Soul crushing boredom, loneliness

I am age 30 really bored lonely depressed all i do is work and lay in bed all day

I have no hobbies nor activities nor interest. My sex drive is zero and i never had girlfriend ever

I went to doctor he put me on antidepressants and they do nothing for me, only make me even more bored and nonmotivated

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Comments ( 19 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Antidepressants are shit mate throw them out of the window.

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    • Ellenna

      True, but it's VERY dangerous to come off them cold turkey, it's essential to cut down VERY slowly

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  • ☆☆☆I'm☆A☆Star☆☆☆

    You need a purpose in life. I am the answer to your prayers because you can idolizes me, and kiss the ground I walk on. That's what everyone else does because ☆☆☆I'm☆A☆Star☆☆☆!

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  • flamer180

    Stop taking anti-depressants

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    • Ellenna

      Yeah, but as I said above, SLOWLY not cold turkey, some people become psychotic if they come off them too fast

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      • flamer180


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  • shuggy-chan

    Maybe if you can get motivated for yourself, then just use your time for others. Maybe volunteer your time

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  • thegypsysailor

    Well, if you don't want anything out of life, there's no advice that I can think of that can help you.

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    • I want lot of thing out of life but got no motivation any more :(

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      • thegypsysailor

        Then you don't want them enough, do you?

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        • It dont matter how much i want if i got no energy :(

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          • deepdankstickygoo

            Do you try to eat healthy? Do you take care of yourself? Usually if you eat like shit and do not exercise then you are going to feel like shit all the time and be depressed. If you fuel you body with unhealthy processed crap all the time then you are going to feel like crap all the time. Environment plays a role to. You spend time at work and just go home everyday? Maybe you should try getting out of your comfort zone.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Funny, history if full of true stories of amazing feats by men so much worse off than you.
            Read about Ernest Shackleton and how he saved every single one of his men. Talk about a lack of energy, imagine hiking for months through subfreezing temperatures and hurricane force winds to get help. Or William Bligh who sailed all his men to safety. How much energy do you think these men who traveled 1500 miles at sea in a small open boat had? Little food or water, under the tropical sun and yet these men did not give up.
            Nope, it's all in your head and that means you could change things, if you wished. Nobody said life was fair or that improving it was easy, but with the desire comes possibilities.

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  • booth1239

    only in Jesus Christ will you find contentment no matter how bored you are

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    Spy on people, and live vicariously thru them at IIN. That's what I do. It gives me a purpose in life.

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  • spankrocket

    You never had a girlfriend? Jesus you aren't missing much, believe me, last girlfriend I had was a nightmare,I'm single since 2012 and the freedom is incredible!

    Here is my take on relationships.....

    After 6 months , the cracks start to appear, and its much harder to repair them.

    Other than that, would you not try join some clubs, fitness, social? make friends, become valued and it would keep you occupied, I don't know about those pills , but I hear they can be dodgy

    But if you are serious about wanting a woman, then you would want to go out and socialise more, hit the clubs, bars etc, the way i see it, you can't meet a girl in your own, you need phone numbers, i guess you could try online dating, imo they suck, but they work out in your favour. Best of luck :)

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  • flamer180

    Go to africa for one week. You will find motivation like never before.

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  • Ellenna

    Most anti-depressants destroy motivation and lower energy levels. Can I suggest you get off them SLOWLY, NOT COLD TURKEY and just start walking every day?

    Daily walking even short distances has been shown to be just as efficacious for depression as anti-depressants and of course, not harmful. It will not only get you out into a different environment, it increases blood flow to the brain which will improve your rational thinking and ease your depression. Walking with a dog is even better in my experience because you meet other nice people walking their dogs.

    For goodness sake do SOMETHING rather than vegetate: stop wasting your only life

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  • RoseIsabella

    Maybe you need more B vitamins?

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