So what will happen when people are tired of this covid bs?

Yeah right now it is this big thing. Social distancing, non-stop talk about it, no toilet paper anywhere, people scared, everything closed, people going broke... It is getting so stupid that one of our local radio stations went back to being a "Christmas station". I think ebola is eating the brains of whoever thought THAT would be a good idea.

So what is going to happen when people are "over it"?

Will life go back to normal? Will the media then claim there is a "Super strand" in a lame attempt to rekindle fear? I mean sooner or later even the most paranoid are going to get tired of this crap.

So what then? Will there be a new celebrity trial like OJ? Will the focus turn to that comet that is going to hit the earth? WW3? Elections? Transgender restroom rights?

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Comments ( 55 )
  • --

    When all said and done I will still be jerking off over mature porn and jamming corn cobs up my ass. I'm still going to be wondering whats really going on when no matter how many times I wipe still there is a trail of brown. I'm still going to be looking down the check-out chicks top while she fills my grocery bags. I'm still going to be kicking and screaming bloody murder when my white person entitlement are not met like if fucking mcdonalds gives me a strawberry sunday instead of dam chocolate because that is so important. But most of all I'm still going to be watching crazy ghetto fuckers on youtube because that shit is entertaining.

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  • Mammal-lover

    I've been tired of it since it's been in China

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    I wouldn't call the virus bs but I really feel that the government should take it more seriously and try to find a solution rather then act like it's not a big deal.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    lesbian eskimo biker gangs terrorizin small towns

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  • ellnell

    I'm not sure what this post means. Over what? We can be over it when the outbreak is over, it's not like we can decide that now the virus is gonna stop spreading, yay!
    It'll most likely calm down over the summer, that's the earliest we're gonna be able to "get over it" but then it'll peak again in autumn.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      Agreed. I think OP doesn't understand what's going on

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  • Toledorwb

    The riots have not started yet. They are next

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    • leggs91200

      How much you wanna bet they start in L.A.? Isn't that the riot capitol of America?

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  • Boojum

    I'm sure many younger people are having serious problems due to how constant exposure to social media and music videos has trained them to have the attention span of a fruit fly. And not only are they bored with the whole thing already, many also suffer from the perennial delusion of youth that they're invulnerable. A classic example of this is the cretinous YouTube wannabe influencer who posted a video of him licking a public toilet seat... and was diagnosed with the virus a couple of weeks later.

    The problem with dismissing paranoia out of hand is that sometimes 'they' really are out to get you. In this case, the virus really doesn't give a flying fuck about whether you believe it's a hoax or the media is spreading panic without justification. One of my favourite COVID stories that's so far appeared is about this fool:

    Trump's Swiss-cheese brain may totally believe that it's a nothing-story hyped by the fake new media, everything is under control and everybody can get back to work making piles of money for him and all his billionaire pals in a few weeks, but reality is about to take a huge bite out of his flabby ass.

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    • TerriAngel

      Well said boo.

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  • TerriAngel

    Not to point out the obvious.
    But to all you trumpy supporters.
    He dropped the ball.
    Are you tired of winning yet?
    He skated for 3 years on the economy Obama left him.
    He handed billions to the millionaires.
    Said lets fuck our environment and party like its 1999.
    I think god called his bluff.
    Problem is, this crap guarantees a second term.
    Things are going to get ugly.

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    • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

      I dont think the sky is falling like they would like you to believe. There's alot to not like about Trump but he's not as bad as they say. The economy is decent. Everything is fine. The only real problem with Trump is he didnt get healthcare done. Other than that its all ok. Try to look at it from logical position I think you have emotions involved in your thinking.

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      • TerriAngel

        I'm sorry to say.
        what I think is based on logic,
        Not emotion.
        The U.S. economy is in the toilet.
        It's propped up under false pretences.
        Basically it's like this.
        If the U.S. was your household.
        Your wife has written far more checks, then you can cover.
        She kept writing checks and the bastard up the road that hates your guts and wants to fuck your wife, and your daughter, then your son.
        He started covering the debt.
        His name is China.
        I don't like to be rude.
        But, that's reality.

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        • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

          Because of the pandemic the economy is in the shitter. But the economic growth was double than Obamas. The USA also gained more tax revenue despite lower taxes. Things arent that bad. Were you happy he replaced NAFTA and TPP atleast?

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          • TerriAngel

            I'M not saying trump is all bad.
            monkey with a typewriter.
            He's right about over reliance on China.
            Semi right about tarrifs.
            50/50 on emmigration.
            Spot on about NAFTA,
            IT was terrible...
            Wrong about obama.
            Wrong about health care.
            Wrong about Russia.
            Wrong about the Ukraine.
            Wrong about begazi.
            Wrong about the birther B.S.
            Wrong about tax cuts for the rich.
            Wrong about Abortion.
            Wrong about Israel.
            He's an arrogant simple ass who's dad handed him a golden ticket.
            Nothing more.
            But, no.
            He's not 100% wrong.
            I will gladly give credit where due.

