So what will happen when people are tired of this covid bs?
Yeah right now it is this big thing. Social distancing, non-stop talk about it, no toilet paper anywhere, people scared, everything closed, people going broke... It is getting so stupid that one of our local radio stations went back to being a "Christmas station". I think ebola is eating the brains of whoever thought THAT would be a good idea.
So what is going to happen when people are "over it"?
Will life go back to normal? Will the media then claim there is a "Super strand" in a lame attempt to rekindle fear? I mean sooner or later even the most paranoid are going to get tired of this crap.
So what then? Will there be a new celebrity trial like OJ? Will the focus turn to that comet that is going to hit the earth? WW3? Elections? Transgender restroom rights?