Socializing through video games?

My little sister is quickly turning antisocial. I don't live with the family any more so it's not like I can drag her to where the people are. My parents have pretty much given up on her. I recommended that they buy her video games, preferably co-op. My dad doesn't believe in games, he says that they'll turn her antisocial and it's unhealthy.

But she already is antisocial and unhealthy. She's on youtube watching funny videos and playthroughs. She's a total spectator! At least with games she'll INTERACT with something. I know that she has a problem. I'm not trying to make her go from a bad place to a good place. I want her to go from a bad place to a not as bad place.

I'm considering buying her some games if my folks don't.

It's great get with the times 36
It's not terrible, don't spend too much time 22
Just don't meet the gamers in real life 24
It's better than nothing 25
It's stupid get in touch with reality 27
Other 4
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Comments ( 15 )
  • TotalAspie

    A balance has to be struck, because there's more to life than just games. (Being a hardcore gamer, it breaks my heart to say this!)

    I can't vouch for your sister, but as for myself, I'm an Aspie, so my online social life is much bigger than my offline social life.

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  • t7796

    i chose it's stupid snap in reality - coming from a gamer

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  • FearFigment

    Man if she wants to play games, get her some bloody games. Being alone all day with nothing to do could lead on to something like depression.

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  • gaming's fun that's something plus it will improve her coordination

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  • chezycheze

    There are lots of games that are fun to interact with people online such as Minecraft, but a lot of the times the people lie about their ages and sex so I would recommend that you don't ever try to actually meet the people but its safe and fun if you're not trying to start fights or give out all your information. Although, I think that videogames are probablly not the answer, but it could help in her situation. Like, I get enjoyment out of playing and interacting with people but I don't do it that often and I don't think that there is much comparison between friends I hangout with and friends I meet online in these games.

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  • Well if she won't go outside and hangout with friends and whatnot, the best video games that have a social part to them are MMOs. World of Warcraft is a good example, millions of people play it so I'm sure she will talk to people there. She'll probably get hooked though. WoW is worse than meth, no joke.

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    • dontlookatmenow

      lol , not really worse than meth , atleast not anymore.
      around... 2009 it got boring as hell =/ so stopped since than lol had no problems with it , and never thougt about beginning again... moral of this story : DONT DO METH xD

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  • Ejay

    Dude antisocial not sociopath dipshit. See online games like call of duty are bad because players shun you if you get smart by doing things like: sniping, staying in one spot so you get kills or stay alive (might i ad the whole point of the game), and of course if you pull out a gun that is allowed in the game but is a kick ass one hitter like grenade launchers they call you a cheater. There are no online games that arent this way.

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  • ToxicCrayons

    You can't socialise through video games. You socialise in real life. You play video games.
    Don't buy her the games, you will just be adding fuel to the fire.

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  • UliNalaMansae

    I'm sorry but i just want peopl to stop using the word antisocial this way when it actually means criminal, sociopathic behaviour.

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  • Hmmaybe

    This makes sense. I have lots of friends that I only know over the internet and it's fine we never meet but we are social and have a good time together. I would be a lot less social without xbox live.

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  • wigsplitz

    Suggest they turn off the fucking internet....duh.

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  • Faceless

    Except when you get good at multiplayer games youll often be called a fag or pussy from others online. Thats the catch.

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  • screwface69er

    Im a big gaming fan, Call of duty and the like but you need to strike a good balance between stuff like gaming and real world interaction.

    Perhaps you should take her out or maybe invite her friends over?

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  • emotoybunny

    Watching LP's on YouTube isn't a bad thing, you know. I do and they help me get to know games more and I can find out if I want it or not. Bad thing is, I was fine watching the LP's, but now I've become antisocial to everyone around me except closest relatives (because they game too) because I've become too involved in my video games with people over the internet.

    Make sure she doesn't give out private details to the strangers of the internet, she could get in serious trouble.

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