Solitary confinement

Thoughts on solitary confinement

Solitary confinement is the isolation of a prisoner in a separate cell as a punishment

I like it and want it to stay 11
I'm neutral but prefer it to stay 2
I'm neutral and don't care what happens to it 4
I'm neutral but prefer it gone 1
I don't like it and want it gone 8
I like it but want it gone 0
I don't like it but want it to stay 0
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Comments ( 17 )
  • PurpleHoneycomb

    There's studies done that show solitary confinement does far more harm than good after a certain period of time.

    Several countries all over the world heavily limit the number of days you can be placed there. With some only allowing for a couple of days. I think that's reasonable.

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    • I can vouch, you lose yourself. The Mythbusters guy only lasted a month in a cabin with every resource but human contact

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  • Sanara

    Generally not okay unless needed for security reasons.

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  • I like solitude.

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  • LloydAsher

    I like it because honestly it can be worse than death. Some people have done crimes that are so gruesome that their mind deserves to be sandblasted by time and boredom.

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  • leggs91200

    I would think in solitary, one would at least not have to worry about getting sodomized by Bubba the booty bandit or maybe Big Rhonda if it were a women's prison

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    • RoseIsabella

      That's what I'm thinking too.

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  • Iforgotmyuser

    that is mental tortue. all forms of torture are bad no matter what.

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  • YE

    The loner's paradise, I think.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I see no way, shape or form how solitary confinement is a punishment. I've never been lonely a day in my life, I never felt depressed spending months away from human contact (if anything I find IRL human contact draining) & I enjoy my privacy. If I was in prison I would immediately assault the first guard/prisoner that annoyed me so they would lock me in a room by myself. They'd basically reward me for braking their rules.

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    • LloydAsher

      Yeah but in solitary they can confiscate all your stuff. Starring and a blank room for the rest of my life would be the piniccal of torture for me.

      Hell going insane would be a better pass time than to be bored.

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        I can entertain myself with my thoughts/imagination alone, one of my favorite hobby's is to pace back & forth letting my mind race while i'm lost in my own little world.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Solitary confinement a punishment? For me, it's top! I can happily live without other people.

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  • SwickDinging

    I don't see what the point of it is. It doesn't seem to achieve anything, and it certainly doesn't seem to be a proven deterrent for good behaviour amongst prisoners.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I'd be fine

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    Solitary confinement is completely inhumane and immoral, and should be abolished. There are countless studies showing how even short periods of time in isolation, like a couple days can damage a person's mental and physical wellbeing.

    Long uninterrupted periods of time in solitary confinement can lead to psychosis, depression, and brain damage.

    People who have been in and out of solitary confinement have lasting mental health problems for the rest of their lives. It does nothing to benefit the inmate or anybody around them at all.

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  • Anoymous221

    If I was in a prison, I would gladly go into solitary confinement. But I am neutral .

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