Sleep changes while going through withdrawals, iin?

I recently was told to stop taking my anti-depressants by the health care provider as they wanted to see the ways in which it improved my mood and such. I have been off them for about a week and I can't seem to sleep enough today. I have maybe been sleeping for 5-6 hours on top of sleeping for a full 8 the night before. Is this normal or should I talk to a professional ASAP?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • LornaMae

    I find it odd that you weren't told to wean off the medication and just quit taking them altogether...

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    • Akiko-kokoro


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      • LornaMae


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  • ichthyocoprolite

    That's definitely a significant change, I would absolutely bring it up to your psychiatrist. How was your sleep schedule before the antidepressants, was it anything like now?

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    • Akiko-kokoro

      I wouldn't sleep at all most of the time.

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  • Felix123

    To be clear, that much sleep is totally normal during detox.
    Psychiatrists are generally sociopaths or at least narcissists, and they want nothing more than to make you feel like there is something wrong with you, ignore the root cause and throw pills at you to "see what happens".

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  • Felix123

    Addicts famously need more sleep during and after coming off medications. It may not be crack, but you still have altered your brain chemistry, probably forever. Depending on how long you were taking those antidepressants, there could be a long period of detoxing and adverse effects don't just end there. Be aware, doctors like to experiment and play god, they don't necessarily care about the subject or know what they're doing, in fact they generally don't. Just rest as much as you can/need, it could be months or years, your brain chemistry has been fucked with.
    *speaking from experience, if you need antidepressants, it is possible that your friends or family are toxic and there is nothing chemically wrong with you. Not to undermine how you feel, a toxic family or social group can be absolutely stunting and debilitating and put risk of suicide from depression at around 100%. Don't underestimate the toxicity of covert abuse or manipulation. If you are a family scapegoat, focus on your future, quietly lay the foundation for success and cut ties asap.

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