So am i god?

I am a very shy, self-conscious young adult male in college. I am plagued with social anxiety. In my case it is a self-conscious anxiety. I am irrationally afraid that I will appear less than perfect to others, especially to those of the opposite sex. Though I find myself to be quite an attractive young man, I have crooked teeth and eczema, both of which I am so ashamed of that I do everything I can to not let others see them. Judging by my appearance alone, one may think that I might have had many lovers, but the truth is that I have never even so much as kissed a girl, much less made love or had a girlfriend. I have next to no real friends and spend most of my time pining away by my lonesome with nothing at all to do. I look forward only to the days that my one good friend and I can smoke weed or trip acid together, the latter of which I can hardly enjoy because it sends me spiraling into a schizoid state of mind, where the boundaries between the true self and material reality dissolve, and I am overcome with the overwhelming thought that I am very different from the rest of humanity. I would elucidate on it further, but I am afraid to even go there. I often sit and think all alone, wondering if my life is truly circumstantial or if I am the one they call God, trapped in eternal 'admiration' of my own creation. On acid I ponder that if a being could be infinitely powerful, he must consider even his own existence a seemingly impossible and unknowable feat. How like a human that sounds... so much like myself. But... it's not like any of that matters. I don't think anyone would care to know what is on my mind. I'm sure they would rather argue the blasphemy of my self-proclamation of Godhood or, if nothing else, assume I am a strange narcissist with absolutely no life at all, which I will admit is probably true. That is, they would likely feel little more than apathy for the concepts I put forward and mostly contempt for my person despite what I would regard as a rich, ineffable substance and deep meaning of both. Anyway, I find it so difficult to communicate. At social gatherings I remain almost entirely silent, wishing—longing that I could find someone, anyone to see beyond that veil of inexactitude, confusion, mortal fear and existential crisis that forever shrouds me. Most of all, I want this to be a beautiful and creatively talented girl—one that I can love both unconditionally in the completely platonic sense of love and also to the absolute fullest extent of my sexual being. I just don't know how or where to start... I must be completely honest. Something is calling me. Be it the 'call of the wild' or whatever, I feel a powerful metaphysical urgency to act that is entirely uncharacteristic of anything I have ever known, and whatever it is, it urges me to be proud and without shame or remorse of what I feel and know to be true. I have to start somewhere, so here it is. This is the truth.

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Comments ( 36 )
  • I have social anxiety too. And it's hard, because I put myself on a level lower than other people and asume they won't want anything to do with me, and it's not easy to fix. I wish you the best of luck.

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  • delirium

    Haha i've had that kind of thoughts too, you may be god (your god... of course -.-!!)

    I also have that kind of anxiety when im at social gatherings too, it's so hard that i prefer to stay at home even when i dont consider myself socially challenged (you know, im really not ugly and im kind of funny)

    If its normal or not, well, there are a lot of topics here... thinking you are god... well i would say its normal for an egotistical person.. but normal in the end...

    social anxiety... normal but not healty

    i think you shouldn't look for other persons empathy, well thats what i think i should do, but again i think we have some things in common...

    ohh and that urge to do something i dont really think thats normal.. most people dont feel that urge (but most people never do aything useful), but again who said normal is good? i think you should take advantage of that urge and actually do something because it may end being worthy.

    anyway neverrr ever feel ashamed of anything.. but you already know that...

    good luck

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  • Trismegistus

    Man.You are so tripping.Give this shit up.Seriously.You re gonna end up in a mental institution.Get diagnosed with schizophrenia.
    And eventually have to take so many antipsychotics they will just turn you into an half dead zombie.

    God is dead.

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  • mut8ed1

    Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

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  • angeltothesoul

    does it matter?
    everyone has their beliefs and everyone believes theirs r the truth and while I think the notion of 'being a god' sounds absurd it may just be ur reality
    I still strongly advise u dont take drugs and go talk 2 a professional about these feelings
    as to the finding a girl part smile be urself nd confidence but not arrogance seems 2 work
    remember ur never alone and good luck sorting ur life out :)

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  • dappled


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  • Drink some orange juice, and enjoy life.

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  • inferiorwine

    I don't think I am god, but I have had similar thoughts to you. The best advice I can give you is to just have a more positive outlook on life and socialize more with your peers.

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  • rockhead

    your not god. your just a weird loser afraid of ppl. ppl are ppl just like you. theres no reason why you should be afraid of them

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  • SandsOfTheMind

    There is no 'GOD'

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  • korn3654

    You need to take your meds.

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  • satan

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  • mmllmm

    there is only ONE god and it's not . get ur self a life pooor ugly man

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  • Thatguy777

    What the fuck? What the hell are you talking about?!? You aren't God! You're fucked up! That's what you are!

