Skype social politics: i have a friend i want to block but can't.

The problem is I have someone on my contact list who is nice and who I don't want to hurt the feelings of, but who pounces me the second I log on and wants my attention for every waking hour until I log off. I just wish I could be invisible to her sometimes so I can pop on and say hello to a few others. Right now I have to stay invisible all of the time which isn't very practical when I went to interact with others. Who knows, they might be having the same issue.

I stay "invisible" to avoid someone on my contact list 6
I block 'em. I don't care if they know I did it. 7
I don't use Skype. 3
I don't have problems with anyone on my list. 2
Raspberries. 8
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Comments ( 21 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I have an idea. Make another account and don't tell her about it ever. Tell your other friends about the new account and that they shouldn't tell her about it. Is there anyway that you can make an Skype account private?

    Because, you'll stop coming this current account, she herself may stop expecting you to show. If she asks you why, tell her that you've been too busy to go on Skype. Hopefully, she'll get that idea through her head.

    Heck, if you wanted to go that extra mile, you could delete this current account and tell her that you decided to stop using the service. But, you'll still have the backup account.

    OR, you can go on it during times when she isn't on. You go in at night/early morning when hopefully she would be asleep.

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    • PureLikeSnow

      "Make another account and don't tell her about it ever."

      I agree with this.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      To AG/OP Start being very gassy and tell her you're busy on the crapper and can't talk

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      • Avant-Garde

        Or, better yet, the OP can take the video device in with them whilst they are on the toilet. They could exaggerate facial and verbal expressions, if need be. (Grunting, moaning, contorting, etc.) Play a gas track in the background. This could backfire if the friend turns out to have some type of scat/piss fetish.

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  • Not sure if this happens on Skype like Facebook, but if it does just do what I do. When they send a message, don't click on it so it doesn't show you've seen it, then respond five or ten minutes later, then just repeat the cycle. If they ask, just say you've gotten in to a new TV programme and are watching all the episodes while logged on.

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  • lemoncity

    Something similar happened to me before I graduated high school. Sweet girl, nice acquaintance, but way too clingy and she had a spitting problem which I told her about politely. Also, for the "other accounts" thing, I do that too for my two gaming sites to avoid certain people at specific times...

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  • EccentricWeird

    How about this: be a man (or wo-man) and tell them you're busy. Is that so hard?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (followed by more exclamation points and interrogation marks)

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    • Avant-Garde

      It can be extremely hard, especially if you care about the person and/or if they are mentally/emotionally unbalanced. With the latter, many people probably fear antagonizing those with these type of conditions, especially if they are unpredictable.

      I've have come to know quite a few people who seemed to have some type of mental/emotional/personality disorder. Some of them had disturbing/concerning behaviors. Making things more difficult, some of these people were my friends.

      Some of them had positive qualities, but their negative qualities were sometimes extremely hard to predict.

      These were type of people whom I would never want to get on their bedside…

      Sometimes, coming face to face with a person who is displaying concerning behavior can be dangerous and frightening. Sometimes, it is best not to confront them outright.

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      • EccentricWeird

        Well in that case just be very slow to respond.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Just tell her what you just posted here. If she has any brains, she'll understand and leave you be.

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  • Couman

    Wouldn't temporarily blocking her have the same effect? I'm not a current skype user though, so I could be wrong.

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    • It does but I don't want to block her because she's a friend.

      I'm asking if anyone has a friend like mine they wish they could block.

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  • CoraCook

    Just reply to the first message saying you are busy with something else and that you'll talk as soon as you can, which will be when you want to and for as long as you think is reasonable.

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    • I did try that once and it made her paranoid. She was sending me emails asking if I was ignoring her, which I told her I wasn't. Then she kept saying how sorry she was. Anyway, I was just wondering if others have a friend on their contact list like this. Telling her I don't want her as a friend is not an option I'm willing to pursue.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Damn… Her behavior is pretty extreme. I remember when I was younger, I found myself being clingy with people who either never saw me as a friend or did and wondered what the fuck was wrong with me. I was terrified of losing people in my life and never seeing them I again. I probably pushed myself on a lot of people. I texted obsessively and expected replies immediately. I'm sure that I probably made a lot of people uncomfortable but, I couldn't see that at the time. Eventually, I thankfully grew out of this behavior, This sounds like her behavior. Deep down she probably has some type of fear or personality/neurological issue that is not being properly handled so it is being magnified onto to you. Does she do this with anybody else?

        Sometimes, a situation can be worsened if one person decides to run away from the problem. You need to talk to her about this. It doesn't have to be face to face, if the idea of this freaks out. She is clearly making you uncomfortable and overstepping boundaries with her behavior. If she truly is unaware of her actions, she can hopefully get the help she needs, by bringing these behaviors to light. You don't have to stop being her friend. Just create some limits with her. Be very clear and firm on these limits. If she keeps purposely breaking them, you might want to considered ending the friendship.

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      • CoraCook

        I'm not saying you should unfriend or block her, just establish limits for your interaction. You shouldn't have to hide because of her, she needs to know you have other things to do.

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  • Short4Words

    I wasn't sure but I do think there are ways of showing someone you aren't interested in friendship without outright saying so.

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    • I am interested in keeping her as a friend, she's just a pain in the ass is all. I just wanted to know if others have similar problems on Skype.

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  • Short4Words

    You can't just be subtle about not being interested in her?

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    • She's too nice and would be hurt if I told her I didn't want to chat with her. Subtle won't work. We are both straight girls too, there's no interest going on.

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      • Riddler

        I voted rasberries even though this option made no sense to me but I dont even skype. Why cant you just say your busy or something?

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