Smells like teen spirit

Happy Halloween! Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain always lied his ass off to the media and even his own wife about what his songs were about even going to the trouble of transcribing lyrics wrong because he knew comics were looked at as "geeky" and most of his songs were about spider-man. Annnnnnyway... this song was about spider-man killing the teen titans. Cyborg is a mulato, raven is albino, etc... the song starts with him shooting heroin and speed into his arm and prank calling raven sexually because she killed mary jane(in his mind) he loads up on his favorite guns, plenty of ammo and mocks her when she starts saying her magic words to hex him. Kurt still writes comics now and has been in the witness protection program since 1994. he keeps saying a denial at the end because nobody would ever believe what his songs were about and they still wont

thats a relief thanks for explaining! 7
i cant believe all those people lied 2
he was a faggot 4
kurt was a genius 3
nobody cares 19
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Spider-Man

    I'm Kurt Cobain.

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    • TheDentist

      No you're not.

      I am a dentist.

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  • Voray

    Your theory is flawed. Cyborg is full black and Raven isn't an albino because she has pigmented hair.

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  • LittleGirlSadisticalySodomized

    I don't understand what the big deal is about the guy, it's like Elvis Presley died for millennials except hes voice had no octave.

    Can someone please explain what the big deal is, oh by the way he blew his own head off with a shotgun

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    • JessClifton


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    • bucho's_butt

      No he fucking didn't blow his head off with a shotgun. That cunt Courtney love obviously had something to do with it along with your garden variety satanist piece of shit music industry executives. And let's not forget about Eldon Hoke's convenient and suspicious death just days after telling a documentary film crew that he had been offered money to murder Kurt Cobain. They didn't even find Cobain's fingerprints on the shotgun and if I remember correctly the note wasn't even in his own handwriting. The shadow government has done this a million times and they know the gullible masses will swallow up any explanation then forget about it.

      Personal favorites: Gary Webb, Rebecca Zhau, Phil Schneider, Amy Winehouse, and Brittany Murphy.

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      • LittleGirlSadisticalySodomized

        I saw the portion of that documentary you speak of and El Duce basically says he'll spill the beans if they bought him enough beer. Sadly the dumbass camera crew and interviewer didn't catch that.

        The only thing that interests me about Kobains death is El Duce. I like the Mentors and play the song "constantly jackin" at my house parties mixed in with trendy hip hop shit and lulz at the different reactions or lack thereof. Their realistic sexist views on women is also a plus

        I grew up around the Kobain era and never got into him. I prefer shit like Dire Straits, Eric Clapton because of the sound not because of something "I grew up on" to me music completely died in 2000 and certainty dead now with few exceptions. If there is a voice box used it is total garbage to me

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  • snarkygirl

    You high, breh?

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  • thegypsysailor

    Hey, I saw John Lennon 'Yesterday' and he said, 'I wanna hold your hand', but I said, 'Please, please me' but he laughed and got on his 'Yellow submarine' and 'turned off his mind and floated down stream, calling out, "this is believing..." or some such nonsense.
    People can't get in witness protection with 3/4 of their head missing, duh.

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  • handsignalsfucksyourmom

    His in a share house with 2Pack and Jim Morrison.

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