Society is too germaphobic
Personally, I think that as a society we have become overly germaphobic. I rarely wash my hands. Don't even wash after taking a crap unless I get some on my hand honestly. And I do not really get sick much at all. Even though after I supposed touch this and touch that, even take dumps without washing on the regular, I still don't get sick.
And I'm not some filthy pig or any less clean than anyone else. I shower and am well groomed. And yeah, there's one time that I consistently do wash my hands..... when people will see me. Because there's such a stigma about handwashing. But honestly, I think it is pointless. There are numerous antibiotic resistant microbes that have been created as a result of antibacterial soaps, or at least the antibacterial soaps have contributed.
And I honestly feel that it has to say something that as someone who doesn't wash much, I handle money, don't wash. I take shits, don't wash. I shake hands with people, still don't wash unless I can see that they're sick in my interactions with them.
And yet I get sick LESS OFTEN than the average person despite the fact that I almost never wash my fucking hands. Truthfully, I think that all this "wash your hands" crap is just that, a load of crap. Or at least this is my opinion. And yes, I don't want to make people uncomfortable with being around someone who doesn't wash after taking a shit, so I'll wash if it's a public bathroom and somebody else is there. But otherwise, I truly think it's a waste of time.
And I suspect that the whole "always wash your hands" thing is deliberate fake news. The CDC and big pharma may actually WANT antibiotic resistant microbes to be created. Why? Because they'd be able to make more money on selling treatments for these conditions.
And thus, that's why they want people to wash their hands and thus cause more antibiotic resistant microbes to be created. It gives them more opportunities to sell expensive new treatments. More sick people equals more money for big pharma, and thus perhaps they spread fake news about the "importance of handwashing" to try to make more superbugs that they can sell new and expensive drugs to treat.
Can't say that's accurate. Just that it's my theory. And it sure as hell seems weird that a guy who doesn't wash hardly ever. Handles money, shakes hands with a bunch of people, and takes shits without washing all the time RARELY gets sick. And perhaps gets sick less than all the regular handwashers. If washing your hands all the time were really necessary, then why the hell am I not sick all the time? Just reeks of fake news to me.
And I also don't get the flu shot. And I don't seem to get the flu more than other people. Oh, and guess what, I've had it a number of times... AND I'M NOT DEAD. Because it isn't fucking ebola. Most people who get the flu actually don't die contrary to what big pharma and their fake news spreading syndicates try to make people believe.
But as a logical person, I weigh the odds of getting shot up with a needle full of mercury, aluminum, and other potential mind control agents cooked up in some big pharma laboratory in collaboration with wealthy investors who have a financial interest in people not questioning authority..... or the flu, I think I'd actually take the flu over the needle with mercury and potentially even deliberate mind control agents thanks.
And frankly, I'm shocked that other people haven't come to the same conclusion. Sure, you could die of the flu. But having a remote chance of dying from a routine sickness like the flu that's marginally reduced by a shot versus a guarantee of potentially getting injected with deliberate mind control agents seems like a no brainer to me.
People really are like fucking sheep honestly. I don't wash my hands, don't get the flu shot, and honestly don't get sick much. So, something is off. And this really makes me feel like we're all being lied to honestly. Or maybe not deliberately. But something just seems off about this here.