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        • leggs91200

          "If the U.S. was your household.
          Your wife has written far more checks, then you can cover.
          She kept writing checks and the bastard up the road that hates your guts and wants to fuck your wife, and your daughter, then your son. "

          In a lot of U.S. households that happens on a typical day no matter when or what is going on.

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          • TerriAngel

            Leggs, I'm not sure your point.
            But wouldn't you seek a divorce.
            Maybe take a tire iron to your neighbors knee caps.
            Not just take a fatalist attitude.
            Societies that fail are the ones that accept the status quo rather than risk a change.
            That's one reason mexico is a second rate country.

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  • jodi1955

    we have had a corona virus 7 times in American yet most dont know that mainly because the media was not as predominate as it is today and they scare people into panic.
    H1N1 happened under Obama and there were a lot more people sick and died from that than the corona virus, but the media did not play it up and scare everyone.

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    • Boojum

      It is true that the COVID-19 virus is a corona virus and a total of seven different corona viruses are known to infect people. But suggesting that all corona viruses are the same is as misinformed as saying that all mutations of the influenza virus are exactly the same in their effect on people and their mortality rates.

      Four of the known corona viruses usually produce symptoms no worse than those of the common cold. Three - SARS, MERS and COVID-19 - can have a very serious effect on people. The SARS outbreak of 2003 is known to have killed fewer than 800 people, and only eight Americans were diagnosed with the disease after they returned from trips to the area of the active outbreak. Only two Americans have ever been diagnosed as having been infected by MERS.

      As for the statistic you throw out, it is such a weird misinterpretation of the numbers that it either indicates a profound lack of understanding or wishful thinking that has moved into the realm of fantasy.

      The CDC estimates that 12,469 Americans died during the H1N1 epidemic of 2009-10. (

      The first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the USA on 21 January 2020. The incompetence of Trump and his White House gang of yes-men allowed the virus to spread for three months, so now the USA has more confirmed cases than any other country has seen, and the current death toll in the USA is already around 2,400. The infection rate graph is showing the same sharply-rising curve that's been seen in other countries and it's inevitable that the number of deaths every day will continue to increase for some time before some sort of plateau and decline begins.

      I know that many Americans cling to the delusion that everything about their country is amazing and exceptional despite all the evidence to the contrary. but anyone who believes that the totally screwed up healthcare system in the USA is capable of dealing with what's about to hit you in the next few weeks is completely bonkers.

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      • iEatZombies_

        The first stage of grief is denial.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        Well said Boojum. And people don't understand that if there were no lockdowns, the virus would potentially kill millions. Already many countries including the US are struggling to cope with the influx of patients and that's with lockdowns. Nurses are working beyond their expected hours, they're bringing in retired people to help out and hospitals are running out of beds and having to create field hospitals.

        Some people are so ignorant it's sickening so it's good to see your educated response. I'm American but can't stand living here

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    • SmokeEverything

      Every year they have a virus scare. Even if this virus is as bad as people say it's the medias fault for being the boy who cried wolf every time they want ratings. My area every single station is hours of storm coverage every time whe get 3 inches of snow. SARS is coronavirus too. Ebola was another one. It's a psyop.

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  • McSorley

    I think it'll be like 9/11. People will be weary for a while, eventually things will settle and we'll all get back to our normal everyday routines, but it'll always be in the backs of our minds. Hopefully people will have a new-found appreciation for life.

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    • SmokeEverything

      That's a good comparison because 9/11 was a completely staged event just like this one.

      People get sick just like buildings fell down, both were totally engineered to happen on purpose.

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      • McSorley

        Wait, you really think those are inside jobs? For real, or are you shittin' me?

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        • Boojum

          I guess you haven't been here for long enough to understand that the comments SmokeEverything makes often suggest that he's done just that, and it seems that some of the random shit he's inhaled has done a serious number on his head.

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          • SmokeEverything

            I mean it wouldn't be hard to engineer either situation...

            The top floors of a tower don't accelerate in complete freefall and crush the entire bottom of the tower outside a controlled demolition.

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            • Clunk42

              Play a game of Jenga, remove two blocks near the middle of the tower on the same level, then see what happens.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I don't understand this post at all. The virus is extremely serious and many countries are in mandatory lockdowns because it's necessary. Your post seems kind of childish and naive.

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  • SmokeEverything

    They'll find something else to make people hysterical.

    As for things going back to normal, this reads exactly like a test run for severe reduction in peoples "freedom"

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  • Resurgam53

    As long as I can find someone to put a cock in my mouth and another in my ass, I’m good!

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  • howaminotmyself

    This too shall pass, but keep in mind that of things go back to normal too quickly their will be a spike in death. Also, who want to go back to normal? Normal sucked.

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  • BleedingPain

    Ah! Understandable.

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  • As someone previously mentioned, the media is largely to blame for the hysteria. They have handled the whole thing unconscionably and irresponsibly as they always do all in an effort to get ratings. That's why I have loads of contempt for the news media. They should be held accountable for much of the damage. Too bad the world has so many news junkies whom these parasites feed off.

