Slapping therapy, iin?

Would you consider 'slapping therapy', as an alternative to modern medicine? This consists of vigorously slapping various parts of the body to draw out from the body what practitioners believe are toxins.
It has a significant following among Chinese communities.
Critics say it simply results in bruising. What do you think?

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14% Normal
Based on 21 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Short4Words

    Gonna slap the depression out of you

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  • mystery7

    Evil monsters that practice this. Poor little kid in Australia died from this. RIP child.

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  • Ellenna

    Yet another newage (rhymes with sewage) "healing" method masquerading as ancient wisdom.

    I hope the parents of this little diabetic boy are brought to account together with the so-called "healer"

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Sounds like pseudoscience to me, plus I googled it and this is the first thing I saw :(

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  • JD777

    Sounds like you read about the Australian boy who was found dead after a slapping therapy session this week. They don't know if that was the cause, but slapping therapy is getting some scrutiny.

    Anyway, I've had to evaluate alot of seemingly bizarre Asian and other alternative treatments. Surprisingly, a good number of them have some real basis and merit.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Ridiculous. Like that cupping nonsense.

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  • seekelp

    I think that the evil corporate media is suppressing this effective treatment that has been practiced naturally for over 1 billion years by indigenous peoples until western medicine came along and made everyone sick.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Whether it works or not, I have a masochistic side and I would love to try this out.

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  • This_guy_is_normal

    i want to know more about this slapping therapy. could anyone tell me more about this.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Slapping therapy sounds hella stupid.

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  • Springfurmich

    no i would not consider it an alternative to modern medicine but sometimes modern medicine only heals because of the placebo effect. it depends on the patient really, if he believes that slapping therapy helps him then i believe it will help him, all the brain needs is to fool itself.

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    • Ellenna

      So you're saying both modern medicine and newage pseudo-therapies both have a placebo effect? If so I agree but it seems as if this particular method had fatal effects on one small boy with diabetes

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      • Springfurmich

        i'm saying that most kind of medicine and therapies related to psychological/mental issues do depend on the placebo effect. if your mind isn't willing, you will never recover. when i read the word "therapy" i believed they were doing it for mental issues so no, modern medicine is needed in cases like diabetes. lastly, the patient should be of consenting age where he can agree, understand and confirm that he can endure it.

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        • Ellenna

          Then how come some ill people who've given up actually recover? I'll concede the mind can play a part sometimes with some people with some conditions, but it's far too random to rely upon. I prefer to rely on medical science, in spite of its flaws, and back it up with meditation, which at least can't do any harm.

          I totally agree with your comment on diabetes and of course this little boy wasn't of an age to give consent to being slapped and bruised by a so-called healer

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          • Springfurmich

            i'm talking about psychological issues. of course a person can recover if they get a disease, for example. as i said, when i read the word "therapy" i thought slapping therapy was for psychological issues.

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