Some jackasses are coughing on store food
This virus going around has really made the crazies go into overdrive. Some religious nuts where I live have been going around coughing on store food SAYING THAT JESUS WILL PROTECT PEOPLE FROM THE VIRUS! or the braindead assholes who do it as some kind of joke becuase they don't think it's real. I get that people shouldn't panic I understand that the media blows thing's out of context BUT COME THE FUCK ON why are people so hellbent on doing reckless things like that! I blame the dipshit President that we have in office and will most like have for another 4 years who contantly acted like it wasn't a thing to saying it was not a big deal and even now he and his lapdogs act like it will all go away by the end of the month. America is full of morons and I'm just now realizing it. People will believe what ever the government says Democrat or republican good or bad most Americans are the defintion of sheep.