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  • Lords_Host

    The devil has you in his trap rebuke him and return to who I am, he is GOD and we are one in him accept Jesus Christ and try to be like him, I AM THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS, I AM THE OPEN DOOR NO MAN CAN CLOSE, you are the Temple of the living God

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  • Were you tripping when you wrote this? or is this just your normal state of mind. If it's the latter, if I were I you would stay far, far away from psychadelics as you could wind up living in a nuthouse. I cant say that you won't live in a nuthouse without drugs if you think like that, but taking acid could definitely increase the chances. Just something to be aware of

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    If you were god you would know it. You have to ask so you are not.

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  • IAmThugnificentGod

    Fuck no, I'm god

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  • BackpackGoat

    Ignore the God botherers, they're close minded, insensitive and beleive anything a preist tells them, just as their self-righteous 'lord' intended.
    I've also thought a bit like how you explain yourself, but never to the extent of being God xD. I'm very socially awkward, i think that's considered 'normal'. I think the way you write is beautiful, and your thoughts are interesting, (if you don't mind me talking about you like some form of guinea pig). I do not think that you are God, solely for the reason that i do not beleive in there being one; it defies science and seems rather ridiculous to me. I would say you'd feel better if you did something that would 'give your life meaning', but i honestly don't know as regards to that theory...So, i wish you good luck in figuring out if you're God, without the need for medical assistance.

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  • I'm Jesus.... Father?

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  • cognitae

    you know,you sound a lot like me when i was about 15.

    Everyone who proclaims they have absolute proof of something is misguided. There is no evidence to say that the aforementioned 'you'is NOT God. Nor is there anything to suggest that you are.

    Bdornyei, did you really think that would help anyone?

    Personally, I would recommend getting off the drugs, and maybe think a little more about finding some more 'true friends'; for every million vain, mindless nobodies out there, there has to be one or two that would like you.

    Take it from there. See how it goes.

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  • Sabaky

    No offense but u should see a theropist and go to rehab

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  • Bdornyei

    Right, SOMEBODY here has problems...

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  • Flirty108

    I don't believe god would do acid!!!! I tried to read it all but it was just too much so I lf like you had something in your story that wasn't relevant to the title I'm sorry long stories are too long! Here I am talki g a bout long and I'm writin 6 paragraphs! Extreme exaggeration by the way

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  • LM23

    there is one god and only one god and to say u r him her or it is one of the biggest sins ever god is not human he created them god did not die cuz he never lived his son Jesus Christ was human god and Jesus are perfect and no human is perfect I believe there is a god I'm a roman catholic and very proud of it I believe u r a good man but u are not god I'm srry to say u might want to consider praying or talking to a priest about this it helps alot even if u don't believe ... good luck in life man :)

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  • Kharnthebetrayer

    that was to long

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  • omglookitsagoat

    I am my own god as well. We are all gods if we realize it.

    sounds like you have a severe anxiety problem. If it bothers you, I would suggest seeing a psychologist.

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    • Princessa

      U myt be on the verge of schizophrenia,or any subtype of scizophrenia. Wots happenning to you is tht you have wot they call 'delusions of Grandior'...a common charecteristic of either manic-depressive disorder or any type of shizpphrenia,where a person holds a certain belief tht he is someone great,most usually believe they r Jesus Christ, n some believe they r God,some the president..Its more common than u myt thnk. U need to take ths seriously n seek proffessional help before ths belief gets too intense along wt othr symptoms e:g u mention social isolation,narcicism which are part of Bipolar mood disorder or it cud be a personality disorder cz u also mentioned enxiety

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  • pambambam

    That was the first sin Satan did. Don't accept that you are God, how dare're a mentally confused human being. Nothing more.

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  • There is a god,Jesus our father in heaven <3 not yu.

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  • mmllmm

    it's not you *

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  • SassyFrassyLassie_old

    You seem to have no difficulty communicating with words (however, some use of paragraphs would have been considerate), maybe you should use that to your advantage when searching for the perfect mate. Play up your strengths, hide your weaknesses. There is such a gross amount of people on this planet; logically, there are bound to be several people out there who are your match in intellect and understanding. Try being more creative with your approach to finding those people.

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    • kingofthedust

      I ran out of characters and my enter/return button is broken.

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  • iboy038

    this world is a fuck up one where there's no reality. everybody lives in a way they were rise without knowing the truth. there only some that can see that truth, but they have to accept it. if you want to call your a god go ahead, your going to be the god that only you believe so it dose't matter but mostly society will reject you because your different in your way. but if your going to call your self GOD prof it, show it and what make you a God. also be careful there things that are stronger,smarter,faster and more.

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  • Sounds more like... THE ANTICHRIST

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