So i like weed, a lot but i think it's made me slower

So I'm 17 and in the past 6 or 8 months I started trying weed, I tried it a few times with my friends at the time but we only did it about twice a month if even then I started doing it every weekend at about 4 months in and then the past 3 months I've been smoking weed almost everyday consistently I've lessened the amount I do it now but I still do it pretty much every weekend but I'm starting to think it's having a negative effect on me but perhaps that's simply due to lack of moderation and don't get me wrong I still love weed and the effects it has but I've noticed a decline in my clarity of mind I used to be quite intelligent but now I feel as though it's been dimmed somewhat, this effect used to occur for a few days after smoking weed but it always faded but now I kind of notice I'm less responsive in terms of comprehension I lose my train of thought a lot more and generally feel less sharp my question is, is this a permanent effect can it be lessened with reduction of use and if I stopped smoking weed altogether would the effect diminish over time I suspect it would but to what degree I'm not sure

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Comments ( 9 )
  • ThrowawayAccount1

    Learn how to paragraph or at LEAST use more punctuation.
    Walls of text with run on sentences are an eyesore.

    Anyways, try smoking weed less. The excessive use could be slowing you down.

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    • Well i appreciate the grammatical advice and I have taken it into account and also thanks for the advice on my question hahaha

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      • ThrowawayAccount1

        You’re welcome. Sorry if I seemed a bit harsh with my grammatical advice. It’s just a bit hard to read, but I think it’s fine.

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        • No it's grand hahaha constructive criticism is always helpful

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  • Quasar

    Stop smoking it so much.

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  • This is why many ppl call it dope.

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  • nikkiclaire

    I love that you used exactly 2 commas and no sentences because; fuck punctuation. 😂

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    • Hahaha punctuation clearly isn't my strong point

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  • Ellenna

    If that's how weed affects you then there's an obvious remedy: cut down on your use.

    I find it energises me, increases my creativity and helps with my lung condition and arthritis pain, but I eat it, not smoke it, although I don't know why that would make a difference.

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