So i had two dreams about freddy krueger

So the first one was just a shadow of him in a foggy room(probably the boiler room, don't know),as soon as I saw it though I woke up,like I do from a relaxed dream.second one however was terrifying,so I'll admit I'm afraid of the dark simply because I can't see. I usually have a nightlight but forgot to plug it in because I was drinking with friends and I fell asleep early so I thought I was only taking a I'm having a false awaking dream,I'm tossing and turning and it's oddly quiet as I do this,I had to pee so I get up and I'm searching for the string to turn on the light and I hear breathing just as my hand bumps into soft balding hair.the lights turn on as I stupidly pull on the hair and I'm 5"2 by the way and by the time I take a couple of steps away he's seven foot tall towering me as a zombie with a red and green striped swearter but no hat or glove.he chases me out of my room into the Hall,I tried closing the door to slow him down but his blades slash through the door,I bust into my parents room calling for help and they are just sitting there eyes forward with blank expressions.the zombie came in and I pushed him into my dad.i ran into the bathroom and I was holding onto the doorknob for dear life as this zombie was screeching at me to let him in.then he stopped pulling at the door and as he did my weight slammed the door shut and I heard breathing again but it was outside as the bladed hand rested on my shoulder and the lights flickers off,I never jolted awake so hard in my life..I wonder what the dream means

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Comments ( 11 )
  • brutus

    I love freddy kreuger's wit.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I had a dream about Freddy once, he was more of a douchebag than scary though.

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    • Irisprism

      What happened?

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      • RoseIsabella

        I don't remember much, he was Freddy Kruger, he was really just kind of a boring guy. He was kind of a two faced douchebag, but I don't remember much else.

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        • Irisprism

          It's crazy how dreams work in adulthood.i can control it but when I was six Frankenstein killed me in a video game themed version of my grandma's backyard and woods

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        • McBean

          I once had a scary dream that you and your sister were unexpectedly waiting for me at a restaurant. You were both 4'10" tall and introduced yourself as Baba G. The horror was so intense that my eyes almost fell out. God, was it ever creepy.

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  • Kind of weird. freddy krueger from nightmare on elm street is an 80's thing. It would either. Make you 36 or older, which is weird to be having dreams of boogie man type shit at that age. Or you are young watching an old movie, which would be weird because to todays standards the effects are bad and it would more pass as a comedy in 2019.

    They should remake the nightmare on elm street movies! And make them good to with a huge budget.

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    • Irisprism

      I'm 21 and I grew up with horror and he is pretty funny,Robert Englund almost seems like Deadpool to me.i find it interesting how some of my nightmares are goofy and others are say on a scale from one to ten,it was about a seven simply because a cannibal corpse cosplaying as Kroger was chasing me

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      • I love nightmares. Although there meant to be scary, I love them. Kinda like I just watched, or even played the best virtual reality horror game :)

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  • 1,2 Freddy’s coming for you....

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    • Irisprism

      Oh my god nooo,I'm 21 leave me alone

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