Smell changes after covid?
I was sick all of April with the worst flu i've had. I'm pretty sure it was covid. I took a test with a homekit but it showed negative, however those tests are known to not be reliable. I went to the doctor once and she didnt covid-test me but she tested my blood and said that I have an active virus infection in my body. She said they were busy so she was not going to test me further...So I dont know any specifics.
After I got well I have some very obvious smell changes. Certain things smell exactly like vomit to me, particularly strong scents. I've never been sensitive to scents before in my life. Last week a cleaning product made me dry heave and I lost my appetite. To me it smelled exactly like someone had vomited all over the kitchen and I couldnt be in there. It took me a day to realize it was the cleaning product. It has a strong scent but im the only one who reacts to it and definietely the only one who thinks it smells like vomit.
A certain type of bread smells like vomit as well for me, and the soap that we currently use. This soap has a strong scent and not the nicest one you can get but I remember before I was sick that I thought it smelled pretty okay and it never bothered me. Now I think it has a sickengly sweet smell. Not sweet in a good way.
It makes me feel sick.