Some beings visit me at night. is it normal?

First of all, sorry for my bad english, but I'll try to be correct. I'm 23 years old male. So, let me begin. When I usually wake up at night I feel very unusual sensation in my body and I understand, that "they" are beside me. I'm able to move, I can put my hands up, that's not a sleep paralysis I assure you. I know what sleep paralysis is, because I'd experieced it before. Thus, when I'm lying and feeling those sensations "they" lift some kind of energy up my spine. I feel that energy under my skin, and it struggles with some kind of obstructions and finally they lift the energy into my brain. Usually, one being performs it and I can feel its hands. They aren't rude to me and it seems they're good beings. Yestarday, one of them fixed something on the tip of my head and checked my throat. I'm not a madman, once I opened my eyes and saw them - they're beings made of white lighted smoke, but sometimes they look like 4 people dressed in white, one day I shook beings's hand. Sometimes, when they visit me I see visions with my eyes closed, e.g. Some kind of a cone on my head - a very unusual one. They always smile, and look at me like I'm a child in a cot. It usually happens when I am in some kind of trance after a sleep. "They" visit me every week and usually once or twice a week. Has anyone experienced that? Or I'm the one?

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23% Normal
Based on 31 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • I agree with setting up the camera. Even if it doesn't pick up their frequency you should see yourself reacting to them. Some dreams can be very realistic.

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  • Avant-Garde

    They could be extraterrestrials or angels. I've encountered extraterrestrials when having an OBE, but I was never healed that I know of. Be glad that these aren't shadow people. If you ever get the chance, you should try asking them who they are. :)

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  • Nokiot9

    When the appear and disappear do the kind of... burn themselves into and out of existence, seemingly? Like their image looks like a piece of paper being embered away? Or do they just vanish?

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  • gashlover

    I believe the thing on your spine would be a kundalini effect. I think they must be benevolent because of the white light and smiles and whatnot. You should ask them, try to ask them in your mind who they are. If they give you an answer ask 3 times in a row. When you ask 3 times in a row it assures you they must tell the truth.

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  • CreativeThinker

    it is not normal but I have heard it before

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  • sluttysally69me

    Its your creepy uncle joe trying to molest you again. YOu are just trying to repress your memories. Stand up for yourself and tell him to stop and not touch you there for that is your no-no square

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  • reminiscent

    Well not normal... do you think this is a vivid recuring dream? To see if they are really there why not set up a camera?

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    • Dmitry777

      If I set up a camera, I will see nothing. The reason is that I'm able to see them only in a trance state.

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      • reminiscent

        Then I dont think its real :(

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        • Dmitry777

          But I should say, when they lift the energy up my spinal column and touch me - I feel the real physical sensations. Maybe you're right I should set up a camera.

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          • reminiscent

            You could try
            sometimes dreams can be very vivid

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  • nodirection111

    maybe these beings are meant to be taken as a sign, a sign you should seek your higher power within yourself. Maybe start praying and see what happens with the dreams???

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  • barakas24

    You could have problem (no offense) but sometimes when you dream (even me) you feel the things (touching, smelling etc.). So you could have one of those Unending dreams or its some sort of problem (no offense again), but you could try this with the camera as "reminiscent" said in the first comment.
    + This Trance State, I would call it Unending dream (just to know)

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  • flamer180

    Sounds like a condition Ive heard of once.

    Maybe it's cause you're sleeping on your arm too long?

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  • TKDWolf1

    Ok now I'm wondering if this happens all the time and most people just aren't aware of it! Freaky, but I'm glad they are being nice to you! Please update about what happened with the camera!

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    Dark lucid dreaming. It is a very real and very frightening experience for a lot of people.

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