then.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Richard Dreyfuss recently had some very good criticisms for the Oscar diversity crapolla.

    "Oscars' new diversity standards 'make me vomit'"
    -Richard Dreyfuss.

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  • bitch_b0i

    right now, i'd kill for a big fat blind gay guy just so long as we could get some damn decent posts around here!!!

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  • SaddleGoose

    An Asian Austin Powers is something I need in my life but also something I would be scared of being introduced to my life. xD

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  • ospry

    I would watch the hell out of Chinese Austin Powers

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i was just sayin that to my obese quadriplegic transsexual lesbian ethiopian-filippino-chilean friend the other day

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  • Chudders

    Me too. White and proud. Diversity is a false God. If Nazi Germany had won, we wouldn't be dealing with this shit. We'd be experiencing real progress rather than regression masquerading as progress that plebs are too dumb to recognize.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      I love you, Chudders.

      And I want you to be my girlfriend.

      I want to fill your fat White ass up with so much cum, that the antisemitism and racism have but no choice then to leak out.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Pandering shit like forced diversity is actually incredibly racist and offensive. I’m sure no matter ones race they’d want to be somewhere on their own merits.

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  • SaddleGoose

    I'd say that it should apply to all violent crimes or crimes with intentional victims. If you come to a country, start punching their citizens, then you should be removed from that country as the natives shouldn't be expected to endure such treatment, especially if the tax payer money, funded by their victims, is being used to fund their life in your country.

    Yeah, I understand what you're saying, you're being concise with your position, I just don't think we agree on what should be done. :)

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  • SaddleGoose

    Sorry, I wasn't specifically referring to immigrants in my post but citizens born and raised, that the Left catches and releases criminals that are in their areas. I should have been more clear on that. That being said, the same applies for immigrants, it seems.

    My view on immigration is that it's fine so long as it's controlled. Mass immigration absolutely should not be allowed, anything that can drastically change the culture and/or cultural attitudes of the native people's lands should not be condoned, and quite frankly should be seen as an attack on the nation by whichever political party that continues mass immigration to that effect.

    As for deportation. I'd say that if you're an immigrant of a country for ten years and commit a felony or a crime akin to felony, then you are immediately deported. If you've committed 2-3 misdemeanours within 5 years, Deported. No re-entry.

    I personally don't believe immigrants should be given a second chance after they breach these conditions because it's not the native people's responsibility to bare. We shouldn't have to pay our tax payers money for these people that took it upon themselves to make life harder for the natives of the country, nor should they have to deal with the insecurity of being around these people in fear of being their next victim if they suddenly believe they're above the law.
    Hopefully with this in place we can have more room for criminals in our prisons that are natives which we are responsible for as a country and can't just throw on to others. Take responsibility for our own, relinquish responsibility to those that are immigrants (That break the law).

    Something serious being committed five times is way too much in my opinion, just once is enough. Instead of one person getting molested, we allow that person to go on and molest four more before we decide enough is enough? I reject that. Once is enough. If you decide to come to a country and inflict harm on the residents of a country then you are an enemy of that country and should be deported. I've seen too many stories now of women being paralyzed with fear going to their local convenient store because an immigrant that raped her and trafficked her got out on good behaviour or because they weren't treated as the filth they are. They came to her community, raped her, and now they share the same produce isle to get their shopping while they laugh at her. Laugh. I say no to that.

    Yeah, I understand your perspective and it makes sense, I just disagree with it which is absolutely fine, we're both exploring our views and opening ourselves up for criticism for a chit-chat. You're not coming across as an asshole in the slightest, nor have you ever while being on this site from my experience. :)

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Diversity over merit isn't great

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  • darefu

    One day, I won't be around for it, but 100 years from now, USA is going to be giving compensation checks, (by then 2 or 3 million $) to all the illegal aliens and women forced acrossed the border by the slave and sex trafficking.

    If you notice they are not going after those that did the slave trading 200 years ago, they just want to compensate those that might have a great great great great grandparent or relative that was involved as a slave. There were numerous countries involved in bringing and selling the slaves to the USA as well as other countries. The British, Spanish, even African countries captured slaves and sold them around the world.

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  • darefu

    Shouldn't we also have a white or Hispanic Black Panther movie?

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  • SaddleGoose

    I used to think the same but there's only so much I can watch before realizing that one side is actively making it harder to live in a safe society. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame you for your approach so don't think I'm trying to be patronizing, but have you seen how crazy it's gotten? Left wing areas have actually taken actions that make the problem worse, I'm not just saying this like "Oh the left say crime is okay!" but actual laws are influenced to let dangerous criminals back on the street that so many people from Left wing areas flee to areas more typically Right wing.