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  • controversy

    Its all BS, COVID-19 is mainly a killer of old people and those with preexisting diseases, youth should not worry about this virus too much.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      im pretty sure i had it already

      in early february i had come back from spain two weeks prior and got sick with what i thought was the flu at the time but as this things spun outta control the symptoms match

      it sucked and i was laid up for a week or so but it wasnt the enda the world either

      i stayed stoned on cough syrup for mosta the time

      im a fairly healthy feller though and could see how itd kill someone who wasnt

      i didnt seek any medical help cause i was snowed in at the time and also didnt want to spend a buncha money to have a doctor tell me 'yeah yallre sick now fuck off'

      i kinda wish i had now cause if i had a confirmed case then id now be immune and could go travel around for super short money with no crowds

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      • Boojum

        One of the peculiar symptoms that some people who've had a confirmed case of COVID report is the loss of their sense of smell and/or taste even after they've recovered. That's not really the case with flu once any sinus congestion clears.

        The first confirmed cases in Spain were in early February, but it's clear that symptoms take a few days to develop, during which time people are passing on the virus. So if you were in airports and other busy places during that period, it's entirely possible that you picked up a souvenir of your visit Spain.

        You won't know for sure if you had it until you've had an antigen test (whenever those become available to the general public), but if you had all the other symptoms - and especially if you lost your sense of smell or taste - then I suspect you'd be safe in assuming you've already been through the mill. Do you know if anyone you were in close contact with during that two week period after your return from Spain has come down with a bug or even felt just a little bit crap? One of the other distinguishing characteristics of COVID is that it is much more easily passed on to others than flu is.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          i dont remember losin smell or taste but i wasnt really goin around smellin or tastin anythin

          i thought that symptom was in some but not all cases

          i didnt eat anythin for about 4 days and the first thing i ate once i was feelin better was a microwave pizza (yeah i know i shoulda ate somethin healthier) and it was the saltiest fuckin thing i ever tasted

          yeah im waitin for the test to become available so i can see if i had it

          maybe i was just bein a fuckin drama queen

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          • Boojum

            I did say it was just some people who reported a loss of smell and taste.

            One of the nasty things about this virus is that it seems to have a wide range of symptoms that manifest with a huge range of severity. Some people have had it and not even realised it, while others end up with acute pneumonia, sepsis and multiple organ failure, and the way it hits a particular individual isn't really predictable.

            Maybe you were being a drama queen, but it's more likely you were just fucking ill. Macho dickheads who insist on proving how tough they are by showing up for work or social events even though they're ill piss me off no end. The only thing proved by them spreading their germs around is that they're assholes.

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            • SmokeEverything

              The range of completely different symptoms makes me suspicious of this whole thing. Its dangerous for old people only, but then young and healthy people can die while old people can get it and recover thinking they just got a bad cold.

              It almost sounds like they're padding numbers with people who have a regular flu or died from serious unrelated issues.

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      • leggs91200

        "...didnt want to spend a buncha money to have a doctor tell me 'yeah yallre sick now fuck off' "

        Isn't that a typical doctor response? Then they give a script for fancy meds like naproxen or acetaminophen (aka Aleve and Tylenol).

        Of course the alternative explanations are things like "you are overweight, have type 2 diabetes, need to quit smoking..."

        Things anyone could learn on their own by searching the web for two whole minutes.

        In 2007, my son had MRSA on one leg, but when we took him to a general practice doctor, I swear to God he said, "Yes, my diagnosis is this is a very serious rash" then recommended a dermatologist.
        WHEW! A rash! I thought maybe my son's nose had fallen off or something!

        You know how most doctors have their degree on their name badge, like "Gene Hackemup, M.D."? Mine just says her name and "doctor".

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          dont forget the one who was absolutely convinced accusin me of bein an iv drug user based on the weldin scars in the crooka my elbow that aint even over a vein

          soooo fuckin arrogant and dismissive and always with the downtalikn

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    • BleedingPain

      So its ok for young people to potentially carry the virus (while being a-symptomatic, potentially) and spread it around so all the old, or sick die? Really nice.

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      • controversy

        youth is not deliberately carrying the virus to kill the old.

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        • BleedingPain

          So this is supposed to be a “such is life” scenario? We just let the old die because some youth cant stay in their house for 21 days?

          Not all the youth are carriers, but without getting tested we don't know who is and who isn't. Just because you don't show symptoms doesn't mean one does not have it and wont spread it to others.

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          • controversy

            Yes its that scenario. Diseases kill people all the time. This lockdown is ridiculous, we need a vaccine not to lock down people in their homes, the fucking economy will crash. A crash in economy will kill more people than this virus ever will.

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            • BleedingPain

              How will a crash in the economy kill more people? Are people going to commit suicide from not making money? (Not sarcasm. Just asking).

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    • iEatZombies_

      You're only stopping at one aspect. This is a domino effect.

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    • raisinbran

      You should be quarantined at the bottom of a lake.

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  • Clunk42

    At this point, isn't China in the process of starting a civil war, with the two police groups fighting eachother?

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  • LloydAsher

    I like to think best case scenario is that we do into a cold war with China. The other option is we go into actual war with China. It will be extremely bloody and hopefully it doesnt end the world.

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