    When you say there's no reason why we should be divided I agree with you on that but when we start investigating why we're divided on this issue you often find it's because the right want these criminals charged and held, taken away from the public, but the Left actually influence laws to put them back on the street. Sometimes we have to call a spade a spade instead of letting that spade dig our graves.

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  • SaddleGoose

    Yuuuup. Oh, California is looking to give black residents a million dollars each for reperations btw. Why put money towards current slavery prevention when you can just give free money to people that have made slavery their entire legacy without ever enduring it?

    Oh, and in my country kids were trafficked as young as 13 and law enforcement blamed the kids because if they didn't they may get called racist.

    Now I get that both the Left and the right have their bad points but if you want law and order and not bs progressive sentiment, look to the right.

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  • Anonnet

    Not sure anyone actually sees regular equality as racist. I think some people just didn't like tokenism, even if the token character was central or really well done. I'm not really one of them. It's one thing if it's a caricature, it's another thing if they're actually important and the only thing separating them from the rest of the cast is their sex or skin color.

    I otherwise agree with you. One of my issues with the forced diversity is that many of the diverse characters actually ARE caricatures. You could almost argue that's realistic (I went to college on a diverse campus, and let me tell you, man, the stereotypes make themselves), but it doesn't do anyone any favors, especially when whoever represents you is still is a poorly done, minor character. The idea of a group of in-person friends having a full selection of each race also very rarely happens in real life.

    It's probably more about the actors and spreading the millions around more types of people, but the final product has to be good, too.

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    • I guess I meant that people find ignoring race to be a problem, because according to them, you (as a white person) are ignoring the oppression of the black race from 200 years ago, and systemic racism of today. But IMO -- I can't control the past, and I can't control what other people do today. I can only live my own life and treat others equally.

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      • Anonnet

        (Ended up writing a wall, but I was basically just explaining WHY people find ignoring race to be a problem in these instances, and that it isn't necessarily linked to slavery.)
        Whether or not it's a problem depends on what the goal is. Sometimes "ignoring race" means having a full-white cast multiple times in a row. If the goal is just to make a good movie, that's probably fine (depending on the setting; let's not talk about the Last Airbender movie), but that's what happens.

        If the goal is outside of the movie, for instance to give opportunities to more minority actors, it's more complicated. It doesn't have anything to do with oppression necessarily, since diversity includes more than just black people. It's just about making it so that being successful in Hollywood isn't far easier just because you're white, since that's the end result of having a ton of all-white movies, even if no one involved in the project was necessarily racist. It's just association: "my new movie was inspired by Jackie Chan, so I want a guy that looks like Jackie." Or, related to my previous statement about in-person friends rarely being super diverse in real life: "my new movie is inspired by my life, so I want people that look similar to my friends and acquaintances."

        Assuming high-quality actors, forced diversity wouldn't normally be an issue for the other goal of making a good movie. Heck, tokenism was already a form of forced diversity. The thing is, something seems to happen to the script when a foreign agenda is shoved into it. It's kind of like...

        Well, I watched a Youtube video about a guy explaining why so many Christian movies are bad. There's a couple of really good blockbusters amidst a sea of bad straight-to-videos. He explained it as being because the quality of the movie wasn't the goal of the directors. The goal of the movie was to preach.

        So, yeah, you can have a super diverse cast and still have a great movie, but when the director is focusing more on diversity than on the script, it can end up looking like "woke" nonsense.

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        • Oh yeah sorry for any confusion, I did mean the 2 things separately - I meant ignoring race in our every day regular lives, not movies.

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        • bigbudchonger

          I agree with the vast majority of what you wrote Anonnet (I'm not OP btw). I was curious about your second paragraph though. Are you saying we should make it easier for non whites to be encoporated into Hollywood?

          If so, I would say that that's not really a problem. Not from the sense of I actually don't think you're wrong. I just think that the US is majority white, so they would focus on white history and the like for movies.

          Just as in India they would focus on Indian culture and history so it would be easier to get into Bollywood if you were Indian.

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          • Anonnet

            I was trying to sound more impartial than that, but yeah. Being proud of your history is great, but even India had an issue with castes (or still does, idk, I just Googled this). It's a pretty big percentage of the country you're leaving out if you only target the majority.

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